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[新闻] Avid即将发布新版pro tools12.6,带来新功能和新内容,新的价格和订阅方式

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#1 16-9-10 08:30

Avid即将发布新版pro tools12.6,带来新功能和新内容,新的价格和订阅方式

消息来源:pro-tools-expert论坛,Avidblogs(Avid官方博客)pro tools 12.6-A Detailed Look At The New Featurespro tools 12.6-Avid Unbundle Pro Tools HD Software And Add New Features
Pro Tools 12.6 - Pricing And Upgrades

Avid即将发布新版pro tools12.6,带来新功能和新内容,新的价格和订阅方式!Avid在IBC 2016(荷兰阿姆斯特丹)上展示了pt12.6这个新版本,正式版将会在9月下旬时候向support plan时间符合要求的用户推送。

1、Apply Real-Time Effects To Clips 对音频片段进行实时效果处理(Pro Tools HD版本软件独占)

   pt用户向得到这个功能的呼声已经很多年了,如今这个功能正式将加入pro tools HD版(普通版不具备该功能,毕竟如果普通具有hd的新功能,那谁愿意掏更多的钱去购买HD版软件,而且HD版软件马上就可以单卖啦,具体后面提到)。这个操作是非破坏性,基于片段的处理。您能添加实时EQ和动态到一个单独的clip 或者一组clips。

Dedicated Plugin 用户可以方便地专注插件的参数

     有是一个专用的 '插件' 此功能基于avid的Avid Channel Strip,并有权访问所有通道条预设。实时效果插件呈现在一联合窗口的空间。因此编辑窗口会拥有两个选项卡,所以打开时你可以实时剪辑效果选项卡和联合选项卡之间切换。

Not Automatable 非自动化

Settings Stay With The Clip
这个功能使所有设置一起剪辑所以如果移动剪辑时间轴周围所有设置都引导  There are no more messages about not having that plugin on this track and so on!

Layer Up Your Clip Effects

Icons To The Right


Right Click 右键被赋予了更多功能

   A:现在工具 12.6 轨道信号路径顺序弹性音频剪辑效果 剪辑增益 插入最后推子意味着所有实时剪辑效果clip推子前增益所以调整剪辑增益任何clip效果的动态
b、No 3rd Party Plugin Support Yet 该功能仅支持使用Avid Channel Strip对Clips做处理,暂时不支持第三方插件,未来可能实现对第三方插件的支持。
c、该功能不支持普通版pro tools用户


#2 16-9-10 08:35
2、Edit Audio Layers And Create Playlists More Easily  更轻松地编辑音频层和创建播放列表
How many times have you dragged something out of the clip list or moved clips around the timeline in the Edit window and unwittingly covered over one or more clips without realising it, maybe for some time so using Undo will no longer fix it? Now with Pro Tools 12.6, this doesn’t happen anymore, and Pro Tools can warn you if you are about to obscure clips with a drag operation.
Create New Playlists On The Fly
During a recording session having to stop and create a new playlist between each take could really slow up the creative process.  Now in version 12.6, Pro Tools can automatically create new playlists on the fly so that no clip is ever ‘recorded over'.
When you are recording, if a clip is going to be fully obscured then Pro Tools 12.6 automatically pushes it down onto a new playlist, so you can easily retrieve it 'in-place' and use it in any comping process.
This is going to save so much time, because before you would have to dig around the clip list create a new playlist, and then drag the clips out of the clip list using Spot so you can get them back onto the timeline in the correct place. Now with Pro Tools 12.6 it all happens automatically.
Who Is On Top?
So at its simplest, if you have a clip that you place ‘over the top’ of a longer clip, when the layered feature is turned on, we get a graduated shadow on both ends of the clip on top.
Now when you delete the top clip, you don’t get a hole in the underlying clip. Avid have also extended the transparency feature so when we move a clip over the top you can see through it to the clip underneath.
When you move a longer clip over a smaller clip Pro Tools 12.6 displays blue boundaries for the shorter clip that is underneath. However the really clever bit is when you let go, it automatically creates a new playlist, so the clip that was covered up completely is no longer gone, it is simply moved onto another playlist.
The Clip Goes Red
Now in Pro Tools 12.6, if you move a clip around and you aren’t aware that you are going to cover clips that are beyond what you can see in the Edit window, Pro Tools now makes a graduated red border warning you that this move will cover over and remove a clip or clips that you cannot see.
New Key Command To Toggle Through Playlists
Even better, when you hold down Shift and use the Up and Down keys you can toggle through the playlists for that track. There is no need to go over to the Playlist drop down menu in the track title section of the Edit window to change playlists.
You can then use the master playlist to quickly comp up the wanted takes, without having to pause the recording session whilst you create a new playlist to record onto.
New Playlist Indicator

One of the reasons that Post people gave to Avid during the consultations as to why they didn’t use playlists is that other members of the team didn’t know there were any alternative playlists in the session. It was much clearer to tracklay ‘alt’ takes on extra tracks. Now there is a new Playlist Indicator (the blue downwards arrow in the example above to the right of the 'PianoMg' track name) that turns blue to show you that you have more than one playlist on that track maybe post users will use Playlist more.
Editing Fades
With Pro Tools 12.6 you can now edit the fade shapes from the Edit window using the Smart Tool by dragging the Fade shape line to change the shape of the fade. There is no need to double click on the Fade to open the Fade window and then edit the Fade from there.
Right Click The Fade
If you right click on a Fade clip, you have the option to adjust the fade shape and slope from the contextual menu that pops up.
Fades Render Correctly When You Drag A Clip Onto Another Track
If you drag a clip that has crossfades onto another track, Pro Tools 12.6 will now render the fades on both tracks correctly, keeping the fade lengths and shapes the same across the two tracks, and so it will sound the same as when everything was still on one track. With Pro Tools 12.5 and earlier you got ‘half-fades’ instead and so the transition didn't sound right and you ended up having to tweak the fades to get it right.
Using Re-Recorder Workflows With A Single Pro Tools System (Pro Tools HDX Only)
Back in the days of Pro Tools 10 when working on big film mixes you could end up needing 3 or 4 Pro Tools systems to play back all the different tracks and then a separate Pro Tools system acting purely as the ‘recorder’ to capture all the stems and mixes. With the changes in the way Pro Tools works under the hood, you can now get so many more tracks on one machine and so for all but the biggest mixes, you can handle the mix in just one system but that means that the Pro Tools system is handling all playback and recording on the same system. However this increased usage has thrown up an issue with latency and timing when recording onto tracks especially when the audio is routed through Aux Tracks and other Audio Tracks, which can happen when you are creating all the different stems and mixes that are part of the deliverables for these large projects.
Now with Pro Tools 12.6, Avid have redesigned things so that when using Pro Tools HDX and Punch mode the system calibrates and time aligns the stems so that there is no latency or audio glitches when punching in and out or switching inputs, in either what you hear in real-time and on the actual recording.

#3 16-9-10 08:36
3、Blue Mode

Pro Tools 12.6 Single System Re-recorder Workflows - Click on the image to make it larger!

In the graphic above all the source tracks are represented in the left hand column. In the middle we have a range of audio stem tracks and these can now be put into 'Recorder' track mode (Blue Mode) where you can turn on and off the Auto Low Latency mode at the bottom of the faders in the Mix window.
Now all the tracks downstream will be punched in and out correctly and not leave gaps because of latency. The right hand column represents all the monitor sources and it is important that all of these are in sync, and before Pro Tools 12.6 this type of workflow was full of possible pitfalls.
When the Re-recorder mode is enabled (Blue Mode) Pro Tools knows that this track is in its own time domain so that when we punch in, it has to be relative to its source and not relative to the playback tracks.
HDX Only
This feature is HDX Only by necessity rather than by design because Pro Tools needs extremely low latency for the tracks in 'Blue Mode' so that it all works as it should.
All Blue Mode Tracks Have To Use AAX DSP Plugins
All the plugins on tracks in Blue Mode have to be AAX DSP to keep the latency right down. In this example, the surround encoders and decoders would need to be the Neyrinck AAX DSP plug-in. The Minnetonka plugins are only available as AAX Native plugins and so won’t work in this re-recorder workflow.
New Task Manager Status Icon
Up in the toolbar under the Start End and Length and to the right of the Delay icon, in Pro Tools 12.6 there is now a new Task Manager Status icon.  If there is any activity in your task manager then this icon will spin, if there is a problem in Task Manager it will go red, and if you click on it, it will open up the Task Manager window. If you have a re-link issue it will automatically open up the Re-link window.

Freeze Status Icon
To the right of the new Task Manager Status icon in Pro Tools 12.6 there is now also a new Freeze Status icon and this will show if any tracks in the session are frozen, and if you right click on it, it will give you the option to freeze all Instruments, or freeze all Auxes.

Initial Observations
The Clip Effects means that the editor can use effects to get all the clips in line and sounding as they should and then the mixer can use the normal track-based plugins for the mix.
These are all excellent features and it is great to see one of the key requests from the Ideascale top 20 in clip-based effects has been delivered with this upgrade but what about folders in the Clip List and Marker Improvements to mention just 2 more of that top 20?
I am disappointed that there is no sign of higher multichannel format support for the likes of Dolby Atmos and Auro 3D.

#4 16-9-10 08:37
Pro Tools 12.6 - Pricing And Upgrades

In this third article on the release of Pro Tools 12.6 we are looking at the changes to the pricing as a result of Avid unbundling the HD Software and Hardware. In the first article we presented an overview of the new features and changes and in the second article we covered the new features added in Pro Tools 12.6.
New Pro Tools HD Pricing And Packaging
The big news with the release of Pro Tools 12.6 is that Avid are unbundling the HD hardware, interfaces and software so you can buy just the bits you want. So yes you will be able to buy the Pro Tools HD Software on its own, without having to buy a card or an interface.
Alternatively you will be able to buy an HD Native or HDX card and the Pro Tools HD software without having to buy an Avid interface. So if you would prefer to own and use one of the 3rd party HD interfaces then you can without having to buy an Avid interface and then go through the trouble of selling it.
Pro Tools HD DigiLink I/O License
However as part of the process to decouple the interface from the bundles, Avid are introducing a new one-off DigiLink I/O license, which all users will need whether they are using an Avid interface or a 3rd party interface.   This is a one time license that will be $299 but note this is NOT per interface. If you have one interface then it will be $299, if you have 10 interfaces it will still be $299 and NOT $2990.
DON'T worry as there are a number of scenarios that will mean most people will automatically receive the DigiLink I/O license at NO extra cost. If you fit into any one of these categories you will not have to pay for the DigiLink I/O license.
  • All existing customers on an active upgrade/support plan when Pro Tools 12.6 is released irrespective as to whether you own an Avid interface or a 3rd party interface.
  • Any customer purchasing an upgrade/support plan reinstatement
  • Any customer who purchases an Avid HD Series I/O
  • Any Customer who purchases a Legacy hardware Exchange (Old TDM Systems)
New Customers
If you are buying a new system from now on and you choose to buy an HDX Core or HD Native Core System, so that you are able to buy a 3rd Party interface, then you will be able to go to the Avid Store and buy the DigiLink I/O license for a one off charge of $299 and you will be good to go. Remember this is a single fee, and not per interface.
What the license effectively does is to turn on the DigiLink ports on an HD Native or HDX card. If you don’t have a valid DigiLink I/O License then your HD interfaces, irrespective of what brand they are, including Avid, will not work once you are running Pro Tools 12.6.
But remember this is only for new HD customers buying into hardware. Pro Tools Vanilla and Pro Tools HD standalone software users do not need a DigiLink I/O license and so you will NOT be affected and will NOT need to buy the DigiLink I/O license.
Resellers will also be provided with activation cards to include with their existing stock. So moving forward Avid interfaces will have the DigiLink I/O license included in the box, again at no extra charge, in fact Avid have taken $500 off the prices of all their HD I/O Series interfaces.
Pro Tools 12.6 HD Software Only Pricing
Pro Tools HD Software Standalone will be available later in September 2016 in two formats, either as a perpetual license or on a rental subscription plan.
Pro Tools HD Software Standalone Software - Perpetual
The Perpetual version will be $2499 and will include one year’s annual upgrade plan  If you want to keep up to date you will need to have an HD upgrade and support plan which will cost $399 as it did before.
Pro Tools HD Software Standalone Software - Rental (subscription)
Pro Tools HD Software with be available to rent for $999 per year on a subscription rental plan. If you wanted to buy the HD Software outright, it is equivalent to 2.5 years of rental subscriptions. Unlike other rental options, Avid will not be offering Pro Tools HD Software Standalone Software on a monthly rental scheme, only annual.
Upgrade Path For Pro Tools Vanilla Users
Pro Tools Vanilla users can also upgrade to Pro Tools HD standalone for the price difference between Pro Tools vanilla and the HD software and so this upgrade will cost $1899
Pro Tools HD Software Not Transferable
We understand that the HD Software Standalone will not be transferable so just as at the moment it is not possible to transfer a Pro Tools HD ilok license from one iLok account to another, Avid will not allow the new standalone license to be transferable so as before you won’t be able to sell it.
Pro Tools HD Software - Is It Worth It?
You may be thinking that $2499 is expensive but consider the entry point for Pro Tools. Before Pro Tools 12.6, if a professional working from home, for example, needed the HD only features like surround tracks, they had to buy the minimum of an HD Native card, an HD Omni interface and the HD software, which was around $5000. Now with the unbundling options, for half of that you can get the HD software and access to all the HD only features, including the new Clip Effects feature introduced in Pro Tools 12.6. Over 12 months that is just over $200 per month.
Consider The Rental Option
If you prefer to rent the Pro Tools HD Software, then you can rent it for $999 per year, remember that there is no monthly rental option for the standalone HD software but this works out at around $84 per month.  A further advantage of the rental plan is that you don’t need to buy into the upgrade/support plans.
Ongoing Perpetual Costs
If you go for the perpetual option, the first year is going to cost you around $209 per month and then subsequent years are going to cost you around $33 per month for the ongoing upgrade/support plan.
For Professionals This Is Not Expensive
Either way, whether you choose perpetual with a continuing upgrade/support plan or go for the rental option, for professionals earning their living from working with Pro Tools this is not a lot of money for the features and power that comes with Pro Tools HD.
Consider Cap-Ex or Op-Ex
For those bigger facilities managing budgets you will know exactly where you stand. You can choose whether to fund it from capital expenditure with the perpetual route or operational expenditure with the rental subscription route.
For smaller, one person operations, going down the rental option means it is an operational expense and can be recharged to the client.
New Pro Tools HD Hardware Pricing
To help you through the changes that Avid have made, we have prepared a table to show the new pricing structures. Please read this table in conjunction with the notes below.

ProductPro Tools HD LicenseUpgrade PlanPlugin BundleSupportPriceNotes
Pro Tools HDX CoreYes1 year1 year1 year$4999Represents a 29% reduction pro rata from previous bundles based on a $7k spend
Pro Tools HDX CardNoN/AN/AN/A$2999
Pro Tools HD Native CoreYes1 year1 year1 year$2999Small price increase to tie in with Pro Tools HD Standalone price
Pro Tools HD Native CardNoN/AN/AN/A$999
Legacy to Pro Tools HDX ExchangeNo3 years3 years3 years$4999Exchanges are now the same price as the Core but you get 3 years of upgrade/support plan worth $798
Legacy to Pro Tools Native ExchangeNo3 years3 years3 years$2999Exchanges are now the same price as the HD Native but you get 3 years of upgrade/support plan worth $798
HD I/O InterfaceNoN/AN/AN/A$3499This represents a reduction of $500 for each interface
HD Omni InterfaceNoN/AN/AN/A$2499This represents a reduction of $500 for each interface
HD I/O Digital InterfaceNoN/AN/AN/A$1999This represents a reduction of $500 for each interface
HD MADI InterfaceNoN/AN/AN/A$4499This represents a reduction of $500 for each interface

HDX Core Price Reduced By 29%
Avid have reduced the HDX Core price by around 29% when you look at the old price bundled with an HD I/O. Once you take the price off for the HD I/O the new price is 29% lower than the old price.
Avid Interface Prices Drop By $500
They have also reduced the prices on all the HD I/O Series interfaces by $500 per interface and so they are taking steps to make the pricing of the HD systems more competitive, to try and retain as many customers as possible.
Upgrade Paths For HD Software Only Users
You might be wondering why Avid is offering the HD Native card without the HD Software? One example would be that an owner of the Pro Tools HD Standalone software now wants to take advantage of a Sync I/O. The Sync I/O needs an HD card to work so they have thought this through and so it is possible now for an HD Software owner to buy into HD hardware at a later date.  
New Legacy Exchange Pricing
Avid have changed the Legacy hardware upgrade offering, so now the price for an HDX Core is the same as the Legacy upgrade price but the difference is that with the Legacy upgrade you get 3 years of upgrade/support plans included rather than the normal one year.
Pre-Ordering Available Now
Although Avid don’t expect to start shipping Pro Tools 12.6 and the new hardware options until much later in September they will be offering the option to pre-order from today.
What Do you Think?
So there you have it, Avid have finally decoupled the Pro tools Software and Hardware, they have added Clip Based Effects as well as several neat new editing features, but still no support for higher surround channel formats and no folders in the clip list. What is your view on Pro Tools 12.6? Like it or not? Do share your thoughts in the comments below...

#5 16-9-10 08:38
Pro Tools 12.6 - Avid Unbundle Pro Tools HD Software And Add New Features

Today at IBC 2016 Avid are announcing Pro Tools 12.6 software with a raft of new features, some HD only and some for all Pro Tools users. They are also announcing major changes with the way HD hardware and software are bundled. With Pro Tools 12.6 it will be possible to buy Pro Tools HD software standalone, without having to buy any hardware.
Background To Pro Tools 12.6
Avid have been working hard with key customers behind the scenes to see where the pain points are in their workflows and so have been working closely with the likes of Pinewood Studios here in the UK as well as NHK in Japan.
Pro Tools 12.6 is the 3rd major release in the last 9 months with 12.4 bringing Track Freeze and and Track Commit, 12.5 bringing Cloud Collaboration and now 12.6 bringing Clip Effects, Layered editing and single system re-recorder workflows.

Pro Tools 12.6 Edit Window - Click on the image to make it larger!

Summary Of Pro Tools 12.6 Features
Clip Effects HD Only - You can apply and edit dynamics and EQ on a clip by clip basis. In Pro Tools vanilla you can only playback, clear or render these clip effects

Multi-Layer Editing - In Pro Tools 12.6 there is a new editing mode that predictably allows clips to be overlapped and still maintain the original clip boundaries when the overlap is removed.
Playlist Improvements - There is a new key command for switching playlists directly from the track. There is a visual indication when there are multiple playlists on a track and Avid have added a new mode that sends fully overlapping clips to a new or existing playlist.

Single-System re-recorder workflows - On HDX systems, this new feature improves the in-the-box post dubbing workflows without latency or the associated glitches when punching in and out or input monitor toggling on cascaded record tracks.

Real-time Fade Manipulation - You can now adjust the fade in, out and crossfade curves using the Smart Tool with real-time waveform updates. Alternatively you can now right-click on a fade clip and adjust the fade shape and slope.
Task Manager Status Icon - In the Edit window there is a new icon that shows activity in the Task Manager.
Freeze Status Icon - In the Edit window there is now an icon that displays if tracks are frozen and also provides the option to be able to globally freeze and unfreeze tracks.

Availability - It is expected that Pro Tools 12.6 will start to hit people’s accounts with active upgrade plans or rental subscriptions in late September.
More Detail - Please see the separate story covering the new features in Pro Tools 12.6 in much more detail.
Changes To The Pro Tools iLok Licensing
Pro Tools 12.6 will come with a brand new iLok authorisation license, it will be called Pro Tools Perpetual for new customers and existing customers on active upgrade plans. For those customers on a rental subscription plan the license will be called Pro Tools Subscription
These new licenses will be linked to your upgrade plans so it will ‘know’ when your support and /or upgrade plans are up for renewal. So iLok licenses from now on will no longer have the Pro Tools version number in the name, but there will be a linking system so that the iLok license 'knows' what you are entitled to.
You Won't Lose Your Existing PT 10/11/12 Licenses
Avid assure us that no one will lose anything that you currently already have. For example, if you have a 10/11/12 iLok license bundle, you will have that 10/11/12 license after the upgrade but you will also have an additional license which will recalled Pro Tools Perpetual. Even though the new Perpetual line is linked to your upgrade and support plan Avid assure us that even if you choose not to renew your plan, Pro Tools will still continue to work.
Surrender & Re-instatement
However, the upgrade process for everyone on active upgrade/support plans will be a surrender and reinstatement process. What will happen will be similar to when we upgraded to Pro Tools 12 but hopefully without the iLok problems that came with the process. What happened (when it worked properly) is we had to surrender our Pro Tools 10/11 bundle and then Avid gave us back a new bundle that had Pro Tools 10, 11 & 12 licences.
Now with Pro Tools 12.6, when we upgrade to 12.6 we will need to surrender the Pro Tools 10/11/12 bundle and Avid will give us back a Pro Tools 10/1/11/12 bundle as well as a new Pro Tools Perpetual license. HD users on an active plan will also get the new DigiLink I/O license. Avid tell us that they have been working hard with iLok to make sure that there aren't the same issues as we had with the Pro Tools 12 upgrade process.
Do NOT Make The Upgrade Mid Project!
However, as we always do, we recommend that you hold off upgrading and making changes to your system until you have some downtime. Even with all the assurances from Avid we strongly recommend that you DO NOT upgrade to Pro Tools 12.6 in the middle of a project. Instead please wait until the project is completed, just in case something unforeseen happens and you cannot work until it is sorted.

#6 16-9-10 10:06

#7 16-9-10 10:08

#8 16-9-10 10:08
gudaojack 发表于 16-9-10 10:06


#9 16-9-10 10:14


#10 16-9-10 10:32
solarduan2010 发表于 16-9-10 10:14


#11 16-9-10 10:38
solarduan2010 发表于 16-9-10 08:35
2、Edit Audio Layers And Create Playlists More Easily  更轻松地编辑音频层和创建播放列表
How many ti ...

能发下PT 12.6的安装包吗? 谢谢!!要MAC版本的

#12 16-9-10 10:57
yearmiki2013 发表于 16-9-10 10:38
能发下PT 12.6的安装包吗? 谢谢!!要MAC版本的

你的support plan必须还在有效期才能将原有授权换成pro tools 12.6之后开始新启用的独立授权了。如果单纯给你安装包,意义不大了

#13 16-9-10 11:08
我的pt12过期了 木有继 估计升不了级了

#14 16-9-10 11:17
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#15 16-9-10 13:17
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