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[教程] Band-in-a-Box 2020 新功能试译,敬请斧正。

( 3 )
#1 20-9-25 10:21

Band-in-a-Box 2020 新功能试译,敬请斧正。

Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial

Let's take a close look at the great new features in Band-in-a-Box 2020!
下面详细介绍一下Band-in-a-Box 2020的新功能!

Feature Browser

Clicking on the [?] button on the main screen or pressing the / Enter keys on the Chord Sheet opens the Feature Browser. This dialog lists many features in Band-in-a-Box and allows you to browse them, find the feature by text filter, read descriptions about the feature, find how to launch the feature, access to the online information or video about the feature, and do more.

In the dialog, you will see:

- Text filter.
- 搜索框

- Info on how to launch the feature from the toolbar, menu, hotkeys and/or other means.
- 怎样在工具栏、菜单、快捷键等等地方打开该功能。

- Memo with description about the feature.
- 该功能的简介

- [Manual] button that links to online information about the feature.
- [Manual]按钮,点击即可到官网看该功能的图文教程。

- [Video] button to launch a video. (Tip: over 80 topics have videos, and you can type the word “video” in the filter
to find them.)
- [Video]按钮,点击即可到官网看该功能的视频教程。(提示:总共有八十多个视频教程,至于哪些功能有视频教程只需在搜索框里输入“video”即可明了。)

- A graphic showing the feature.
- 一张图片,该功能是何模样一目了然。

- [Do It] button that will launch the feature.
- [Do It]按钮,点击即可打开此功能。

This dialog helps in the following situations.

- You know about a feature but don’t know how to find it. Just type a part of the feature name and you'll see the hotkeys, menu, and toolbar info on how to launch it. For example, if you want to launch the Chord Builder but don't know how to do it, type “builder” in the text filter, and you will quickly find the Chord Builder.
-知道有这么个功能却不知道到哪里去找到它,只需输入该功能名称的只言片语便能看到打开该功能的快捷键,或者在菜单和工具栏的什么位置能找到此功能。比如想打开Chord Builder【好像以前译为“和弦构造器”】,但又不知道在哪里,只需在搜索栏输入“builder”就能快速找到它。

- You are exploring available features for Band-in-a-Box. For example, if you are a guitar player, type the word“guitar” and you’ll see what's available.
- 不知道Band-in-a-Box有些什么功能,想了解一下。假设你是个吉他手,输入“guitar”就能了解到和吉他相关的功能有哪些。

- You prefer “one-stop-shopping” and would like to launch features from the same dialog.
- 你是个懒人,不想到处翻到处找,希望在一个对话框里搞定一切。

- You are learning the program and like to browse or watch videos about topics you’re interested in.
- 你是个新手,想随便翻翻,或者想研究一下感兴趣的视频教程。

- You can’t remember hotkeys and want to review them.
- 快捷键忘了,想温故一下。


本帖最后由 夏季风 于 20-9-25 19:15 编辑


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