protools hdx2020.12在Mac os 11.1中不能识别
前几天收到pt邮件,说支持big sur,便历经千辛万苦升级到11.1,感觉系统运行挺好!而且解决了10.15.7我的华硕x299主板不能关机的问题!我的是自己安装的黑苹果,以前从10.11、10.12、10.13、10.14,一路升级上来,用了三四年了,一直很稳定!前段时间因为logic的最新版本对系统的要求,自己升到了10.15.7,其他都挺好,就是不能关机!看到pt的邮件说是支持big sur,又加上好多人都说11.1其实支持度挺好,便果断做出了升级决定!起初自己折腾了下,感觉比较难不想折腾!于是到某宝花钱请人装,最开头请了个比较牛x的人,要价高,想想应该!但这人傲慢不通人情,几句话便怼上了!后面想省事,又找另外一家,说好500!但折腾了几小时发现是用各种引导换来换去也搞不好!哎!要想用着舒坦、省心,只能自己爬文!感谢远景、、GitHub网站!装好后非常好,那个牛x的某宝的大咖,还记得我给你说的话不?这不是什么高科技,不是你发明的,都是互联网的资源,你得瑟什么?而且你给我说的我的这套硬件装11.1有的毛病,我装好后非常正常,运行、启动比10.15.7流畅、快速!
各种软件装了一大堆!play6官网说不支持,但能装上能用!其他的还没装完,大家如有遇到的各种问题,希望能在此多加讨论!我遇到的最大的问题是pt hdx系统big sur无法识别!翻看了pt 2020.12的升级文档!其实他的文档中有说明!但是pt给我的邮件中又说是支持big sur的!
下面贴上pt 2020.12升级文档的相关说明。
原文:Pro Tools | HDX and Pro Tools | HD Native Systems
HD Driver may not load on macOS Catalina after installing Pro Tools (PT-257898)
When installing Pro Tools version 2019.12 and HD Driver version 2019.12 or later on macOS Catalina, HDX cards may not be detected when rebooting the computer. To correct this issue, do one of the following:
• Manually load DigiDal.kext after every boot; Launch the Terminal and enter:
sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/DigiDal.kext
• For a more permanent solution, force an update of the pre-linked kernel via Recovery Mode in the Terminal:
touch -c "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions"
When running the Uninstall HD Driver.command, macOS claims that the command is from an unidentified developer and prevents it from running. (PT-256268)
If you encounter this issue, Right-click the command and choose Open.
Installing HDX Firmware reset can result in a Kernel Panic or Blue Screen if more than one card is reset in quick succession.
If an HDX firmware update fails and you reset your hardware to factory default to try again, you may find that attempting to reset more than one card at a time can result in a kernel panic on macOS or a blue screen error on Windows. If you encounter this issue, reset the firmware on one card at a time. Launch Pro Tools to install the latest firmware on one card, then shutdown and repeat the process on each additional card in the system.
Hang on application quit after firmware upgrade or downgrade (PT-250325)
If the Pro Tools launch screen displays “Waiting for Video Engine to Quit” for an extended period of time upon completion of a firm- ware upgrade or downgrade you can safely force quit Pro Tools and follow the firmware directions by shutting down the computer and chassis (if present). The firmware upgrade or downgrade will be successful. The act of force quitting will not affect the firmware up- grade or downgrade process.
HDX firmware downgrade dialog does not appear in the foreground. (PT-245082)
If the HDX firmware downgrade dialog does not appear in the foreground, it may be hidden behind another application's Window. Use the macOS keyboard shortcut Command+Tab to bring the Pro Tools application to the foreground and show the HDX firmware down- grade dialog.
Pro Tools and Pro Tools | Ultimate Software 2020.12 on macOS 10.13.6, 10.14.6, 10.15.6 or 10.15.7, and 10.16.x — 12/14/20 5
Pro工具| HDX和Pro Tools |高清原生系统
安装Pro Tools(PT-257898)后,HD驱动程序可能无法在macOS Catalina上加载
在macOS Catalina上安装Pro Tools版本2019.12和HD驱动程序版本2019.12或更高版本时,重新启动计算机时可能未检测到HDX卡。若要更正此问题,请执行以下任一操作:
须藤kextload /库/扩展/DigiDal.kext
触摸-c“ /卷/ Macintosh HD /系统/库/扩展名”
当运行Uninstall HD Driver.command时,macOS声称该命令来自一个身份不明的开发人员,并阻止其运行。 (PT-256268)
如果HDX固件更新失败,并且您将硬件重置为出厂默认值以重试,则可能会发现一次尝试重置多个卡可能会导致macOS上的内核崩溃或Windows上的蓝屏错误。如果遇到此问题,请一次重置一张卡上的固件。启动Pro Tools在一张卡上安装最新的固件,然后关闭并在系统中每张附加卡上重复该过程。
如果完成固件升级或降级后,Pro Tools的启动屏幕长时间显示“正在等待退出视频引擎”,则可以通过关闭计算机和机箱来安全地强制退出Pro Tools并按照固件说明进行操作(如果有)。固件升级或降级将成功。强制退出不会影响固件升级或降级过程。
HDX固件降级对话框不会出现在前台。 (PT-245082)
如果HDX固件降级对话框没有出现在前台,则它可能隐藏在另一个应用程序的窗口后面。使用macOS键盘快捷键Command + Tab将Pro Tools应用程序置于前台,并显示HDX固件降级对话框。
Pro Tools和Pro Tools | macOS 10.13.6、10.14.6、10.15.6或10.15.7和10.16.x上的Ultimate Software 2020.12-12/14/20 5
本帖最后由 cgxhyy 于 20-12-27 03:23 编辑