Bug Fixes
The use of macOS accessibility, or 3rd party applications that rely on macOS accessibility, will no longer turn Pro Tools menus white (PT-259522)
Control Surfaces
Option+minus once again changes the waveforms to volume on the S6 (PT-286067)
Crashes & Errors
Fixed a crash that may occur when edit selections are made across multiple MIDI or Instrument tracks with Automation lanes (PT-286462)
Fixed a crash that may occur when the shortcut Command+Option+Shift+N is used to move tracks into Routing Folders (PT-286068)
Fixed a crash that could occur when initializing certain plug-ins (PT-284513)
Command+Control+C/X/B for "Copy/Cut/Clear with all automation playlists" once again work (PT-286417)
Elastic Audio
It's now possible to deactivate the "Enable Elastic Audio on New Tracks" in Pro Tools Artist (PT-286008)
Field Recorder
It is now possible to display "channel name" and "scene and take" information on clips in Pro Tools Studio (PT-286318)
The Pro Tools uninstaller on macOS will no longer prompt to uninstall the Facebook 360 plug-ins (PT-285692)
The Pro Tools installer will no longer prompt for a reboot on Windows (PT-283462)
Fixed an issue that would cause an AAE - 9173 error when activating large amounts of bus sends (PT-286348)
Pro Tools | Carbon
Fixed a crash that may occur on launch when using Pro Tools | Carbon (PT-285635)
The Preferences>Synchronization tab is now present in both Pro Tools Studio and Artist (PT-286427)
A proper error message will now be displayed if the helper tool fails upon the first launch of Pro Tools (PT-285736)
Machine ID is now displayed properly in the About Box (PT-285705)
"Save" is now the default action when Pro Tools is forced to quit after a failure to find the iLok license (PT-286341)