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Prsim sound 更新声卡驱动了

( 6 )

#1 24-7-27 22:45

Prsim sound 更新声卡驱动了

Prsim sound更新了驱动、可以支持原生M系列


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#2 24-7-27 23:35

#3 24-7-27 23:49
似乎 好像  解析力强了点  难道是幻觉  刚换上

#4 24-7-28 10:07
装上使用 已经不支持 32位宿主的 ASIO了    哎 可惜 换回去

#5 24-7-28 10:34
Prism Sound USB Audio control app release notes

Version        Notes
2.1.5 Maintenance:                Added Dante conmon to installer options (enable if using Dante)

2.1.4 Maintenance:                Updated Dante API to v4.7.0

2.1.3 Bug fixed:                Fixed incorrect text display on some macOS systems

2.1.1 Bug fixes:                Add the missing Analogue Out 3&4 Mixer Strips to the mixers for Lyra 2
                                Allow the front panel metering to show either Input, AO 1&2 or AO 3&4 on Lyra 2
                                Fix for badly displayed mixers on Lyra 2
        Enhancement:        Make the naming of the DAW strips on the mixers less confusing
                                Add software version number in the app header bar
2.1.0        Enhamncement:        Add support for Dante on Apple Silicon
2.0.6 Bug fixed:                Save project version correctly
2.0.5        Bug fixed:                Fix bug in MDIO Firmware loading
2.0.4        Enhancement:        Add support for MacOS 10.9
2.0.3        Bug fixed:                Volume control was missing on Outputs Tab for Lyra 2
2.0.2                                Internal version
2.0.1                                Internal version       
2.0        Enhancement:        New resizeable control panel
                                Support for Dante MDIO Modules on Titan and Atlas
1.06        Bug fixed:                Added longer timeout when downloading new firmware to MDIO Modules
        Bug fixed:                Correction to number of buffers sent when downloading new firmware to MDIO Modules

1.05        Enhancement:        Addition of Verifile

1.04         Enhancement:        Controls added to set base buffer size in range 1ms to 4ms

1.03        Enhancement:        Pan and Master Vol controls are linear instead of rotary.
        Enhancement:        Headphones can monitor all outputs simultaneously.
        Bug fixed:                Font size was too big on hi-res systems.

1.02        Enhancement:        Minimizes from taskbar.
        Enhancement:        App title shown in taskbar.       

1.01        Bug fixed:                 Always returned to Input tab after ADAT mode change
        Bug fixed:                ADAT settings were not always recalled correctly from config files.
        Bug fixed:                Help pages did not open at signal path architecture page.

1.00        Initial release.

#6 24-7-28 15:29

#7 24-7-28 21:07
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