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[新闻] UVI VINTAGE VAULT 4 终极合成器套装

( 4 )
#1 24-8-24 14:19



The premier collection of authentic vintage synthesizer and drum machine sounds just got better! Vintage Vault now includes 36 UVI products, 800,000 samples and over 14,000 hand-crafted presets all created using the original hardware, 255 machines overall.

Explore your own personal dream studio packed with over 5 decades of synthesizers and drum machines from analog to digital, classic to obscure, all recorded in professional studios through class-A signal chains just like they were for countless hit records.

Now you can experience the raw grit, character and texture of dozens of real hardware instruments with all the simplicity of software. Vintage Vault is easy to use, completely portable, instantly recallable, and never out of sync or out of tune (unless you want it to be!) – it's all the sounds you want, when and wherever you need them.

Unlimited Inspiration
All of those polyphonic analog synths from the '80s? Check. Hundred-thousand dollar digital workstations? Check. Ultra-rare prototypes and string synths from the '70s? Check. What about all of those classic drum machines? And the obscure ones we never heard of? Check, and check. Vintage Vault brings together the sounds of 255 hardware machines, representing some of the most coveted and sought-after electronic instruments ever made. It represents decades of man-hours in development and is a testament to our passion for synths and our dedication to quality. Quickly browse through a massive catalog of synths and drum machines, layer them, and effortlessly sculpt your sounds to perfectly fit your mix. Whether you’re looking for an iconic sound from your favorite record or film score, or you simply want access to these rare machines, the raw sound of your favorite hardware is never more than a few keystrokes away.

Real Hardware, No Imitations
It sounds like hardware because it is, it's as simple as that. All Vintage Vault instruments start with the real hardware. Expertly programmed patches, extensive sampling through the highest-quality equipment, innovative scripting and a meticulous attention to detail – take all of that and combine it with the award-winning UVI Engine™ and you’ve got the start of what makes UVI instruments sound like no others. Our sample-based philosophy means the genuine character and sound of your favorite vintage hardware is never out of reach. If you want real hardware tone, look no further.

Optimized Workflow
Vintage Vault instruments all share a common structure, meaning that regardless of whether it’s a simple analog monosynth or a complex FM workstation, once you become familiar with a single instrument you can easily use them all. No more time lost digging through tiny menu screens or ambiguous user manuals. No more being stuck with a single instrument because it's what you know best. Vintage Vault breaks down the technical barriers and streamlines your workflow so you can focus on what's most important – staying inspired and making music.

Infinitely Adaptable
Vintage Vault instruments can be as nimble or deep as you want them to be. Need sounds fast? Launch your instruments in the free UVI Workstation, quickly browse, layer and mix your sounds all within a focused and ergonomic UI. Want to explore the outer-limits of sound design? Step up to Falcon for the ultimate no-compromise experience, unlimited audio and MIDI effects, sample editing, scripting and more. Regardless of which you choose you’ll experience the same incredible sound quality thanks to the UVI Engine’s fast and flexible architecture.

Incredible Value
Everyone knows that vintage gear is expensive to buy, expensive to maintain and takes up valuable real estate. With each passing year that goes by these instruments become more rare and more costly. Vintage Vault gives you the sound of hardware at a fraction of the cost, without the headaches and hassle of moving, organizing or repairing a large collection of synthesizers. On top of that, the Vintage Vault bundle gives you massive savings over purchasing the UVI instruments individually, and if you’ve purchased from us before you could be eligible for even greater savings.

本帖最后由 yuemeng 于 24-8-24 14:23 编辑

#2 24-8-24 14:19
顶级正宗复古合成器和鼓机音效合集现在变得更好了!Vintage Vault 现在包含 36 款 UVI 产品、800,000 个样本和超过 14,000 个手工制作的预设,全部使用原始硬件创建,总共 255 台机器。

探索您自己的个人梦想工作室,其中包含超过 50 年的合成器和鼓机,从模拟到数字,从经典到晦涩难懂,全部通过 A 类信号链在专业工作室录制,就像无数热门唱片一样。

现在,您可以体验数十种真实硬件乐器的原始质感、特性和质感,同时享受软件的所有简单性。Vintage Vault 易于使用、完全便携、可立即调用,并且永远不会不同步或走调(除非您想要!)——它是您想要的所有声音,随时随地。

所有那些来自 80 年代的复音模拟合成器?对。十万美元的数字工作站?对。 70 年代的超稀有原型和弦乐合成器?有。那些经典的鼓机呢?还有那些我们从未听说过的晦涩难懂的鼓机呢?有,有。Vintage Vault 汇集了 255 台硬件机器的声音,代表了有史以来最令人垂涎​​和最抢手的一些电子乐器。它代表了数十年的开发工时,证明了我们对合成器的热情和对质量的执着。快速浏览大量的合成器和鼓机目录,对它们进行分层,并毫不费力地塑造您的声音以完美地适合您的混音。无论您是在寻找您最喜欢的唱片或电影配乐中的标志性声音,还是只是想使用这些稀有的机器,您最喜欢的硬件的原始声音只需几次按键即可获得。

它听起来像硬件,因为它就是硬件,就这么简单。所有 Vintage Vault 乐器都从真正的硬件开始。精心编程的补丁、通过最高品质的设备进行的广泛采样、创新的脚本和对细节的细致关注——将所有这些与屡获殊荣的 UVI Engine™ 相结合,您就能开始体验 UVI 乐器与众不同的魅力。我们基于样本的理念意味着您最喜欢的复古硬件的真实特性和声音永远不会遥不可及。如果您想要真正的硬件音色,那就不要再犹豫了。

Vintage Vault 乐器都具有共同的结构,这意味着无论是简单的模拟单声道合成器还是复杂的 FM 工作站,一旦您熟悉了单个乐器,就可以轻松使用它们。不再浪费时间在小菜单屏幕或模糊的用户手册上。不再被困在单个乐器上,因为这是您最了解的。Vintage Vault 打破了技术障碍并简化了您的工作流程,让您可以专注于最重要的事情——保持灵感和创作音乐。

Vintage Vault 乐器可以根据您的需要灵活或深奥。需要快速获得声音?在免费的 UVI Workstation 中启动您的乐器,在专注且符合人体工程学的 UI 中快速浏览、分层和混合声音。想要探索声音设计的极限?使用 Falcon 获得终极的不妥协体验、无限的音频和 MIDI 效果、样本编辑、脚本编写等。无论您选择哪种,您都将体验到同样令人难以置信的音质,这要归功于 UVI Engine 的快速和灵活的架构。

每个人都知道复古装备价格昂贵,维护成本高,占用宝贵的空间。随着时间的推移,这些乐器变得越来越稀有,越来越昂贵。Vintage Vault 以极低的成本为您提供硬件的声音,而无需移动、组织或修复大量合成器的麻烦。除此之外,与单独购买 UVI 乐器相比,Vintage Vault 套装可以为您节省大量费用,如果您之前从我们这里购买过,您甚至可以享受更大的节省。

#3 24-8-24 14:21

#4 24-8-24 18:17

#5 24-8-29 16:48
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