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[求助] omnisphere 更新注册不显示challenge code了

( 7 )

#1 21-7-8 19:58

omnisphere 更新注册不显示challenge code了

windows 10 x64
omnisphere 2.64d 注册不显示challenge code了

#2 21-7-8 20:00
There are the steps I followed to fix the issue of Omnisphere showing a blank Challenge Code field:

1. Using Clover Configurator, mount the system's EFI partition under Tools > Mount EFI

2. Go to Finder -> EFI -> CLOVER -> edit config.plist with any text editor, search for "<key>Boot</key>": in the "string" field of its arguments EthernetBuiltIn=yes should be added, i.e. something like

        <string>dart=0 EthernetBuiltIn=yes</string>

then save and close.
2. Alternatively, open EFI/CLOVER/config.plist with Clover Configurator. In the Boot section a new boot key-value pair needs to be added:
3. Right-click the list of boot arguments to add any of the boot arguments presented by the context menu
4. Edit the newly inserted entry by double-clicking it. It should say EthernetBuiltIn=yes
5. Remove the file /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist
6. In System Preferences > Network, remove the PAN Bluetooth (if any) connection type
7. Reboot. The NetworkInterfaces.plist file will be re-created with the "correct" ordering (Ethernet should be interface en0)
8. Internet won't probably work. Go to System Preferences > Network, remove the Ethernet connection and re-create it via the "+" button.

#3 21-7-8 20:00
I had the same problem. What worked for me was simply setting the ethernet to en0.
You can check under About this mac -> System Report -> Ethernet Cards -> BSD name. If it says anything else than en0 it won't work.

The fix was relatively easy:
1. Install the proper drivers (see above)

2. go to Folder:
- this folder is hidden, so best use the "go to Folder" option

3. delete these two files:

4. Restart the computer. The computer should now automatically set the ethernet to en0

(Special Case: For some reason, it showed two ethernet drivers on my computer. One was en0, the other was en1. I couldn't access the internet with the en0, but as soon as I enabled the en0 connection, the challenge code showed up. I then copied the code, switched back to the en1 connection, authorized it and now Omni 2 is running smoothly.
To change internet connections, go to System preferences -> Network. With the + and - keys, you can add an ethernet connection and it also displays if it's en0 or not.)

#4 21-7-8 20:54

#5 21-7-9 12:21
lhls 发表于 21-7-8 20:54
找到方法了,先安装一个2.6.2C的update,运行后他会自动显示机器码,拷贝下来,放到一个空文档里面,再安装 ...

你这样多麻烦。何不把program data/Spectrasonics/文件夹下的几个注册文件删掉。

#6 21-7-10 09:41

#7 21-7-12 15:26
lhls 发表于 21-7-10 09:41

program data/Spectrasonics/文件夹下,有几个audioXX.dat 数字是两位数,大概是11-19这种。你看一下。把那几个删掉,一般都能重新显示注册码。最新的Spectrasonics1月更新是不显示的,要用decode.exe获取。因为注册方式改变了。

#8 21-7-12 23:32
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