关于升级Hollywood Opus edition缺少solo violin solo cello Harp的客服回应
They should definitely be downloadable (the 'Opus edition') through the EW Installation Center.
If you're getting an error when trying to download those, Please go to /Library/Application Support/East West/ProductChunks/
In that folder, do a search for .ewu files - if you have a .ewu, .ewus, or .ewui file in that folder, delete it (for the solo series or anything else).
Open the EW Installation Center and make sure the Main Menu > Library Directories... ' has that location set as the 'Default.
Click the main menu again/choose 'Reconnect libraries'
After that runs, in the EW Installation Center on each of those libraries, hover over them, click the gear that pops up on the right side and choose 'Download and reinstall'.