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[新闻] Pro Tools 12.2来了!

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#1 15-9-3 21:05

Pro Tools 12.2来了!

本帖最后由 solarduan2010 于 15-9-3 21:15 编辑

New Features andImprovements in Pro Tools12.2 新功能和改进:Pro Tools HD Features NowAvailable with Pro Tools
• VCA Master tracks  
Support for VCA MasterTracksPro Tools Software now provides support for VCAMaster tracks. VCA Master tracks emulate the operationof voltage-controlled amplifier channels onanalog consoles, where a VCA channel faderwould be used to control, group, or offset the signallevels of other channels on the console.VCA Master tracks do not pass audio, so they donot have inputs, outputs, inserts, or sends. A MixGroup is assigned to a VCA Master track, whichappears in the VCA track’s Assignment selector.The controls of the tracks in that Group, called theslave tracks, are modified by the controls on theVCA Master.
• Fixed RAM Disk Cache allocation options
Fixed RAM Disk CacheAllocation OptionsPro Tools Software now provides support for fixedRAM Disk Cache allocation options in the PlaybackEngine dialog. Specify the desired amountRAM for the Disk Cache in the Playback Enginedialog.
• Advanced Metering, including Gain Reduction Meter
Support for AdvancedMeteringPro Tools lets you change metering ballistics andscales to match your needs for visually monitoringaudio levels. For most users, the default settings foreach of the Meter Type settings work best. However,for some broadcasters, post production facilities,and mixing and mastering facilities, other meteringoptions may be desired so that Pro Toolsmetering matches the metering on various externalconsoles or other devices.All Meter Types and Advanced Meter Type settingsare now available with Pro Tools Software,included Gain Reduction meters.

Pro Tools 12.2 Information & DownloadsSep 2, 2015

System Requirements and Compatibility with Pro Tools 12.2 Software (more info)
  • Pro Tools 12.2 supports Mac OS X 10.10.3-10.10.4 (Yosemite), 10.9.5 (Mavericks) and 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion)
  • Pro Tools 12.2 supports Windows 8.1 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit
  • If using Pro Tools 12.2 with Avid Artist, S3, S5-Hybrid and MCPro on Mountain Lion or Mavericks you should install EuControl 3.2 or higher (My Artist Login)
  • S6 owners should update to version 1.4.1 if using Pro Tools 12.0 or higher (Avid Account > My Products and Subscriptions > S6 Software Update > Show)
Read Me and What's New filesThe Read Me file documents important compatibility information, known issues, error messages, issues resolved, etc.
  • Pro Tools 12.2 software requires a Pro Tools 12 iLok authorization (license) to run
  • Pro Tools HD 12.2 software requires both Pro Tools 12 and Pro Tools HD 12 iLok authorizations (licenses) to run
  • Review the licenses on your iLok at ilok.com or in iLok License Manager
  • See the Support section of ilok.com for assistance with iLok License Manager, your iLok account, etc.
  • Pro Tools 12.2 is a full installer (not an updater that requires a previous version installed).
  • Pro Tools 12.2 uses a single installer for both Pro Tools and Pro Tools HD, only the iLok authorization is different
  • Virtual Instruments and Effects for Pro Tools 12 are installed by the First AIR Effects Bundle and First AIR Instruments Bundle (formerly a single Creative Collection Installer in PT11).  Run these in addition to the Pro Tools installer. (more info)
  • Pro Tools HDX/HD Native Mac users, be sure to install the HD 12.2 Driver. The HD driver may be found in the Driver Installers folder included in the 12.2 download.
  • Non-HD users, please install the latest compatible driver for your Avid interface
  • The Pro Tools application is not automatically added to the Dock on Mac OS X, but can be manually added by dragging the application icon to the Dock
  • See the Pro Tools 12 Software Installation Guide for complete instructions
  • Pro Tools 12.2 co-install with Pro Tools 10.x is supported using Mac OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion (details)
  • Pro Tools 12.2 co-install with Media Composer (details)
  • Co-install of Pro Tools 11.x and Media Composer on Windows does not allow Media Composer to be a Video Satellite (details)
HDX Firmware Update
  • Pro Tools 11.2.2 and higher requires a firmware update for HDX cards
  • Firmware update takes place during Pro Tools launch
  • The firmware update was tested for backwards compatibility with Pro Tools 10.3.6 and later
Late Breaking Technical Issues
  • Automation toggling on Artist Series surfaces with EuControl 3.2.2 or earlier does not work as expected (details)
  • HD hardware is not supported by CoreAudio on Yosemite. iTunes users, please check the Read Me. Native Instruments users, click here
  • See the Windows Read Me for limitations with WASAPI support (added in v12.0)
  • Click here for Pro Tools 12.x Satellite Link and Video Satellite compatibility updates
  • Review the Read Me file and Late Breaking Technical Issues before installing or updating Pro Tools for known issues that could impact your workflow.
  • Upgrades available from earlier versions of Pro Tools can be purchased from the Avid Store or Avid Reseller
  • Registered owners of Pro Tools 12 can download Installers from their Avid Account:
  • Log In to https://account.avid.com
  • Click on My Products and Subscriptions
  • Click on a Pro Tools 12... product in your list
  • Click Show to see the available files
  • Click on a file name to download the file (Note: If a Server Error is preventing downloads, click here)


#2 15-9-3 21:53

#3 15-9-3 23:39

#4 15-9-4 00:45

#5 15-9-4 00:53
VCA编组和电平表上的GR下嫁到标准版了 牛逼 估计照这个趋势 avid是要整合HD版和标准版的节奏啊 除了环绕声和多轨视频 其他的功能上两个版本愈发的趋近了啊

#6 15-9-4 01:42
frosty-eve 发表于 15-9-4 00:53
VCA编组和电平表上的GR下嫁到标准版了 牛逼 估计照这个趋势 avid是要整合HD版和标准版的节奏啊 除了环绕声 ...


#7 15-9-4 02:34

#8 15-9-4 02:52
solarduan2010 发表于 15-9-4 01:42

敢问这位老师 为啥avid官网的store 总是不能顺利购买呢 老是卡在最后一步之前就不动了

#9 15-9-4 05:14
升级以后eastwest 的播放引擎打不开了,正做到一半的工程,提示错误,不知道是否属于个例,正在做活的慎重升级。

#10 15-9-4 10:05

#11 15-9-4 12:55
frosty-eve 发表于 15-9-4 02:52
敢问这位老师 为啥avid官网的store 总是不能顺利购买呢 老是卡在最后一步之前就不动了


#12 15-9-4 17:23

#13 15-9-5 01:17

#14 15-9-5 18:04

#15 15-9-6 13:57
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