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#1 07-3-25 20:22


REAPER is a powerful Windows application for multitrack recording and editing of audio.
  • Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
  • 64 bit audio engine
  • Excellent low-latency performance
  • Multiprocessor capable
  • Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
  • Extremely flexible routing
  • Fast, tool-less editing
  • Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
  • Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
  • ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
  • Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB

#2 07-3-25 20:24

#3 07-3-25 20:27
Key Action
Ctrl+C Edit -> Copy items/tracks/env points (depending on focus)
Ctrl+X Edit -> Cut items/tracks/env points (depending on focus)
Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit -> Redo
Ctrl+Z Edit -> Undo
Ctrl+N File -> New project
Ctrl+O File -> Open project
Alt+Enter File -> Project settings...
Ctrl+Q File -> Quit REAPER
Ctrl+Alt+R File -> Render project to disk...
Ctrl+Alt+B File -> Save live output to disk (bounce)...
Ctrl+S File -> Save project
Ctrl+Alt+S File -> Save project as...
Ctrl+Alt+N File -> Spawn new instance of REAPER
Ctrl+F1 Help -> About REAPER...
F1 Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts
Insert Insert media files...
Ctrl+Num 4 Item Edit: Grow left edge of items
Alt+Num 6 Item Edit: Grow right edge of items
Num 1 Item Edit: Move contents of items left
Num 3 Item Edit: Move contents of items right
Num 2 Item Edit: Move items down one track
Num 4 Item Edit: Move items left
Num 7 Item Edit: Move items left, preserving timing of contents
Num 6 Item Edit: Move items right
Num 9 Item Edit: Move items right, preserving timing of contents
Num 8 Item Edit: Move items up one track
Ctrl+Num 6 Item Edit: Shrink left edge of items
Alt+Num 4 Item Edit: Shrink right edge of items
G Item Grouping: Group items
U Item Grouping: Remove items from group
Ctrl+G Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
Ctrl+[ Item Navigation: Move cursor left to edge of selected item
Ctrl+] Item Navigation: Move cursor right to edge of selected item
Tab Item Navigation: Move cursor to next transient in selected items
Shift+Tab Item Navigation: Move cursor to previous transient in selected items
Ctrl+Shift+N Item Properties: Normalize items
Shift+7 Item Properties: Pitch item down one cent
Shift+9 Item Properties: Pitch item down one semitone
Shift+8 Item Properties: Pitch item up one cent
Shift+0 Item Properties: Pitch item up one semitone
F2 Item Properties: Show properties dialog for items
Ctrl+F2 Item Properties: Show properties dialog for items' source
Alt+M Item Properties: Toggle items/tracks mute (depending on focus)
Ctrl+Alt+L Item: Copy loop of selected portion of items
Ctrl+Shift+C Item: Copy portions of items in loop selection
Ctrl+Delete Item: Cut selected area of selected items
Ctrl+Alt+E Item: Open items in primary external editor
Ctrl+V Item: Paste items/tracks
Delete Item: Remove selected items/tracks/env pts (depending on focus)
Ctrl+A Item: Select all items/tracks/env points (depending on focus)
S Item: Split item(s) at edit or play cursor
Ctrl+Shift+S Item: Split item(s) at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping)
Shift+S Item: Split item(s) at loop selection
Alt+Shift+S Item: Split item(s) at play cursor
Shift+Left Loop Selection: Move cursor left, creating loop selection
Shift+Right Loop Selection: Move cursor right, creating loop selection
, Loop Selection: Nudge left
Ctrl+, Loop Selection: Nudge left edge left
Ctrl+. Loop Selection: Nudge left edge right
. Loop Selection: Nudge right
Ctrl+Alt+, Loop Selection: Nudge right edge left
Ctrl+Alt+. Loop Selection: Nudge right edge right
ESC Loop Selection: Remove loop selection
} Loop Selection: Set end point
{ Loop Selection: Set start point
< Loop Selection: Shift left (by loop selection length)
> Loop Selection: Shift right (by loop selection length)
1 Markers: Go to marker 1
0 Markers: Go to marker 10
2 Markers: Go to marker 2
3 Markers: Go to marker 3
4 Markers: Go to marker 4
5 Markers: Go to marker 5
6 Markers: Go to marker 6
7 Markers: Go to marker 7
8 Markers: Go to marker 8
9 Markers: Go to marker 9
Shift+M Markers: Insert and/or edit marker at current position
M Markers: Insert marker at current posiiton
Shift+R Markers: Insert region from loop selection
Shift+C Markers: Insert time signature /tempo change marker at edit cursor
] Markers: Next marker/project end
[ Markers: Previous marker/project start
Alt+Shift+C Markers: Time signature measure from loop selection
Ctrl+Alt+X Media Explorer: Show/Hide Media Explorer
Alt+P Options -> Cycle ripple editing mode
Ctrl+P Options -> Preferences...
Shift+L Options -> Show lock settings
Alt+L Options -> Show snap/grid settings
Ctrl+Alt+Page Down Options -> Switch to next color theme
Ctrl+Alt+Page Up Options -> Switch to previous color theme
Alt+A Options -> Toggle always on top
Alt+X Options -> Toggle auto-crossfading
Alt+G Options -> Toggle grid lines
Alt+Shift+G Options -> Toggle group override
L Options -> Toggle locking
Alt+S Options -> Toggle snapping
Shift+Down Peaks: Decrease peaks view gain
Shift+Up Peaks: Increase peaks view gain
F3 Send all notes off to all MIDI outputs/plug-ins
Alt+Shift+T Take: Crop current take in items
Ctrl+Shift+T Take: Delete current take from items (prompt to confirm)
T Take: Switch items to next take
Shift+T Take: Switch items to previous take
F11 Toggle fullscreen
Ctrl+T Track -> Insert new track
P Track -> Toggle track pan envelope visible
V Track -> Toggle track volume envelope visible
Ctrl+Alt+Down Track: Go to next track
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down Track: Go to next track (leaving other tracks selected)
Ctrl+Alt+Up Track: Go to previous track
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Track: Go to previous track (leaving other tracks selected)
Ctrl+Down Track: Nudge volume for selected tracks down
Ctrl+Up Track: Nudge volume for selected tracks up
Ctrl+Right Transport: Fast forward a little bit
End Transport: Go to end of project
W Transport: Go to start of project
Home Transport: Go to start of project
Alt+Space Transport: Play (with loop selection skipping)
Ctrl+Space Transport: Play/pause
Enter Transport: Play/pause
Space Transport: Play/stop
Ctrl+R Transport: Record
Ctrl+Left Transport: Rewind a little bit
R Transport: Toggle repeat
Ctrl+Shift+V Video: Show/Hide Video window
Alt+D View -> Show Docker
Shift+F View -> Show FX browser window
Alt+B View -> Show Virtual MIDI keyboard
Alt+C View -> Show big clock window
Ctrl+Alt+V View -> Show navigator window
Ctrl+Alt+P View -> Show performance meter window
Alt+R View -> Show routing matrix window
Ctrl+Alt+Z View -> Show undo history window
" View: Go to cursor
Ctrl+J View: Jump to time window
Left View: Move cursor left
Right View: Move cursor right
Alt+Down View: Scroll view down
Alt+Left View: Scroll view left
Alt+Right View: Scroll view right
Alt+Up View: Scroll view up
Ctrl+Alt+M View: Toggle master track visible
Ctrl+M View: Toggle mixer visible
~ View: Toggle tracks to maximum height
` View: Toggle tracks to minimum height
Ctrl+Alt+T View: Toggle transport visible
+ View: Zoom in horizontal
= View: Zoom in horizontal
Num + View: Zoom in horizontal
Up View: Zoom in horizontal
Ctrl+Shift+Up View: Zoom in vertical
Page Up View: Zoom in vertical
Ctrl+Page Up View: Zoom loop selection
Ctrl+Num + View: Zoom loop selection
Down View: Zoom out horizontal
- View: Zoom out horizontal
Num - View: Zoom out horizontal
Ctrl+Page Down View: Zoom out project
Ctrl+Shift+Down View: Zoom out vertical
Page Down View: Zoom out vertical
' View:Go to play position
Alt+K Visualization: Show visualization configuration
Ctrl+K Visualization: Show visualization preferences page
Ctrl+Shift+K Visualization: Start/stop visualization

Mousewheel Modifiers
Alt+Mousewheel Scroll horizontal
Ctrl+Alt+Mousewheel Scroll vertical
Mousewheel Zoom horizontal
Ctrl+Mousewheel Zoom vertical

Item Movement Modifiers
Shift Disables snapping
Ctrl Ignores grouping
Alt Moves item without moving contents
Alt+Shift Moves contents without moving item

Item Edge Modifiers
Alt Stretches item
Shift Disables snapping
Ctrl Ignores grouping

Item Fade Modifiers
Alt Stretches any overlapping items to fit
Ctrl Ignores grouping
Ctrl+Alt Sets fade for all selected items
Shift Slides crossfades

Envelope Editing Modifiers
Ctrl Disables snap-point-to-center
Alt Limits point movement to horizontal
Ctrl+Alt Limits point movement to vertical
Shift if held when clicked on a point, duplicates point
Shift if held when clicked on an envelope segment, moves segment
Shift otherwise, allows you to change order of envelope points

Track Selection Modifiers
Shift Selects a range of tracks
Ctrl Toggles whether a track is selected without affecting other tracks

Volume/Pan Faders
Alt When mouse released, will snap back to its original position
Shift Only affects current track, not other selected tracks
Ctrl Allows for much more precise movement
Ctrl+Mousewheel More precise mousewheel mode

Mute Button Modifiers
Shift Mute track (ignoring other selected tracks)
Ctrl Clears all mutes
Alt Unmute selected tracks, mute all others
Ctrl+Alt Mutes selected tracks, clears all other muted tracks

Solo Button Modifiers
Shift Solo track (ignoring other selected tracks)
Ctrl Clears all solos
Alt Solo-in-place selected tracks
Ctrl+Alt Solos selected tracks, clears all other soloed tracks

Loop Selection Modifiers
Shift Inside the selection, clears the selection and starts a new selection
Shift Outside the selection, expands the current selection to that point
Ctrl Disables snapping
Ctrl+Right Click/Drag Loop selection (even when on an item)

Marquee Selection Modifiers
Alt+Right Click/Drag Marquee select items
Alt+Shift+Right Click Marquee select, adding selected items to selection
Alt+Ctrl+Right Click Marquee select, toggling selected items state

#4 07-3-25 20:29



[ 本帖最后由 sonxu 于 07-3-25 20:33 编辑 ]


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#5 07-3-25 20:37



[ 本帖最后由 sonxu 于 07-3-25 20:40 编辑 ]


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#6 07-3-25 20:41



[ 本帖最后由 sonxu 于 07-3-25 20:43 编辑 ]


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#7 07-3-25 20:45




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#8 07-3-25 20:47




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#9 07-3-25 20:49




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#10 07-3-25 20:52


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#11 07-3-25 20:54


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#12 07-3-25 20:57


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#13 07-3-25 21:00



[ 本帖最后由 sonxu 于 07-3-25 21:02 编辑 ]


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#14 07-3-25 21:06



#15 07-3-25 21:09
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