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[新闻] Relab发布双引擎混响插件QuantX

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#1 23-11-21 20:38


Introducing the QuantX Natural Resonance Reverb by Relab

QuantX is the world’s only dual-engine premium re-creation of a beloved 80’s hardware reverb, revered for its highly realistic ambience and long reverb times.

This legendary resonance reverb, once the cornerstone of many world-class studios, has been meticulously re-created so you can:

Feel the authenticity in every tweak: Relab’s advanced machine learning captures every nuance, giving you the sound AND feel of the legendary hardware, quirks included.

Shape your sound with precision: Relab’s unique dual-engine design of QuantX enables real-time fine-tuning of reverb width and “front-to-back” depth for unparalleled sound sculpting.

Enhance your mixes with ease: With hand-tuned 8-voice modulation, first reflection channel swapping and expanded bandwidth control, QuantX makes crafting complex, textured reverbs fast and simple.

Once you try QuantX, you’ll instantly feel the essence of this classic room simulator, and hear what makes this uniquely natural and realistic reverb so compelling.

QuantX is the world’s only dual-engine premium re-creation of a beloved 80’s natural resonance hardware reverb.

Sample-to-Sample Comparison Of The Reverb Tail Decay of The Quantec QRS and The QuantX Natural Resonance Reverb plug-in by Relab

The Quantec QRS vs QuantX by Relab
Most reverb emulations use static models that often ignore the hardware’s dynamic character. Building on the success of our popular LX480, and using a next-generation advanced AI-powered framework and extensive analysis of millions of data points, we’re proudly setting new standards by capturing the true dynamic essence of the hardware with unmatched accuracy.
QuantX exceeds typical hardware emulations by meticulously re-creating not only the sound, but the ever-changing character of vintage gear, offering a living, and ever-evolving authentic quality.

*Quantec and QRS are trademarks of QUANTEC Tontechnik GmbH. which are in no way associated or affiliated with Relab Development. These trademarks, along with any from other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose sounds were studied during the development of the plug-in

Dual Engine , Singular Sound
Maximize Your Mix With Dual-Engine Reverb Control
QuantX’s unique dual-engine design combines two powerful reverb systems, each with its own set of four outputs, working in harmony.

This dual approach gives you the ability to fine-tune both the width and “front-to-back” depth of your reverb in real time.

With QuantX, you’ll enjoy the creative freedom of blending the distinct qualities of both modules in this twin-engine titan, ensuring your reverb always sits perfectly within the mix.

Take A Leap Beyond the Original Hardware
Discover Unparalleled Depth With Hand-Tuned 8-Voice Modulation
QuantX also includes Relab’s proprietary hand-tuned Advanced Chorus Ensemble (ACE). The 8-voice modulation adds unique layers of depth and complexity to the reverb, making your sound richer and more textured.

Each voice is meticulously hand-tuned (using a special tool pictured here) and then deeply embedded within the reverb algorithm.  

When you dial in the modulation, you can feel how it’s more like a natural part of the space you’re creating, rather than an added effect.

Transforming Vintage Vibes Into Digital Dreams
Embracing Time's Imperfections In Plug-In Form
At Relab, our goal has always been to go beyond mere emulation. We constantly strive to digitally recreate iconic hardware, by both capturing the sound as well as the unique journey of a unit’s imperfections.

For the QuantX, we meticulously chose three exceptional units from the US, Japan, and Germany. The German one, noted for its rich sound and minimal noise, stood apart from the other two and set the standard for our emulation.

Over 12 months, we engaged in painstakingly detailed reverse engineering, collaborating with veteran engineers to restore the unit to its original 1980s specifications. We also custom-built interfaces to allow for MIDI control of every original unit.

This precision was crucial for our machine learning algorithms to conduct months of extensive tests, capturing every nuance and imperfection that defined the vintage units’ character.

Specifically, any heat-induced behavior changes, including clock fluctuations due to temperature variations, had to be taken into account. With a ±3% stability factor, these fluctuations significantly impacted reverb coefficients, which was vital to recreating the true feel of the original.

Experience the True Essence of a Long-Adored 80's Classic Reverb

With QuantX, you’re not just acquiring another reverb emulation plug-in; you’re stepping into a realm of unparalleled hardware re-creation so you can:

Discover the highly realistic natural resonance ambience of a beloved 80’s hardware unit, so you can bring a revered, classic sound to your modern productions.

Feel the authenticity in every tweak so you can experience the sound AND true feel of the legendary hardware, complete with its unique quirks.

Escape the typical limitations of common reverb plug-ins and enjoy the simplicity and depth of a premium dual-engine re-creation.

QuantX allows you to create a distinctive sonic signature, defined by clarity, quality, and confidence, helping your mixes stand out and capture the listener’s attention.

Elevate Your Sound, Not Your Expenses
Imagine the thrill of hunting down a classic piece of audio history – an original iconic reverb unit from the golden era of 1982. These units, once the heartbeat of high-end studios, are rare finds today. And if you’re lucky enough to find one, you’re looking at shelling out around $5,000. That’s not even counting the expertise and time needed to restore it to its former glory.

But what if you could get all that classic reverb magic and more, without emptying your wallet or diving into the deep end of complex maintenance? That’s where QuantX steps in – it’s exactly like having that legendary reverb unit, but in a super convenient plug-in.

Think of QuantX as your hassle-free ticket to that legendary sound. No need to break the bank or become a tech wizard to keep it going. Easy, reliable and authentic – that’s QuantX.

A Special Offer to Celebrate Our Launch
At Relab, we’ve poured years of research and development into the QuantX Dual-Engine Realistic Reverb. Every detail and every nuance has been meticulously re-created to ensure excellence and accuracy. And while preparing to unveil this passion project to the world, we decided to do something special.

In celebration of our launch, and to thank you for being a part of this journey with us, we’re offering an exclusive, limited, and introductory price of just $149 (reg. $199)

It’s our way of showing our appreciation to current and future Relab customers, as well as ensuring that this incredible new reverb is accessible to as many passionate artists and sound engineers as possible.

However, this is a very limited-time offer. Our introductory price won’t last long. So take advantage while you can.

Hardware Requirements
Mac requirements (64-bit only):
OS X (10.15 or higher), Intel processor, M1 processor, 2GB of ram.

Compatible host application:
– Logic Pro: 10.x
– Pro Tools: from version 11.3.2 and up
– Cubase 9.5 and up
– Nuendo: 8 and up
– Live: 9 and up

Win requirements (64bit only):
Windows 10 or higher, Core 2 or higher, 2GB of ram.

Compatible host application:
– Pro Tools: from version 11.3.2 and up
– Cubase 9.5 and up
– Nuendo: 8 and up
– Live: 9 and up

No hardware dongle is required to authorize this product.

You can choose between local computer authorization OR the ilok USB key (V2 or above). However, a free PACE iLok account, internet connection and the latest PACE drivers are required at the time of product activation. A PACE Ilok account and drivers are available here.


本帖最后由 allentsei 于 23-11-21 20:49 编辑


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