Colored Compressor v2.0.0 漂亮的免费压缩器
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Colored Compressor v2.0.0 漂亮的免费压缩器
ATKColoredCompressor is a compressor with a color control to add or remove gain near the threshold.
I’m happy to announce the update of ATK Colored Compressor based on the Audio Toolkit and JUCE. They are available on Windows (AVX compatible processors) and OS X (min. 10.9, SSE4.2) in different formats.
The plugin now uses the JUCE framework and is optimized for SSE4.2 processors on MacOS and AVX processors on Windows.
The supported formats are:
VST2 (32bits/64bits on Windows, 32/64bits on OS X)
VST3 (32bits/64bits on Windows, 32/64bits on OS X)
Audio Unit (32/64bits, OS X)
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