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来了!!! Protools 9.0.3 CPTK2 Updater

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#1 11-6-22 05:30

来了!!! Protools 9.0.3 CPTK2 Updater

#2 11-6-22 06:15
哟,够速度~~怎么地址一大串都不知道找哪个~~one files 要收费,几个文件的只能一次下一..而且不知道什么时候断

[ 本帖最后由 sakyo 于 11-6-22 06:40 编辑 ]


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#3 11-6-22 06:44
回帖里有人说可行有人说不完全free crack

It is my overstanding, that, PT 9.02, comes only as an update and not the complete program, as suggested in the instructions...

"First, it doesn't matter what version you are running as long as it is functioning. I would recommend updating to the latest 9.0.2 release (Full install, not an upgrade), very stable in my opinion with or without the Toolkit!

Note: If you already have a unlocked version of PT 9.0.2 installed, you must do a clean UnInstall of PT and Start from a fresh 9.0.2 install for success! Also make sure you backup your plugins, settings,etc..Remember after the Clean Uninstall to trash the Digidesign applications folder, and the library application support "digidesign" folder as well!"

I am a bit fused by this con-tradick/flick...

Hope you hope you stand over my fusion and reorganise the puzzle.

[ 本帖最后由 sakyo 于 11-6-22 06:48 编辑 ]

#4 11-6-22 07:31
如有 demo*oid.me 帳號者 請自行去看回帖內容 較為完整

#5 11-6-22 09:04
CompleteProduction Toolkit 2 - 9.0.3 Update
This packageis for Protools users who have a "functioning" copy of protools 9 andwould like to upgrade to have the Complete Toolkit 2 features unlocked!

First, itdoesn't matter what version you are running as long as it is functioning. Iwould recommend updating to the latest 9.0.2 release (Full install, not anupgrade), very stable in my opinion with or without the Toolkit!

Note: If youalready have a unlocked version of PT 9.0.2 installed, you must do a cleanUnInstall of PT and Start from a fresh 9.0.2 install for success! Also makesure you backup your plugins, settings,etc..Remember after the Clean Uninstallto trash the Digidesign applications folder, and the library applicationsupport "digidesign" folder as well!

If you need tobackup your setup, here is a quick list to help:
Swap thesefolders to a remote location until you have completed the update..
library/appsupport/digidesign/plugin settings

This willinsure that your plugs and settings are safe guarded! if you don't have manyplugins or any that are hacked then skip that step!

Third, youwant to close all programs and Update to Protools 9.0.3 with updater in folder0, do not launch protools and restart.. When the mac comes back online do notlaunch Protools and Install Toolkit from folder 1...

Fourth, If youhave moved your plugins and settings from step 2 then simply put them back inthe locations that you removed them from and open the Unpaced plugins fromfolder 2 and use the shortcut provided by simply selecting all the files insideexcept the shortcut and then dragging and dropping them on top of theshortcut.. you will be asked to replace files already present in that folder,hit replace to all that are duplicates!
If you want toinclude the Surround Code E plugin, simply open the Zip file supplied andfollow instructions to install it, you do not have to do this at this step itcan be done later!

Fifth, Go tothe following location and place the PT 9.0.3 App on the desktop - Location:applications/didgidesign/protools…! Then from Folder 3 Take my provided App andput it where you removed the original App!

Sixth, Openand launch the HD Switcher in folder 4. You should be prompted to log out afterinstall is finished, but just do a full restart of your system!

Seventh, Openthe protools App from the applications folder or dock! You will get a messageasking you to provide a passcode for the cracked file, ignore and escape! Nextplace the original 9.0.3 App file from the desktop back in the applicationfolder, overwriting mine and then launch!

Now theconversion is done and when you launch it should be an HD install.. Note: iused the 9.0.2 Hack to achieve this, so the PT HD banner will say that it's HD9.0.2 but it's not! The operating system is just reporting that because i usedthe 9.0.2 tool for this version to save time and there weren't any changesaffected by this! If you are skeptical about the changes you can always look atyour framework version to insure your conversion is correct!
1. Check theDAE Framework file..Location: Library/Frameworks - make sure it reads thecorrect version 9.0.3

Please readthis or follow along while you are updating. If you have any issues then yourbest bet would be to backup plugins and settings, do a complete reinstall ofProtools and get it working properly first, then apply the update! As long asyour Protools system is working properly already this will not damage anythingat all! lastly look in your PT9 HD screen and look for CPTK2 in the menu! Alsofor those on hacked versions of PT9 you MUST OBEY ALL RESTART COMMANDSfor success! This insures that all steps have a receipt and certificate so youdon't have missing ilok messages in the future! I decided to do this because ithought the improved streaming does make a difference overall and the lowerbuffer settings definitely help with big sessions on stronger computers! Thisrelease is about as official as i am planning to go with it! for those with anilok it's rock solid and I did notice that this version handles switching fromdifferent sample rates much smoother and i don't hear the pops and clicks iused to hear from time to time!


Create evenlarger sessions and get many of the same features of Pro Tools|HD* systems withComplete Production Toolkit 2, a powerful expansion option for Pro Tools 9software. Have the flexibility to work on studio-created sessions anywhereusing just your computer or Pro Tools mobile rig. Get the same high ProTools|HD track counts, full session compatibility, and support for all tracktypes, including VCA groups. And enhance your production with 7.1 surroundmixing, advanced editing and automation tools, and more.

Exchange sessions with Pro Tools|HD users without everlosing session information

Create huge mixes with up to 192 simultaneous audiotracks** on playback—512 total

Get full VCA mixing capabilities and support for up to 64video tracks

Mix in 7.1 surround while monitoring in stereo with theNeyrinck SoundCode Stereo plug-in

Speed up your workflow with advanced automation, audio,and video editing tools

Shift time and pitch with natural-sounding results usingthe X-Form plug-in

#6 11-6-22 09:14

#7 11-6-22 10:05

#8 11-6-22 10:23
刚试过了,跟着readme做的,删除整个9.02, 不过安装以後发觉启动跟about 都显示是 9.02的,就是DAE Framework显示是9.03的


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#9 11-6-22 20:45

#10 11-6-23 09:54

#11 11-6-23 14:51

#12 11-6-24 00:52

#13 11-6-24 02:50

#14 11-6-24 06:16

1: 要有9.02的全安装,不是升级的- 反正我没见到 全安装不是升级的 9.02 pkg, 反正个人理解的是,有PT以前版本的都要全部卸下才能安装新的
2. 以前有安装的要备份以下的, 避免重新破解plugin
library/appsupport/digidesign/plugin settings

3 . 安装 9.02 以後别重启, 先安装 Toolkit 从 folder 1

4. 安装完toolkit以後就可以恢复以前的 plugins, plugin setting, sessiontemplate,
IOsetting, 把他们回复到原来的地方就可以

5. 到 applications/didgidesign/protools, 把 protools.app 放到桌面(desktop), 然後folder 3里面的 protools.app 放到 applications/didgidesign/protools 里面

6. 然後进行 folder 4里面的 HD Switcher , 然後什麽都不理,重新启动就可以

7. 然後进行桌面上的 protools, 当进行的时候会要求什麽passcode的,按ESC, 退出就可以,然後把桌面上原来的 protools.app 换到 applications/didgidesign/protools 里面

然後再启动会发现你的protools启动画面还是显示9.02的,如果要确定是9.03 framework 的话,到我上面图的位置会看到是9.03的 DAE framework 了

#15 11-6-24 10:02
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