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FL Studio

Quick and easy drumrolls in Fruityloops

( 6 )

#1 03-9-28 03:11

Quick and easy drumrolls in Fruityloops

Here is a quick and easy way to create drumrolls in Fruityloops without having to program individual notes in the piano roll. This is a technique i discovered way back in 1999 and have been using ever since. Clone your snare sample channel that you want the roll to be on (or hihat, kick or any other sampler channel). Go to the delay panel in the sampler and set the number of iterations to either 3 or 4 (or a higher number for a longer roll). Set the velocity to slightly below 100% so the roll fades a little as it triggers. Set the time to between 10 and 15 (anything less will lose the roll sound and just give a buzzy noise) Play with the time to get different kind of rolls. A higher number gives a more open roll, smaller numbers give a tighter more buzzy roll.

Then just paint the roll on the note you want it to trigger (i like to set it on the 8th note of 3 with a lower velocity of the main snare so the snare on 4 accents, but feel free to experiment.)

There you go. Quick and easy rolls in Fruity.

#2 03-9-28 03:12

#3 03-9-28 03:32
The guys at Imageline have added a new feature to Fruityloops that most other sequencers haven't even considered and that's the randomizer. Open a new song and add an OSC3 channel. Set up a basic drumbeat to make sure your random notes fit with what you are trying to achieve. Right click and go to 慞iano Roll? Press Alt+R to go to randomize mode. The randomizer panel appears and all you need to do is turn on the pattern mode. Clicking on the seed button and playing around with all the parameters gives you endless variations on the chord you have selected. With the right OSC3 sound you can make it all a bit funker by playing with the levels seed buttons. When you happy try quantisizing to move it around a bit. The next time you抮e stuck in a rut why don't you give this baby a spin

#4 03-9-30 10:35

#5 03-9-30 18:23

#6 03-10-3 04:48

这是一个在 Fruityloops 中产生 drumrolls 的快速简单的方法,这样就不必死板的在钢琴卷帘窗里画呀画的。打开Snare的Channel.( 或 hihat, Kick或任何其他的反正是鼓的Channel) 把Sampler里的Delay设定重复次数(step),为 3 或 4次.( roll越长则的数字越大) Feedback拉到100%。


#7 03-10-3 04:49
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