谁又那么多的ex24?有的而且 ...
既然硬要使用kontakt,又要大内存的话只有等kontakt推出64bit 的版本了,国外n多的制作人早就大量使用 exs24 做大型项目了,为什么那么多人还在硬要掉死在32bit 的kontakt上?看看别人怎么做的:
Klaus Badelt 都认识吧,加勒比海盗,珍珠港,K19, 无极....
“Ten years ago, before I started in America, every studio cost about 200 grand. When I got here, I had to spend about $150,000 to build my first writing room. It had 25 E-mu and Roland samplers, plus Kurzweil—racks of stuff. In the machine room, I had four or five Yamaha 02R recording consoles going into each other. Then I got tired of always saying, ‘Where's that sound? Where's the CD-ROM? That sampler's full…'
Then I discovered GigaStudio. I remember seeing it and I told everyone in our studio, ‘this is gonna be it,' so I bought 16-18 PCs for each studio. I had 40 PCs, three Macs, plus Logic and Pro Tools systems—the racks of E-mu and Roland gear became racks of PCs that gave me an unlimited sound library. They were networked, so I could look at the big server drives and find the sound I wanted and load it. At the time, I was using the M-Audio Delta 1010 as my main sound card for my sequencer. I think I also had like 50 MIDISPORT 4 x 4, 2 x 2, and 8 x 8 interfaces. I did that for a couple years; it was great, but not flexible enough for me—I wanted to have more control over the individual sounds.
My idea was to have everything in one machine. At some point, the guys at Logic talked to me and they said, ‘Klaus, why don't you use EXS for your sampling instead of the Gigas so it's all internal?' I laughed and said, ‘I have 16 GigaStudios. That's hundreds of EXS's!' But they made me think and we talked again. Finally I said, ‘I think I'm gonna try this,' so I bought the fastest Mac available, and I started the first movie. I think the G5 made all the difference. I had a poor guy and his team convert all my sounds from GigaStudio into Logic's EXS24—about 11,000 sounds. It is quite a library.”