维也纳的synchron player采样器近几月加入一个新功能,可以在preload size界面用硬盘上的VSL音色测算你硬盘的读取能力,主要给出4K随机读取和4K 64thread读取的速度。
据维也纳的Paul说,synchron player的DFD功能会根据4K 64thread Read的数据读取音色,速度越快内存的预读音色体积就可以越少。
Read-outs under 10 MB/s will result in a Preload Size of 16384 samples
Read-outs under 30 MB/s will result in a Preload Size of 8192 samples
Read-outs under 100 MB/s will result in a Preload Size of 4096 samples
Read-outs over 100 MB/s will result in a Preload Size of 2048 samples
The PRELOAD SIZE is the size of the portion of the samples that will be loaded into your RAM to compensate the disk access speed of your drive.
With lower values, you will get quicker loading times and of course less RAM consumption.
我用自己的电脑测过,现在的sata SSD普遍超过100MB/S的4K 64thread,内存占用就非常少。我用的一块早期的WD black 初代nvme,4K 64有600多mb/s,原来模版设定读进内存达到好几G,重新扫描硬盘调低size后,被采样器固定在3072samples,仅仅占用了不到1G,而且没有任何的爆音和掉音卡顿。证明这个数据才是大量VST编曲的SSD最要看重的,某种程度比4k随机读取还重要。
4K 64thread read speed 也叫 Dq 4K read,在userbenchmark上的定义:
4K 64 thread read speed is a measure of how well a device can read random 4K blocks of data at a queue depth of 64. General consumer computer disks rarely need to service more than one or two requests at a time making this measure particularly well suited to servers.