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Cubase / Nuendo

cubase 10.5.10 更新來了 mac&pc 正版信息

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#1 20-2-3 22:05

cubase 10.5.10 更新來了 mac&pc 正版信息

#2 20-2-3 22:10

#3 20-2-3 22:13
Cubase 10.5
Version History
February 2020
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file.
Version History Page 2 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
Cubase 10.5.10
List of resolved issues
The following list details resolved issues and improvements in this version:
ID # Area Issue
CAN-26095         ARA Copying ARA-edited events to other tracks no longer
renders the application unreliable.
CAN-24400         ARA
An issue has been resolved where multiple ARAprocessed audio events could cause a delay when
listening to ARA-processed data.
CAN-24829         ARA
An issue has been resolved where ARA-edited audio
events played back even when muted.
CAN-24067         ARA
An issue has been resolved where ARA-edited audio
events played back when opening MIDI editors with
"Solo Editor" activated.
CAN-26886         Import Importing AAF files no longer renders the application
CAN-26648         MediaBay Tagging media with the attribute "Bars&Beats" now
works as expected.
CAN-22181         MediaBay Improved stability for MediaBay when accessing NAS
file servers.
CAN-26126         MixConsole
MIDI tracks are no longer displayed in the list for
selecting a comparison channel in the Channel Settings
CAN-24828         MixConsole
Reopening a Workspace involving the MixConsole and
channel visibility list no longer renders the application
CAN-26309         Plug-ins The manual mode of Frequency and Q-Factor in the
ModMachine plug-in now works correctly.
CAN-26375         Plug-ins The automation of effect parameters in the MultiTap
Delay plug-in now works correctly.
CAN-26663         Plug-ins The DeEsser, RoomWorks and StereoDelay plug-ins no
longer show duplicate factory presets.
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file.
Version History Page 3 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
ID # Area Issue
CAN-26016         Plug-ins
The order of the effects in the VST Amp Rack and VST
Bass Amp plug-ins can now be changed again in the
usual way.
CAN-25827         Pool Emptying the Trash after removing unused media no
longer renders the application unreliable.
CAN-25583         Project Window
With "Combine Selection Tools" activated, doubleclicking between markers in the range now results in a
range selection.
CAN-25877         Project Window
Replacing VST instruments on tracks that are set to
Mute or Solo no longer renders the application
CAN-25089         Recording Playing MIDI notes and using the pitch bend wheel at
the same time no longer results in hanging notes.
CAN-25841         Remote Devices Deleting the selected entry within the Generic Remote
page now works correctly.
CAN-26478         Remote Devices Adding and deleting entries within the Generic Remote
area no longer renders the application unreliable.
CAN-23624         Sample Editor
Using the FreeWarp tool in the Sample Editor with
several open audio events and "Show All Selected
Audio Events" activated no longer generates graphical
CAN-17372         Sampler Track
Drag&Drop of a selected range of audio from the
media preview area into an empty sampler track
control area now works.
CAN-17372         Sampler Track Transferring samples from the sampler track to
Padshop 2 now works as expected.
CAN-25755         Score Editor
An issue has been resolved where inserting a note did
not give acoustic feedback.
CAN-26149         Score Editor Splitting multi-rests now works correctly.
CAN-26695         Score Editor Score Settings > Accidentals > Enharmonic shift for
entire bar no longer creates redundant accidentals.
CAN-25640         Stability Opening file selector windows on macOS systems no
longer renders the application unreliable.
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file.
Version History Page 4 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
ID # Area Issue
CAN-26093         Track Import An issue has been resolved where importing tracks
from large projects could take longer than expected.
CAN-772 Track Import Expression Maps can now be imported via the “Import
Tracks from Projects” function.
CAN-26739         Track Export
An issue has been resolved where VCA tracks were not
exported with track archives if VCA tracks were placed
outside of their device folder.
CAN-25244         Track Export
Track archives no longer lose their routing information
to other channels when exported. Affected track
archives exported with Cubase 10.5.0. must still be
newly created.
CAN-26682         User Interface
An issue has been resolved where the UI performance
could get impacted on macOS systems after several
hours of using the application.
CAN-26094         User Interface
An issue has been resolved where options selected in
drop-down menus were not correctly shown on the UI.
CAN-25901         Video Video export now works correctly if the file path
contains special characters (such as German umlauts).
CAN-25061         Video
An issue has been resolved where exporting video
could stall the application.
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file.
Version History Page 5 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
Cubase 10.5.5
List of resolved issues
The following list details resolved issues and improvements in this version:
ID # Area Issue
CAN-26368 Performance
Fixed an issue which could lead to a lag of user
interface responsiveness (macOS Mojave only).

#4 20-2-3 22:14

#5 20-2-3 22:16

#6 20-2-3 22:26
yangzushuai 发表于 20-2-3 22:16

對 bug版版有 這版特別多~~~

#7 20-2-3 23:04

#8 20-2-3 23:05


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#9 20-2-3 23:07

#10 20-2-3 23:39
violin14166 发表于 20-2-3 23:04

接著用吧 那就~~~反正也不能退

#11 20-2-4 00:25
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1J4bHBzVciBr4XYMfcdQZ1g  密码:hxc9   

适用于Cubase  10.5.X的Mac版本升级包已经上传好了。yes!
本帖最后由 feiyusky520 于 20-2-4 00:26 编辑

#12 20-2-4 00:55
feiyusky520 发表于 20-2-4 00:25
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1J4bHBzVciBr4XYMfcdQZ1g  密码:hxc9   

适用于Cubase  10.5.X的M ...


#13 20-2-4 02:26

#14 20-2-4 02:46

#15 20-2-4 08:41
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