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[求助] Overture 5.5.2-2 版出来了,谁能去下载一个?

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#1 18-4-10 01:07

Overture 5.5.2-2 版出来了,谁能去下载一个?

本帖最后由 pzhzshun 于 18-4-10 01:13 编辑

新版的 Overture 出来了,针对中文字体文件进行了修正,谁能去下载一个?
New Features
Added ability to split notes on a piano system during step input.
Improved real time transcription, including real time split point calculations.
Added Flip Direction in symbol contextual menu.
Added "Clear Solo and Mute on all tracks" to Tracks menu. (You can create your own short cut key)
Printing now prints in reverse order, except when printing to PDF files.
Improved reading old MAC version 2 files.
Dragging guitar symbols are now constrained to the first direction moved, just like lyrics.
Added control values for each pedal to Harp Pedal dialog, because newer large libraries have the ability to control pedals with controller values.

Fixed Chinese text font problem when moving scores between Mac and PC.
Title Item "Show All Pages and x, y offsets" are now saved on parts.
Fixed two problems when entering chord symbols.
Fixed display problem with key signatures on transposing instruments.
Fixed tremolo beam problem that did not justify the notes after creation.
Fixed tremolo beam problem that caused tremolo beams to be unbeamed.
Fixed problem that did not display second note on temp items when using Groove font.
Fixed problem when center and right alignment on text that contained multiple styles and multiple lines.
Fixed problem that caused Appoggiatura notes to be deleted.
Fixed problem that caused Appoggiatura and grace notes not to be beamed when being created.
Fixed crash when creating a MIDI file and Send Sync was set to one of the internal General MIDI players.
Fixed problem that caused non English letters to be displayed in correctly in the Expression popup menu.
Fixed an issue for ties that were broken across barlines from older versions.
Fixed issue that allowed ties between non adjacent notes.
Fixed issue that caused repeats to disappear when they were between two multi-bar rests.
Fixed Oboe D'Amore transpose value in templates.
Fixed problem that caused Overture not to delete it's temporary files after saving. (Sorry about that)
Fixed MusicXML export problem that placed accidentals in the wrong order.
Fixed a playback problem caused with error in reading some Sound Maps.
Fixed problem selecting dynamics that straddled a barline.
Fixed crash when dragging the end of notes in hybrid staff view.
Fixed problem that caused melissma to be corrupted when a lyric was nudged.
Fixed problem that would not show drag cursor on all parts of raw notes that extended across barlines.
Fixed problem with justify on triplets that contained a chord symbol above them.
Fixed a bug that cause Open Recent Score panel to get off by one when deleting an entry.

#2 18-4-12 20:04
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