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Sonar / Cakewalk

[转贴] 是不是眼花了,Eastwest play系列居然被Crack?

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#1 09-2-10 23:41

是不是眼花了,Eastwest play系列居然被Crack?

真不敢相信,难道是H2O再世,是不是眼花了?铜墙铁壁的East|west play系列居然被Crack了?

#2 09-2-11 00:02

VOICES OF PASSION features 5 stunning female artists singing vowels, words, morphing vowels, effects, phrases, calls, whispers and breath noises. This is the first virtual instrument or sample library created specifically for use in the film/TV/game genre. This is also the first virtual instrument or sample library created specifically for use in ambient or new age genre.

VOICES OF PASSION is the first virtual instrument to feature true legato intervals. The Middle Eastern and Indian phrases are presented in a construction kit format allowing users to create very long consistent performances.

*Produced by QUANTUM LEAP producer NICK PHOENIX
*Approximately 8 gigabytes of vocals
*Female Vocalists from Wales, Syria, India, Bulgaria and America
*All singers recorded with great attention paid towards pitch
*Oo, oh and ah true legato intervals
*Over 1000 ethnic phrases with a great deal of passion
*Phrase generator for Welsh vocals
*Expressive samples, non vibrato, delayed vibrato
*Ethereal style, breathy vocals
*New Age vocal performances, staccato and swells


POWERED BY EASTWEST'S PLAY 64-bit Advanced Sample Engine with built-in Network Control (plug-in or standalone)
VOICES OF PASSION: User interface featuring PLAY (magnify...)

This VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT combines intuitive handling with excellent sound quality, and functions as a plug-in instrument, without the need for a sampler.

PLAY Advanced Sample Engine

PLAY is a 64-bit Advanced Sample Engine with built-in Network Control (plug-in or standalone).
PLAY is Included with all new EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP Virtual (software) Instruments.


PLAY isn't just a sampler, the PLAY SYSTEM is a professional fully integrated sample playback software solution for those with the most demanding production requirements
Offers native support for more platforms than any other software engine
Network support for large studios, expandable systems
The latest in technology (64-bit, next generation operating systems, plus lossless compression to increase efficiency and lower storage requirements)
The highest sound quality (ground-up effects, highest quality interpolation)
The best virtual instruments from the multiple award-winning EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP producers
The most intuitive controls, custom designed for each library
Complete portability
Try and buy new instruments any time, anywhere with an internet connection

Answers to the most common questions regarding PLAY and our new iLok security key is available in our Support FAQ section HERE

System Requirements

8 GB Free Hard Disc Space
DVD Drive
iLok Security key, not included (a free soundsonline.com account is required for retrieving and managing iLok licenses)
If you do not own an iLok Security Key you can purchase one at your local authorized EASTWEST retailers, or here.


Disk 1: http://stealth.to/?id=vrotavrqs8dxt6v7nu0o3qxd6k0sr6hdpt
Disk 2: http://stealth.to/?id=ef03h0mfb8xwe44iu2bfv3wa4yt7emqisf
Password: pia



#3 09-2-11 00:10
那个crack的网页打开被拦截了 不知道什么情况 朋友们小心

#4 09-2-11 00:30

vstclub 这个名字很强大。。。

#5 09-2-11 01:09
还是看看奥丢牛斯那里这么说~ 硬狗很难破的

#6 09-2-11 01:20

#7 09-2-11 02:03

#8 09-2-11 05:03
这  这  这什么情况阿

#9 09-2-11 05:39
这个东东早就有了 要是真的能行的话奥迪早就上了  再说这玩意真的像我们想象的那么好还是个问号 论坛上有用上的人说了 不咋实用


原文在此    (再说一个事  这东西不是vstclub出的 是转贴 我到过原帖的网站  不过vstclub还是很牛b滴)
This may help everyone feel better about this not being cracked... This is a review I found online for VOP.  Product:         
EWQL Voices of Passion
Date:        09/08/08 (255 review reads)
Advantages: You don't have to use it.
Disadvantages: No idea what phrases are being sung, very little control over the singers notes.
This library gave me huge heart ache. I am talking from the standpointof an aspiring game composer who likes to be able to tell everyinstrument exactly what they should be playing. The website gives youthe impression that out of the 5 singers included in this library youwill be able to tell them everything and anything, alongside somemelodic phrases that the singers perform from their culturalstandpoint.
Only 1.5 of the singers can singwhat you tell them. The 0.5 is the American singer who can sing whatyou tell her however her voice will change during the note, so if youtell her to change notes before she's finished her hour long"uuuooooaoaaaaaeeeeemmmmmaaaahhh" it sounds incredibly synthy and quitehorrible. Not all her notes will morph while she sings but most of themwill have some kind of "passionate" touch to them which again makes youwait for the whole thing to finish, or risk making it sound like purecrap.
The only singer who can do what you tell her fully andcompletely is the Wales singer. Who has vowel articulation. mm, ooh,aah, ee, etc. But even as such without proper hardware, like a midikeyboard with the mod wheel this entire library is useless. The fastpassages makes her voice also sounds incredibly synthy and fake.
And then of course there is the other 3 singers. Syria, Bulgeria, andIndian. Don't even get me started on this "collection" of presets.Thats all it is. Random phrases sung by the singer. You don't even knowwhat they're singing, and again like the American singer unless youwait for them to finish, changing notes halfway makes it sound veryfake. 6.5 out of the 7.1 gigs is just these phrases. No control, noidea what they're singing, just singing. I for one don't like the ideaof putting random phrases which probably mean nothing when puttogether. Have some Indian listener pm me the next day
"Why did you make her sing "I'm in love, a murderous bastard, snowing on the mountains!? YOU IDIOT >:(!"
The fact that there is no manual telling you what they're singing andtheir REFUSAL to even supply an online document somewhere with thesedetails is infuriating and just plain stupid.
I lost a LOT ofrespect for East West after this product. I simply could not believethey would try to sell such a huge collection of uncontrollable loopsfor so much money. I mean even Magix Music Maker comes with more loops,with more flexibility, AND it's so much cheaper. To boot it off halfthe stuff they wrote on the product description was not true. At all.
The Velocity layers for this product is very very limited. In thepersuit of "passionate" sounding voices they took one recording, andapplied it as their entire spectrum of velocities. There was no loud"ah!" for strength and a pushing feeling, no gentle relaxed "ah" forsleepy, subtle tones. No, you get just one "ah" for all your needs. Oneand one alone.
There is nothing more I can say about thisproduct without getting vulgar, it's a waste of time, waste of money,waste of energy, just don't get it. The ONLY reason it got a 1 at allwas for the Wales singer, who is capable of doing what you tell her,again provided you have the right equipment or even that sounds synthy.
Extra notes:
Velocity layers
Velocity layers arelayers designated for notes on an instrument, to perform differently asvolume levels are changed. Most high end libraries will have up to 4velocity layers per note on several of their instruments for addedrealism.
Lets take it lke this, imagine that you pick aninstrument, like the violin. And you want at a certain segment to playreally loudly. What would you do in real life? You would take the bowand press down on the string, applying more pressure to generate moresound. As a result what happens to the texture of the note? It getsmore course, rawer and more aggressive. VSTi producers recognize thischange and will have recorded the loud note, so when you click it andsay loud, the library will find the sample which will correspond toyour demands by finding the one which is course and raw. If you thenwent into a quiet segment, and set the volume to very low, again weconsider what you'd do in real life. You'd slide the bow gently overthe strings, and as a result the sound is very gentle and smooth.
Recording this as well the producers let the library find the softtexture and play it. Understanding now? It's like in flash/photoshopwhere you have layers, but you can only see one at a time. Depending onyour volume level the library will find the texture appropriate for it.This is generally why libraries can get very large. If it takes up to40 megabytes for one instrument, with 4 velocity layers it will take upto 160 megabytes, assuming of course they haven't lowered the qualityin one set which is really never the case.
Summary: One of the worst libraries i've ever had to deal with. Pure waste of money.

[ 本帖最后由 杨德南 于 09-2-11 05:42 编辑 ]

#10 09-2-11 09:26
  伟大的vstclub 灵魂附体啊!

#11 09-2-17 12:56

#12 09-2-17 14:27

#13 09-2-17 20:02

[ 本帖最后由 yangfan 于 09-2-17 22:33 编辑 ]

#14 09-2-17 20:36


#15 09-2-17 23:04
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