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Virharmonic Bohemian Viola V4 update.

( 6 )

#1 24-6-11 21:13

Virharmonic Bohemian Viola V4 update.

Virharmonic Bohemian Viola V4 update.

中提也到了,   更新后 可以卸掉 Gorilla Manager.

Version 1.1.1
IF YOU ARE UPDATING - Please click on RE-INSTALL button and select your OS (MAC or Windows to avoid downloading both Versions) !!!!!

Fixes and improvements in 1.1.1:

Fixed a crash that a Chase function bug could cause in Cubase, Nuendo, Logic

Fixed a crash when editing midi in Logic, Cubase and Nuendo while playing at the same time

Fixed a crash when a sequence of events caused an infinite loop in the performer events

Fixed and replaced some notes with more extreme resonances or overtones that were standing out. Samples went through another review and some were replaced with different takes to further improve consistency and quality of the performer.

Fixed a slow release when going from legatos articulations to short articulations.

Fixed a series of issues in the Reverb states when the product loads from saved projects. Your states will now save always correctly and load always with the correct settings. (Your existing projects will require a removal of the plugin-Resave the Project and once you open it again you can add the Violin and it will always save correctly - this is to remove any redundant information that could be saved in the project from older versions)

Minor improvements to bow changed legato and rebowing.

Fixed a number of other minor bugs.

This new version no longer requires Gorilla Manager (please do not remove Gorilla manager from your system if you use our other libraries until all of your libraries by us are updated to 1.1.1
本帖最后由 ccb 于 24-6-11 21:15 编辑


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#2 24-6-11 21:22
WiN 更新程式有 BUG.


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#3 24-6-11 21:39

#4 24-6-11 21:46
ccfg 发表于 24-6-11 21:39

Virharmonic 不用入库的,靠 DAW 启动 VST3i
而每个乐器带独自一个 VST3档.

Bohemian Cello.vst3
Bohemian Viola.vst3
Bohemian Violin.vst3

#5 24-6-11 23:26
Cubase 13 里把Bohemian Violin.vst3 列入黑名单,要激活直接闪退,nuendo 12 里能看到Bohemian Violin,加载立刻闪退

#6 24-6-12 13:26

#7 24-6-12 13:46
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