Release Notes (2020.08)
Arranger Enhancements
Multiple Arranger tracks. A project can contain multiple Arranger tracks, with each track containing its own set of sections.
Arranger section types. Arranger sections can be assigned to an optional section type attribute, such as Verse, Chorus, Bridge, etc. Cakewalk includes many common section types, and you can create your own custom section type presets.
Arranger templates. Arranger templates are pre-defined song forms that store the order in which sections are arranged. Cakewalk includes many templates, and you can create your own templates that can be used in any project.
The Ripple Edit setting is respected when moving and copying Arranger sections.
Section operations now respect the Auto Crossfade setting. Section Split and Commit Arrangement operations now apply crossfades when enabled.
Misc. Enhancements
Show and edit MIDI automation on Instrument tracks.
Export to Standard MIDI File. The File > Export > Standard MIDI File command lets you directly export the current project’s MIDI data to a Standard MIDI File.
Enhanced ‘Instrument Track Per Audio Output’. If you specify more output tracks than a synth supports, Cakewalk will now create additional synth instances as required.
When using a workspace, you can now specify if the active workspace should be automatically applied when loading projects. This is specified with the 'Apply Workspace on Project Load' option in the Workspaces menu. When enabled, the active workspace is always applied to an opened project. When disabled, projects load with their saved window layout, even when a workspace is active.
The Track view View and Options menu settings are global, and no longer saved in screensets or workspaces.
Option to center Now Time when zooming with the keyboard. The Track view Options menu has a new 'Center on Now Time with Keyboard Zoom' option that centers the Now Time when zooming with keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+LEFT ARROW and CTRL+RIGHT ARROW).
Key binding to open soft synth on current track. A new key binding named Open Soft Synth on Current Track allows you to open the soft synth UI on the focused Instrument track. You can assign the key binding in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (under Area: Global Bindings).
Improved loading of synth data. Loading soft synths is now a two step process: first the plug-in is loaded, then its content is loaded (samples, etc.). A new toast notification shows the loading status.
The Duplicate Selected Clip(s) command now respects the selection when duplicating instead of reverting to clip size. It also no longer sets the Now Time during playback.
Toggle Clip Gain edit filter. You can quickly toggle between Track Volume and the last/previously shown data type on the current track. To do so, press the = key. This only works on the current parent track, not in Automation lanes.
Cakewalk now better handles the temporary removal of devices related to connected/configured control surfaces.
ALT+drag in time ruler to select both tracks and buses.
'Split MIDI Notes' and 'Non-Destructive MIDI Editing' options in Track view MIDI menu.
The Add Track window’s menu now supports the use of plug-in layouts. The Plug-in Browser and Add Track menu display the same layout.
'Copy and Assign Envelope' is now available via the context menu for envelopes to facilitate copying an existing envelope and assigning it to a different parameter.
The Staff view respects the global Snap to Grid settings for note positioning when drawing notes.
Classic Creative Suite audio effects. The Classic Creative Suite is made up of powerful and easy to use Cakewalk effects including Alias Factor, Classic Phaser, Compressor/Gate, HF Exciter, Modfilter, Multivoice Chorus/Flanger, Para-Q, and Tempo Delay.
Channel Tools plug-in. The Channel Tools plug-in provides easy and powerful channel processing for gain, Mid-Side decoding, delay and stereo panning. Channel Tools is ideal for enhancing and adjusting stereo separation for stereo tracks and full mixes.
New FX Chain presets. Cakewalk includes many new FX Chain presets that use the new Classic Creative Suite and Channel Tools audio effects.
Improved UI performance when playing while zoomed in to prevent loss of keyboard and mouse input. UI drawing is now adaptively throttled back to keep the system responsive even high load.
Clips pane now handles zooming better and only draws one beat worth of data when heavily zoomed in. Now Time display will also stop when zoomed in to a single beat. This prevents excessive flicker.
Improved scrolling in the Track view with Snap to Landmark Events enabled. This fixes a reported issue where Snap to Landmarks with AudioSnap transients was causing scrolling to become sluggish.
Bug Fixes
Crash on project load for some users
Crash attempting to rename drum map note in Piano Roll view
Crash when attempting to duplicate Instrument track
Crash when closing Cakewalk with Arranger context menu open
Crash when re-doing a Copy after undoing a Create Section
Crash when applying arrangement in project
Crash importing MIDI file to project
iZotope Iris crashes if the project sample rate differs from the default sample rate
Bus automation deleted when dragging Arranger section if no clips present
Automation for multiple instances of a plug-in delete unexpectedly
MIDI automation does not update slider on Instrument track lanes
Custom Automation lane names are easily lost
Copying clips with envelopes creates extra envelopes on Instrument tracks
Ability to toggle between Clips and Clip Gain envelope on active track
Bus Envelope being copied to tracks on Cut/Paste
Paste from bus envelopes go to synth envelopes unexpectedly
Jump in Clip Gain envelope causes waveform preview to draw incorrectly
Intermittent inability to stop playback when zoomed in
Zoom control can become stuck during playback
Ripple Edit button status incorrect when opening template
Piano Roll view Snap button does not have tooltip
Export as MIDI defaults to .cwp file extension
Selected buses should give clearer indication of selection
Scrolling in Clips pane is sluggish with Snap to Transients enabled
Current tab in Multidock does not persist
Allow for background colors in Synth Rack
Change text for 'Move Checked Devices to Top' button in Preferences > MIDI - Devices to specify outputs
If selection does not include audio, automation is not moved with sections
Arranger Preview should not be impacted by Stop at Project End
Arranger Sections not rippling properly when moving clips with Ripple Edit set to ALL
Ensure only MIDI tracks are having trim applied after splitting notes in arranger commands
Dragging audio to extract tempo broken by Arranger code
Not possible to drag multiple sections that are lasso selected
Section events do not move/copy if the selection only contains long MIDI notes outwith the selection extent
Clicking on project end icon in control bar doesn't include sections
Update section selection on Project Selection Extent change
Creating new section should snap to nearby section or time boundary
Inconsistent behavior between section selection move and single section move
Disable Autosave triggering during Commit Arrangement
Show onboarding text in Arrangements inspector
Commit arrangement should auto-crossfade if Auto Crossfade is enabled
Enforce minimum Section size (1 measure) when cropping from the beginning of the section header
Section start time snaps unexpectedly to next section when resizing to the left
More Bug Fixes
Creating new workspace does not set Current Lens registry value
When applying a workspace on load, the Browser loads with a vertical collapse button instead of horizontal
Loading some custom workspaces can result in tracks not being visible until you scroll the Track view
Cropped MIDI notes chase unexpectedly
Aim Assist Text status not persisting
Auto Crossfade button not updating between projects
Nudge in tracks fails to crossfade
Unexpected results when nudging comped clips with auto crossfades
Automatic Crossfades does not bind as expected in Preferences
Cakewalk includes FX Chain presets that reference non-included plug-ins
Autosave firing every few patch changes in VSTi
Projects with Kontakt load slowly if sample rate differs from default sample rate
Increase MackieControl.ini plug-in entry limit
Disabling 'Recycle Plugin Windows' not working as expected
Dragging plug-ins from browser stops playback
CTRL dragging a plug-in should not open the plug-in UI
Staff view should respect the global snap setting for note positioning when drawing notes
Unable to move notes in Staff view
Right-click should not clear the selection in the Piano Roll and Staff views
'Center on Now Time' scrolling not respected in Piano Roll view
Lasso select in Piano Roll view does not always clear the previous selection
When Piano Roll view Snap is diabled, the Auto Focus button shows the wrong tooltip
Reduce minimum control surface timeout to 25ms
Select All causes Insert > Time/Measures to only insert at beginning of project
Shift + +/= should toggle clip gain for Lanes
Duplicate Instrument track not working when drum maps are defined
Incorrect behavior when moving multiple clips past the end of a cropped clip
Ripple Edit adds time unexpectedly when pasting controllers
MIDI Ripple Edit in Lanes fails partially
Show and fit selection command is not working for tracks in folders
Show and Fit Selection for CLIPS in Track Folders does not work as expected
Export Audio does not append chosen file extension
'Single Bounce Per Track' Freeze option has no effect when disabled
Help > Check for Update does not show Early Access Available toast notification
本帖最后由 ouyangfeng 于 20-8-8 16:10 编辑
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