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Analog Obsession BUSTERse v6.2.0 压缩器更新

( 6 )

#1 21-5-1 22:41

Analog Obsession BUSTERse v6.2.0 压缩器更新

Here is big brother of "BUSTER" with tons of improvements and new features!
Classic console compressor with extra Filter and Transient sidechain options to dominate whole signal!
STEREO COMPRESSOR : Compressor Section
FLT : Filter Section
TR : Transient Section
CONTROL : Control section
Compressor Section
- THRESHOLD (dB) : +15 to -15
- ATTACK (ms) : 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30
- RELEASE (sec) : 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, Auto
- RATIO : 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
- MAKE UP (dB) : 0 to 15
- MIX (%) : DRY to WET
Filter Section (Sidechain)
- HPF (Hz) : 20 to 500
- MID (~1500Hz) : -6dB to +6dB
- HF (~10kHz) : 0dB to -10dB *Will work like famous optical-tube compressor and help you to control high frequencies, better.
Transient Section (Sidechain)
- BOOST (dB) : 0 to 10 *While boosting attack, it will reduce decay/release of signal to make compressor more sensitive with only attacks/peaks.
- TILT (~1kHz Center) : -6dB to 6 dB *It's placed before BOOST to send only dedicated range to BOOST. So, BOOST will affect only given frequency range and will boost only this range's transients. If TILT is default, BOOST will affect overall transients.
- MIX (%) : DRY to WET *Will blend DRY and WET signal. After boosting transients, you can blend with DRY signal to keep reduced release of signal. When MIX in default position, TR is off. So, you can turn MIX knob to all the way up to engage TR section.
*EXT (External Sidechain) : When you engage EXT, sidechain circuit will listen incoming signal and you can stil use Filter and Transient sections on incoming signal.
Control Section
- MAIN : General Bypass
- TURBO : Turbo Mod *Turbo mod will help to compressor to affect whole signal range. Otherwise, compressor will focus on mid frequencies. This mod added to keep original sign of hardware.
- XFORMER : In/Out Transformers *If you engage XFORMER, in/out ICs will be replaced with transformer to balance it. This will affect to impedance, character, overall sound.
- ANALOG OBSESSION LOGO: Oversampling. It will turn to red when oversampling is engaged. Also, show you a notification.
Available Formats
VST/VST3/AU | Mac 10.9 - 11.X
VST/VST3 | Windows 7 - 8 - 10
This update will combine BUSTER and BUSTERse. Now, there is only "BUSTERse".
1/5/2021 - v6.2.0 Update
- Improved DSP with closer hardware finger-print
- 4x Oversampling Feature
- Retina/HiDPI
- Added Readout Feature for knobs




本帖最后由 Mr.魔音哥 于 21-5-1 22:49 编辑

#2 21-5-1 23:45

#3 21-5-1 23:46

#4 21-5-1 23:51

#5 21-5-1 23:59
这个终于更新了 原来在S1中遇到过工程再打开 插件就不工作的BUG

#6 21-5-2 01:37

#7 21-5-2 10:57
ANALOG OBSESSION LOGO: Oversampling. It will turn to red when oversampling is engaged. Also, show you a notification.
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