Best Service is excited to announce the immediate release of Engine
This new version brings a couple of really great new features and a lot of minor bug fix ...
我想请教一个问题,我苹果电脑安装了正版的 MAGIX Best Service Engine UNLOCKED v2.1.0.186 怎么样也卸载不干净,无法使用解锁版,请问还有别的方法吗?
PC / Mac x86 x64 iND UNLOCKED 版 (解锁)
MAGIX Best Service Engine UNLOCKED v2.1.0.186 VST RTAS AU Standalone .x32.x64 (445 MB)
在MAC上 没有被解锁呀,PC版的正常,有哪位同学安装了MAC解锁版的能正常使用