3.9. Resetting the Round Robin Counter
To enhance the realism of Picked Acoustic, the entire sample content employs a method which is called “Round Robin”: Each sample was recorded multiple times and if the same pitch is being played with the same velocity multiple times in a row, Picked Acoustic automatically alternates be- tween those different recorded samples of a given pitch and velocity. These variations are called “Round Robins”. The result is repetitions which sound less mechanical and more like a perform- ance by a real musician, as the tone varies ever so slightly. As the instrument is automatically cy- cling through the different Round Robins, the performance will slightly differ each time you’re play- ing it back in your sequencer.
While this is beneficial to the overall realism, you might find that a certain Round Robin sample matches the required phrase better than another. You can reset the Round Robin counter by send- ing the continuous controller 3 (CC#3) to the instrument at the beginning of a song section. This way, you will be hearing the exact same samples every time the section is being played back.