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( 10 )

#1 01-7-12 15:51


I want to know..
Protool is a hardware or software?
if it is software..
Is it work on PC or MAC?and only use TDM plun-in?
please reply.

#2 01-7-13 00:57

hardware ! and software too!

PROTOOLS 应该是它的硬件使之闻名,软件只是配合硬件的。

#3 01-7-13 11:53

#4 01-7-13 14:08
Hi musicchen, ben

Thanks for your reply first...
I realize Pro-tool now..
But I have one question
Is it Protool software work on own Protool hardware is the best...
Work on pc and mac will 減少the software performance?
or protool software have many version to use on PC or mac.. :)

#5 01-7-17 16:16
真正的PROTOOLS是Protool software +Protool hardware+MAC or PC
没有了Protool hardware的PROTOOLS只是个空壳,据说它在别的声卡上有

#6 01-7-17 16:26
I think so now..
Before time I want to use protool pc version.
I afraid the delay ...Xp

Protool is a high-end thing ...
No $$$ no talk:D

#7 01-7-23 17:33


Are you working in Pro-tool company!?:D
Your fantastic article simply....:cool:

As you say protool is a very expensive thing.
The plug-in and the other  thing cost alot $$
Pro-tool of course wonderful..
But Protool Le is satiable for me I guess.

"Well there IS some stuff costs around $700. It is not called Pro Tools"
Oic now..under $700 is called "Digidesign products" right;)
The upper price range products  --(with pro-tool software )
is real thing..right.

of course la..$700 Digi001 how to compare with $>$7000
>$7000 is really for industry use..

Pro Tools FREE really playable??
I don't think so...but i will try:)

I lack of $$...because i am a student..
So  give up to play protool now
later back again ^ ^

Thank you for your advise, MKII

#8 01-7-23 15:09
Hi 缺口

thank you for your 建議:)
I understand your meaning.
Actually,Sam is a very good choice..
But my aim is Protool.
Because Protool software is industry standard.
I realize if I know how to use protool..
So I can be a pro-guy:D
Sam is a professional tool also..
It is good for me in home use situation...
If I have a $$$ and Mac
I must turn Protool and Digital performer:)
Because it's easy job
1 software can able to do everything...

I hope you understand me...

Then you said that Protool only costs $700..
of course , there is some protool Audio system is $700 for home use.
It's great too
But if I have a lot $700
I won' t buy this...
I will choose other interface to do..other is great also I think
That I don't mention in there la..
If you have time ....Welcome to discuss
I use Xp-30 too:D

#9 01-7-23 16:08
Lipton, Pro Tools is the name for Digidesign's music production system containing both softwares and hardwares.  Pro Tools system runs on MACs and also PCs under windows NT4.  Such a system usually costs $20000, (not including the computer of course.

Well there IS some stuff costs around $700. It is not called Pro Tools, neither protool.  It is calle Pro Tools LE. It comes together with a audio/midi interface called Digi001.  It is a ripped down version of Pro Tools for home use, on both PC and MAC computers.

Pro Tools LE now also comes with a new sound card. This new home audio system is called Digi Toolbox XP, with the price around $500.

There is also a tryout version of Pro Tools, called Pro Tools FREE, which is completely free of charge, and independent of computer hardware and OS.  It offers the ability to run 8 tracks of audio and 48 tracks of midi.  It could also run RTAS plugins that do not require the TDM hardwares.

Finally just for info there is another version called Pro Tools Free 32 tracks - ZONE.  It is of course also made by Digidesign:) but just modified by ZONE, and could run 32 audio tracks rather than 8.

#10 01-7-23 13:32
actaully Protool only costs $700 or so in US ( including software and hardware), and Samplitude's price is 699, and Sequoia 's  sale price is 2999. Sam series are real high end recording products.

#11 01-7-23 14:05
缺口,[Protool only costs $700 or so in US ( including software and hardware)],??

ACTUALLY, the least basic configration of Pro Tools music system,  mix24, costs $7995. I think you get this price with most us local dealer.  However for a more functional system there are many different parts to be added, including hardware cards, interfaces, and software plugins, that each costs hundreds to thosands dollars. Usually a fully configured system will cost more than $20000.
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