本帖最后由 狗公腰 于 15-5-26 00:36 编辑
Slate Digital Virtual Console Collection (VCC) 经典控台模拟DAW Summing神器
The Slate Digital VIRTUAL CONSOLE COLLECTION brings the sound of 6 of the world's top analog consoles into your DAW workstation.
"Slate Digital CTO Fabrice Gabriel and I studied these consoles inside and out.
We meticulously modeled the entire circuit path so that we could recreate every subtle nuance that makes these consoles the legends that they are," says Slate.
The VIRTUAL CONSOLE COLLECTION consists of two plugins, Virtual Channel and Virtual Mixbuss.
Each plugin allows the user to choose from one of five modeled consoles. Virtual Channel is applied on individual mixing channels.
Virtual Mixbuss goes on the first insert of the master fader. When using the Virtual Console Collection,
your DAW instantly takes on the personality of a real analog mixing desk. The imaging and depth improves,
instruments sit better in the frequency spectrum, and mixing becomes easier and more musical.
You can even push the DAW faders up to find each mixer's "sweet spot."
tested in LPX, Live9, Reaper, ProTools10.3.10
Mac openssl 版
Slate Digital Virtual Console Collection (VCC) v1.5.2 MacOSX (154 MB)
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