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( 437 )
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#241 07-8-29 13:04


VST                 Instruments - Freeware                       
                More free VST Plugins
                Crazy Diamonds               
                                Do you remember this certain song with a similar                 name? Did you ever wonder which instrument Pink Floyd used in it? Did                 you wait for a plugin simulation? For the time being this is the closest                 you will get with a VST plugin. Shine on!                
                                DOWNLOAD!  266 kb                 
                GTG Synths JP 7A               
                                6 voice analog synth. 24 dB filter with LP,HP and                 BP settings. Osc sync and pitch envelope. Mono mode with 4 key priority                 choices. Pitch bender with 3 ranges. MIDI automation.
                                DOWNLOAD!  818 kb                 
                GTG Synths Kwop 7               
                                A synth that reminds of the wellknown Juno                 hardware-model from the early 80`s.
                                DOWNLOAD!  803 kb                 
                mda Piano               
                                The mda Piano VSTi is without doubt the best free                 Piano currently available. This softsynth is modelled around 31                 carefully sampled and mastered Piano samples.
                Its unique Width Control not only controls panning of notes across the                 keyboard but at high settings adds a psychoacoustic widening effect                 adding a touch of room ambience and spaciousness to the sound.
                                DOWNLOAD!  1.10 mb                 
                                JustJ Robosynth 1.01                                  
                                Robosynth is a "Pro" version of Roboline. It                 features:
                - 2 Oscillators
                - Filter Bank with HP, LP and Moog filter.
                - 8-Step Sequencer with routable values for each Step.
                - LFO and Mod wheel routing.
                - Stereo Delay.
                - Quantize.
                                DOWNLOAD!  1.09 mb                 
                NEXT PAGE               
                1,                                                2,                                 3,                                 4,                                 5,                                 6,                                 7,                                 8,                                 9,                                                 10

#242 07-8-29 13:06


VSTi :
Analog Warfare ( Bass Synthesizer - nicht version 2 !! )
Cheeze Machine
Crystal ( 20 MB Sample ROM runterladen ! )
Discovery, hier : download ( näheres hier )
EVE ONE FREE, hier : download
FreeAlpha 3
GTG Micro, hier : download
GTG Sputnik 2000, hier : download
HighLife ( "VSTi freezer" und Sampler )
KarmaFX Synth, help
megaCeloX die site ist leider down, hier : download
Mini DiZi ( Chines. Flöte )
MiniMogue VA
Plugsound Free
ReBirth ( TB-303 Emulator; kein VSTi, nur Standalone, aber ReWire möglich )
Sampletank Free
sfz ( SoundFont-Player )
Sonik Synth Free
Starrsynth 2.2 Bass ( Bass Synthesizer )
Superwave P8
Syncaine TM-200X
Synth 1, hier : nur VST download
Texture ( unter "VST Shop" )
Triangle II
UltraSonique hier : download
Unknown Synth 4
Uniretro ( Trance )

#243 07-8-29 13:07


Ambience ( Reverb )
Baxxpander ( Saturation/Bass Expander )
BiFilter ( high-end quality stereo filter ), hier : download
BuzComp Free ( Hard & Linear Compressors bundle )
Chopper ( von Steinberg )
dfx Skidder ( "Trance Style"-Gate )
Digitalfishphones ( De-Esser, Dualband Compressor, u.a. )
Electri-Q - Posihfopit Edition ( param. EQ mit "Analog"-Algorithmus ), Skins
Glace Verb ( Reverb )
iZotope Vinyl ( LoFi )
IQ4gui ( dynamic EQ ), hier : download
Kjaerhus Classic Series ( EQ, Compressor, Limiter, u.a. )
Luxonix LFX-1310 ( Multi-Effekt Plugin )
Naive LPF ( resonant low/high-pass filter )
ndcTrem+ ( Auto Panner )
Neon Gate ( "Trance Style"-Gate )
Nomad Factory Free Bundle ( Phaser, Sweeper, Tremolo )
NWEQ ( param. EQ )
NyquistEq ( param. EQ )
NorthPole Rez Filter
Overtone GEQ ( 7-band harmonic (overtone) graphic equalizer with multi-channel support )
Paris EQ ( param. EQ )
Rubberfilter ( extreme filter bis zu 384 dB/Oct )
Senderella ( FX Send Plugin )
SIR ( Reverb ), Impulse Responses, Impulse Responses, Impulse Responses für SIR
Slim Slow Slider ( Multiband Compressor, Side Chain Gate/Expander, u.a. )
StudioSense Plugin Pack
TLs Pocket Limiter ( Brickwall Limiter )
TLs Saturated Driver
TapeIt ( Record Audio Streams )
VST DX Wrapper Lite
W1 Limiter ( Waves L1-Ultramaximizer Clone )
Analyzer ( VST ) :
bs-spectrum ( Spectrum Analyzer )
C_FFT hier : download
FreeG ( Fader mit Peak- und RMS-Anzeige )
Fre(a)koscope ( Spectrum Analyzer )
Gonio ( Goniometer )
Inspector ( Analysis Tool )
Sonogram sg-1
SPAN ( Spectrum Analyzer )
Digital Peak Meter
PSP Vintage Meter
RMS Buddy ( nummerische Anzeige von Peak und RMS )

#244 07-8-29 13:09



Free VST pluginsPosted Mar 27th 2006 2:10PM by Victor Agreda, Jr.
Filed under: Audio, Windows, Macintosh, Freeware
For those of you usingaudio apps that support VST plugins, you'll behappy to note this page of many wonderful and freeVST plugins. Unfortunately, as is the nature of the interweb, a few of the links have moved or gone dead. In fact,several now point to those crappy "search" sites, where some fool has gone in and made a page that looks likewhat you're looking for, but they are all paid links. So I went down the list and tracked down the bad links. Then Itried to find the new home of those plugins. What follows is the list of apps linked from the page, with what I foundfor each one.

Read the rest of thelist after the jump.
  • e-Phonic stuff is good, but the author has also launched a VST plugin search site, RocketloopCrystal - OK
  • UltriDia - has a new website, but you can still download from the linkprovided
  • Dirtbag - has a bandwidth-limited site, nothing we can do about that!
  • JX220 -OK
  • Klangformer - all gone, apparently from a death (the developer)? And they've shut the door ondistributing the software any more... Plus, you're not allowed to redistribute the apps. Wow, that's lame.
  • Krakli - all of it appears to be intact, which is a good thing, as there are quite a few on there. Some neat stufftoo.
  • Land of Cockaigne - looks like they are still going strong.
  • LinPlug's FreeAlpha -OK
  • LoftSoft's plugins are still around
  • LR-Synths - seems to be all gone
  • maximDigital Audio - go to this page instead
  • Tau - links to a zip
  • nashNet's Mivi is a very cool plugin, and you can find complete documentation and source on Mivi's page
  • Loopazoid - looks fine
  • NOVakILL has anew website
  • Odo synths has a bunch more goodies on their website
  • Bazzline - direct link to zipped app
  • reFX's Claw - still available for free
  • Triangle II - good to go
  • Rumpleraush - they're allstill there
  • Chip32 - still in Japanese, but it's there
  • SampleTank - yes, it's a free demo,with all those registrations to be done, but worth it from what I hear. That is, if you're eventually going to buyit.
  • SK's plugins appear to be active, and link directly to the zip
  • SoftRave's DAO - couldn'tfind it anywhere, links are already dead on the list
  • SampleFarm - still free, still limited (crippledversion of full plugin)
  • StyloPhone - the link takes you to a broken page with text, but the link to theplugin didn't work. But you can still download it from a link on Sounduser.
  • VB1 & Neon - from Cubase...what do you think? Of course it's active!
  • ZV-Bass - couldn't find it anywhere
  • 4Seasons - yes,it's available (although a little strange), and all the Tobybearstuff appears to be active.
  • Turntablist - yes
  • Virtual Creations has a bunch of stuff, but I couldn't find the bass synth ontheir pages.
  • MIDI Monitor - yep
  • Wantech - appears to be active, and even has a BBS for supportin English...
  • Cyber - apparently Webmassiva sold their domain to one of those creepy link sites. You canfind Cyber VST here.
  • Wombat - bothplugins available
  • ConcreteFX - still giving it all away for free.

#245 07-8-29 13:10


[size=+3]Free VSTi Software Synthesizers
[size=+2]designed by Richard Brooksand the Voltkitchen Group
[size=+2](Glen Stegner, Gunnar Ekornås,and Gabriel Abney).
The original synthesis engines for thesetwo wonderful sounding virtual-analog softsynths were designed by RichardBrooks, but remained on his web site as somewhat unfinished SynthEdit projects.For the finished VSTi plugins presented here, Glen Stegner overhauled thegraphic design and layout, added complete MIDI CC# control of all parameters(for use with external hardware control surfaces), and made other improvements.For the MinimogueVA updates 1.2 and above, new features were programmedby Gunnar Ekornås, and for the Arppe2600va updates 2.0 and above,the Mod Matrix and other new features were programmed by Gabriel Abney.We think you'll find these VSTi software synths sound amazingly close tothe real deal! Enjoy!

Based on the most popular analog monosynthof all time! This amazing softsynth sounds very close to the original Minimoog,yet has tons of additional features not present on the original Mini (aswell as the Minimoog Voyager!), including 5-note polyphony, an Arpeggiatorand 16-note Step Sequencer, dedicated Release knobs for the two ContourGenerators (envelopes), Tuning of Osc 1, Fine Tuning sliders for Osc2 andOsc3, Aftertouch control, adjustable filter Velocity curve, 3 independentOverdrive sliders (one per oscillator), Global Overdrive with hi and lowpasscutoff, Oscillator Sync, Chorus, an independent LFO that includes oscillatordrift and stereo panning, and a fully programmable Digital Delay! Likethe original Mini, you can turn Osc3 into an LFO with dedicated modulationfor the Osc Pitch and the Filter. There is no dedicated Noise Generatoras on the original Mini, but pink and white noise are selectable on Osc3. All controls are mapped to MIDI CC#'s, and you can override the defaultsettings by using the MIDI Learn feature. Use as a simple stand-alone synth(.exe file included), or copy the DLL into your favorite DAW or sequencer'splugin folder.
Update 14 Sept 05: Version 2.0 now available
The MinimogueVA now has 5-note polyphony!There is a switch to toggle between Mono and Poly modes. Also includedin this update is a fully-featured Arpeggiator with 16-note Step Sequencer.
13 May 05: Version 1.4
The synth is now stereo. Glide time nowstored with patch. Filter velocity.  Independent LFO. Overdrive. Autopan.Chorus. Delay section has option to set double delay time to right channel.Many new patches. All new features are optmized so that they go to sleepmode when they are switched off.
21 Apr 05: Version 1.3
Added Osc Sync, Osc 2 Drift, Midi CC Reset,and a full Digital Delay section
11 Apr 05: Version 1.2
Added 108 more presets by Gunnar Ekornåsfor a full bank of 128
31 Mar 05: Version 1.1
Added Trigger Mode switch
Also visit GunnarEkornås' web site for the MinimogueVA.

Based on ARP's legendary semi-modular analogmonosynth! This amazing softsynth sounds very close to the original ARP2600. Like the original, it's a monosynth (no polyphony). But, also likethe original, it has a multitude of Frequency Modulation options whichenable it to create some truly awesome sound effects. PWM, Sample &Hold, virtual Spring Reverb, Ring Modulation, and a dedicated Noise Generatorare all there! Also, there are some things even the original Arp 2600 didn'thave, like Oscillator Sync and Filter Color (to adjust between LowPassand HiPass filter types). Most important of all, beginning with version2.0 the Arppe2600va is now completely patchable via a cleverly designedMod Matrix! You can have up to 12 patch routings with a very user-friendly(and visible!) drop-down menu interface, instead of messy virtual patchcables cluttering up the screen. All controls are mapped to MIDI CC#'s,and you can override the default settings by using the MIDI Learn feature.Use as a simple stand-alone synth (.exe file included), or copy the DLLinto your favorite DAW or sequencer's plugin folder.
Update 17 Nov 05: Version 2.2 now available
This is a bug fix release only. It fixesthe MIDI CC mappings which were not fully updated in version 2.1.
23 Sept 05: Version 2.1
There are 30 new patches by Gabriel Abney,plus 30 more by "Databass Tom", for a total of 80 presets so far!
These new presets really show off themodular capabilities of Arppe2600va!
Also, an LFO keyboard trigger switch hasbeen added.
Other than that, this is mainly a bugfix release, with the following repairs being made:
- The Gain slider in the VCA now properlyacts as a Global Output, and has been labelled accordingly.
- All effects have been adjusted to gothrough the Global Output now.
- Oscillator wave phase adjustments weremade, to sound closer to the original hardware.
- Volt Processor response is vastly improved.
- Obsolete elements in the programmingwere removed; it might improve CPU performance on some systems.
11 Aug 05: Version 2.0
The synth is now completely patchable(as it should be!) via a Mod Matrix below the main synth area. Also,the following has been added: Oscillator Sync, Filter Color (LowPass/HiPassadjuster), FX Type/Time/Damp for the VCA, Repeat Rate, MIDI Channel select,Last Note Priority select, and the Voltage Processor is now functional.All new programming by Gabriel Abney.

#246 07-8-29 13:11


                                  O X Y T O C I N
August 24, 2007

Virtual Analog Synth
                                  SUB + FM + PD


                                virtual analog synth
1 filter
Flexible routing

Seem basic ?
Listen it!

                                  MICRORAM M1
                                  virtual analog synth
                                  Flexible routing,
                                  2 vco
                                  4 lfo
                                  2 x2 flavors LPF/HPF
                                virtual analog synth
                                Experimental sound generator.

#247 07-8-29 13:14


http://www.freesoundeditor.com/i ... STSyntheng.htm~main


VSTI Instruments (72)
Choose your free VSTI instrument here!
Pleasego to authors sites to get the last version. If the site is down or thelink is dead, you can dowload them HERE if this mention is included inthe description. Please considere that thoses free VST plugins had needhard work to be developped. The least that you can do, to thank theauthors, is to visit their sites and learn a bit about them.
We don't want to offence or injurie anybody. If there is somethingwrong in our description or if you want us to take off your plug-infrom this list, please contact us. If you want to submit a new plug-into this list, please contact us (FREE VST plugins only)!
4Front BassModul
            Thebass module is a morph between sample playback and a synthesizer.Original string excitation is sampled, and then sound is modeled.
            Playing chords will add extra fat rumble, like when playing a real bass guitar.
Bass guitar range was artifically extended up and down, so that highernotes and parts can be played as well.
            Digital Audio Software
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.4front-tech.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows version or OSX Version

              Free VST plug-ins 4Front BassModul
4Front Piano Module
            Asmall and versatile piano module with unique sound. Unlike many otherpiano modules (like those gigabyte pianos), this module will neveroverload CPU. It will never stick notes, and never break the sound orclick during live performances.
This piano module is neither asample player, nor synthesized. It's a hybrid technology, that combinesboth methods. This resulted in a great module size reduction and lightCPU usage.
            Digital Audio Software
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.4front-tech.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows version or OSX Version

              Free VST plugg-ins 4Front Piano Module
            Drum-Sampler, little Brother of the commercial DK1            
            A0 Audio
          See the author's/host site ata0audio.com - Download the plug-in HERE (434,69 Ko)  

              Free VST plug in A0 DKL
Aciddose Xhip betaversion 3b
            Xhip(betaversion) is a subtractive synthesizer with two oscillators, twoenvelopes, two modulators, two multimode filters, simple distortion,log glide, modular modulation, correctly implemented notelogic, cc toparameter routing (not implemented yet in the gui), velo to parameterrouting, self generated interface (very small filesize)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://xhip.cjb.net/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (43,74 Ko)  

              Free VST plug_ins Aciddose Xhip betaversion 3b
            8bar organ. The left side is additive synth part, here you can createthe basic sound using the 8 controls which represent the first toeighth fundamentals. The first four are the bass sound and the lastfour the treble sound. After the both the bass and the treble arepassed through separate distortion , filter and finally a chorus /autopan which are used to create a Leslie effect.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.concretefx.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (272,54 Ko)  

              Free VSTI Ameoba
            2-oscillatorsynth with lfo routing to six different parameters including cutoff,resonance, pan, pitch, oscillator mix and volume. Includes filter withits own envelope and most parameters can be MIDI automated.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.audiose.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (964,35 Ko)  

              Free VST Instrument Anenome
            You'll have to try it. I've not any description of this synth.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://vst01synth.no.sapo.pt/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1228,06 Ko)  

              Free VSTIs Ant1
            Thisanalogue synth features includes a unison Oscillator with selectablenumber of voices, an Arpeggiator, synced LFO's and Delay.It isdescribed as a "groove generator with a unique sound". Included arepresets designed by Tim Conrardy, and a user bank designed by Relayerwhich is excellent as well.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.algomusic.nl/freeware.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1080,17 Ko)  

              Free VST Instruments Arpy
AskaAyum 1.11
            AskaAyum is the easiest FM synth. If you feel difficult to use any other FM synths, try this first.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www5.plala.or.jp/wantech/vst/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (233,86 Ko)  

              Free VST Synths AskaAyum 1.11
Askadraw 1.11
            AskaDraw is a "organ synth". Very simple to use and to understand.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www5.plala.or.jp/wantech/vst/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (234,03 Ko)  

              Free VST Synth Askadraw 1.11
Askaswitch 1.11
            Two wave tables synth. This is for BASS.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www5.plala.or.jp/wantech/vst/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (233,28 Ko)  

              Askaswitch 1.11

#248 07-8-29 13:15


            ASynthis a six voice virtual analog synthesizer featuring two oscillators andthree circuit modelled filters. The demo version displays a nagscreenon startup.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Antti / Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://antti.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (466,56 Ko)  

            Previously known as VSynth. On-going attempt at making a Prophet VS clone. Augur is not officially released yet.            
            Antti / Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.hut.fi/~ajhuovil/vst.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (252,42 Ko)  

            BarkingWombat is a free, polyphonic VST synthesizer with an - easy tounderstand - layout. The subtractive architecture of Barking Wombatenables you to create a variety of sounds. Four oscillators withvariable waveshapes, two lowpass-filter and two ADSR-envelope sections.A modulation section with four independent LFOs and a variety ofmodulation destinations. A simple delay-section to enhance yoursound-creations. An analyse-section which helps you to keep track ofthe overall volume and the frequencies. Most of the knobs / sliders inthe interface are remotely controllable by MIDI
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://home.bman.ch/wombat/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1362,35 Ko)  

Beat morpher
            Beatmorpher is a sample playback drum machine with a difference. Youspecify start and end positions for each drum hit. Then you can morphbetween the two patterns using a slider or by just pressing theauto-morph button. The beat will gradually morph over a specifiednumber of bars. This effect was inpsired by the music of Simon Posfordaka Hallucinogen and Shpongle (with raja ram).
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Oli Larkin
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.oli.adbe.org/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1211,8 Ko)  

              Beat morpher
            Containsthree samples (kick, snare and hat) designed to be triggered byincoming audio in three frequency ranges. The plug-in has built-in drumsounds based on the Roland CR-78 but these can be replaced by the(advanced) user. The file available for download includes 30 pluginsincluding this one.
            maxim digital audio (mda)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.mda-vst.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1242,02 Ko)  

            BizuneVSTwill run with any software that acts as a VST host, such as FL Studio ,Cubase , Ableton , Sonar , Project 5 etc. This plugin was designed withsound exploration in mind. The controls are straight forward and easyto use and the massive bank of 128 other worldly presets make this agreat synthesizer for beginners and pros alike. The powerful synthengine combined with the eye candy of the graphic interface will makeBizuneVST one of your favourite and most frequently used synth plugins.Open your mind to the possibilities of BizuneVST and it will take yourmusic making to the next level. See the BizuneVST.txt file for furtherinformation.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bizune.net/VST.htm[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1716,77 Ko)  

Black box 01
            Afour-oscillator frequency / phase mod synth with no controls.. noreally. Upon clicking the Randomize! button all parameters arescrambled internally for instant weird noise gratification.
            ArcDev Noise Industries
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://device.antisound.net/?section=sig_gen[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (481,6 Ko)  

              Black box 01
            Bubbler is a free synth which simulates a ball bouncing against the walls of a box to create sounds.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.concretefx.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (259,3 Ko)  

Buffer Synth Alpha v1.22
            Afairly lo-fi effect. When you send it a MIDI note, it will play backthe contents of it's buffer at the note's pitch. Note that this is notan alpha release even if it's called 'Buffer Synth Alpha'
            NDC Plugs
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.niallmoody.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows (66,7 Ko)  or Mac OS X (115,11 Ko)  

              Buffer Synth Alpha v1.22
            Thisvst plugin emulates the classic string ensemble sound, made popular bysuch classic synths as the Crumar Performer or the Arp Solina. CheezeMachine generates sound by feeding a simple, saw-like waveform, into achorus ensemble emulator, a 6-stages phaser, and a reverb.
Thisvst plugin is fully midi-controlled. The midi controller assignmentsare detailed in the included .pdf documentation. With up to 32 notespolyphony, and an incredibly low CPU usage, you can now play these bigphazed string pads like crazy .
            Cheeze is a DonationWare. Go to the author's site to make a donation.            
            Big tick Audio Software
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://bigtick.pastnotecut.org/index.php?action=PROD&pcode=110[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (322,73 Ko)  or OSX Version (262 Ko)  

#249 07-8-29 13:15


Cosmogirl II
            New version of the old Cosmodelia's synthof the same name. We have designed a fresh GUI, 64 new presets andautomation of all parameters. It's a 2 oscillator analog style synth,specially geared to the creation of spatial FXs, ambient textures andexperimental music
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.uv.es/~ruizcan/p_vst.htm[/url] - Download the plug-in Standard Version or Keyboard Version

              Cosmogirl II
            32 voice polyphonic synth
            - Unlimited programs and samples
            - Multi-timbral            
            Jørgen Aase
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://webmassiva.com[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (207,41 Ko)  

            dmifluteis a physical modelled flute synthesizer. It features a vibrato LFO anda multimode resonant filter. It's not particularily flutey but makessome pretty strange and interesting sounds anyway
            dmi / Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://dmi.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (174,34 Ko)  or Mac Version (302,37 Ko)  

            dmiHammeris a VSTi for creating hammered chromatic percussion sounds. It'scapable of reproducing the sounds of xylophones, mbira and chimes aswell as a swag of strange new sounds.
            it features...
            - 16 note polyphonic hammered percussion engine
            - Vibrato control and stereo spread
            - Four individually tuneable resonators              
            dmi / Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://dmi.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (243,69 Ko)  or Mac Version (485,72 Ko)  

Dr Liebezeit VST Drum Machine
            TheDr Liebezeit drum machine has been developed specifically for AudioMulch. Naturally it will work in other hosts too. It features a RolandTR style programming interface and supports a range of exotic timesignatures. The user can load .wav samples of her choosing, and ringmodulation, distortion and filtering effects are built in.
            Broken Gadget
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.brokengadget.co.uk/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (705,09 Ko)  

              Dr Liebezeit VST Drum Machine
Dr. Benway
            Synchronisablebeatslicer. The good doctor splices and dices in real time, providinginstant variety to any loop you feed him.
            Broken Gadget
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.brokengadget.co.uk/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (657,02 Ko)  

              Dr. Benway
Drumdragon 1.02
            Percussionsynth. Multiple wavforms for making many sounds, a very good filterwith high resonance capabilities . High and bandpass besides thestandard lowpass. it has a very useful adsr that has a very snappydecay for percussion sounds, the clip slider is a secret weapon, andmany options in the oscillator section to change the sounds especiallyfm.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www5.plala.or.jp/wantech/vst/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (243,32 Ko)  

              Drumdragon 1.02
Dub Siren
            Emulatesthe sounds of those selfmade siren units used by Dub and Reggae SoundSystems like Jah Shaka, Aba Shanti and countless others
            The Interruptor
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.interruptor.ch/vst_overview.shtml[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (877,45 Ko)  

              Dub Siren
            ErsDrums is a VST 2.3 compatible drum machine.
            All sounds are calculated in "real time", no samples are used.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Andreas Ersson
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bostreammail.net/ers/ersdrums.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE

#250 07-8-29 13:15


GalactiX - subtractive virtual VST Synth
            - 16 voice polyphonic
            - up to 8 instances per VST host
            - 6 high quality oscillators with no-interpolation algorithm
            - detune and phase per oscillator
            - two filters: VCO with velocity sensitivity and master key follow filter
            - midi control for parameters
            - master effects: chorus and reverb
            - 18 factory presets + sound bank from rgcAudio
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Alex / Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://alex.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (323,92 Ko)  

              GalactiX - subtractive virtual VST Synth
Hard-Boiled Wonderland v1.01
            Asimple (monophonic) 5 oscillator additive synth (the first oscillatoris the root - i.e. the input frequency/MIDI note). Has a scope so youcan see what kind of waveform you're creating, although this partwasn't coded particularly well, so it tends to slow down your GUIupdates (although not your audio playback, due to the way the VSTstandard works). It can be switched off by clicking on it, however.
            NDC Plugs
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.niallmoody.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (341,91 Ko)  

              Hard-Boiled Wonderland v1.01
            Iblit is a monophonic synthesizer for PC.
            The oscillator waveforms are generated using BLITs (Band Limited Impulse Train)
            which gives oscillators with very low aliasing.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Andreas Ersson
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bostreammail.net/ers/iblit.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE

            16voice polyphony - 1, 2 or 4 oscillators in each voice - True stereomode - Two volume envelopes - 5 different oscillator waveforms -Waveforms effectively anti-aliased - Pulse width/distortion - 4different resonant filters - 2 LFO's with 8 different waveforms (incl.random) - Portamento & Autobend - Stereo FX (Chorus, Flanger, Delayetc.) - Overdrive - LFO and FX temposync - Several MIDI-controllersimplemented - 64 presets.
            Impulse is now a freeware.            
            Bojo SoftWare
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bojo.dk/productimp.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1091 Ko)  

Integrated Doobee VST sequencer and synthesiser
            IntegratedDoobee combines sequencing abilities with a monophonic synthesiser. Itis novel in it's approach to sequencing, providing seperate sequencersfor note position and also pitch sequencing. In practice this meansthat it is possible to acheive well specified analogue style sequencingand also a range of evolving 'systems music' melodic sequences. Whilstthe above description may sound complicated, Integrated Doobee isintuitive and easy to use, and is suitable for real-time performanceand improvisation. Integrated Doobee was designed with Ross Bencina'sexcellent Audio Mulch in mind. Whilst Mulch offers superlativeprocessing abilities it is somewhat limited in sequencing abilities.Integrated Doobee aims to address this issue. Integrated Doobee hasbeen shown to run in other hosts.
Update(17/6/03). This update improves synchronisation, and adds a visualreadout to the tempo slider. In effect Integrated Doobee now handlesunusual time signatures more logically, and makes a perfect partner toDr Liebezeit.
            Broken Gadget
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.brokengadget.co.uk/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (665,47 Ko)  

              Integrated Doobee VST sequencer and synthesiser
            Three Oscillator Polyphonic Synth VSTi            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.uv.es/~ruizcan/p_vst.htm[/url] - Download the plug-in Standard Version or Keyboard Version

            Monophonicsynthesizer. It is based on the interpolation principle of Edith 812associated with a eight channel spatialization module for integrationof synthesis and space movements. Very fun if you like R2D2 language.Each move can be recorded and played again.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://acousmodules.free.fr/acousmodules_fr.htm[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1753,46 Ko)  

            Killerringeris a ring modulator with variable LFO oscillators. Killerringer is alsoavailable bundled with Manifold Lab's Plugzilla, a rack mount linuxbased hardware audio processor.
            Toby Newman
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.asktoby.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (67,37 Ko)  

            LazySnake is a virtual electric piano VSTi. It features WahWah, Tremolo, Midi automation and Midi learn, Skinable GUI.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Andreas Ersson
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bostreammail.net/ers/lazysnake.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (444,68 Ko)  

            LightIndustry uses 2 oscillators with 13 wave types, FM, PWM, ring mod andsyncing, 20 stage envelopes and it works in poly/mono/legato and arpmodes. It also includes an preset evolver which allows you breedpresets.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.concretefx.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1413,28 Ko)  

#251 07-8-29 13:16


            A2-osc monosynth based loosely on the Novation Super BassStation,capable of smooth moog-ish tones to growling sub-bass-quakes, to wierdoring-mod noises.
I was after a particular SBS sound, and haven'tthe money for either the original hardware or recently-released soft,so created this. Got the sound I was after, ymmv
            ArcDev Noise Industries
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://device.antisound.net/?section=sig_gen[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (614,64 Ko)  

            Mellotronclone. Three classic Mellotron voices are provided - Strings, Choir andBrass. These basic voices can be modified using the real-time controlsgiving a wealth of vintage warmth to your musical creations.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://batsound.users.btopenworld.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE

Modulator 2 v1.07
            Acomprehensive modulation effect, offering 3 types of modulation ofaudio signals: amplitude modulation, ring modulation, and frequencymodulation. There are three audio sources, all of which may be used aseither the modulator signal, or the carrier signal (and in some cases,both simultaneously). Also includes a fairly comprehensive MIDIimplementation
            NDC Plugs
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.niallmoody.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (116,36 Ko)  

              Modulator 2 v1.07
Mp3play VST
            Read MPEG 1&2 (layer 1,2,3) files (i.e. .mp1, .mp2, .mp3).
            Quick seek in the file (preloading).
            Wave picture of the wave stream.
            Free pitch (-12%...+12%) for mixing.
            Uses high quality MAD Library.
            Under GNU GPL2 (download src here).
            Warning ! Need a recent computer (two 10 minutes files : 256mo recommended, 1gHz recommended).            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://askywhale.free.fr/vst/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (247,24 Ko)  

              Mp3play VST
Neptune VST Sequencer Synth
            TheNeptune Vst synthesiser incorporates a phase distortion oscillator, astate variable filter, and an analogue style sequencer with extensiverouting options, opening up the possibilities of complex, rhythmicalmodulated timbres. It is known to work in Orion and Audio Mulch.
            Broken Gadget
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.brokengadget.co.uk/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (520,72 Ko)  

              Neptune VST Sequencer Synth
No Name (drum recognizer)
            Thiseffect can be used in various ways. It can be used to convert the audioof a human beatbox in to drum samples (in this version just a 909). Orjust pass any kind of audio though it to create new drum loops in acreative way.
            Twisted Lemon
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.twistedlemon.nl/index.php?id=18[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE

              No Name (drum recognizer)
Organ One
            Beautiful,easy to use interface - 16 voice polyphony - 2 oscillators/9 draw barsin each voice - Several mixing modes including Ringmodulation - LFOwith 8 different waveforms (incl. random) - Stereo FX - Performanceparameters - Several MIDI-controllers implemented.
            Bojo SoftWare
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bojo.dk/productoo.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (795,61 Ko)  

              Organ One
            3independant oscillators, with various shapes (sin, square, saw, ramp,sin+harm1, sin+harm 1&2, sin+harm 1&3, sin/square, sin/saw,saw/square, abs sin, white noise, noise 2, noise 3).
            Envelope control.
            2 LFOs, controling almost everything, with speed based on tempo.
            4 events controlers : activated with notes push and release, they change a value like a LFO            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://askywhale.free.fr/vst/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (282,49 Ko)  

Particle Fountain v1.00
            Amonophonic synth which attaches a sound (either a sawtooth or a squarewave) to a bunch of particles, which move in a 2d space like afountain. The particles' position in the space then determines certainaspects of the sound (frequency, amplitude, panning). There can be upto 200 particles in use at any one time.
            NDC Plugs
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.niallmoody.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows (135,87 Ko)  or Windows 2005 xmas (135,89 Ko)  or HERE (204,2 Ko)  

              Particle Fountain v1.00
Percolator Percussion Synth/Processor
            Thishas been designed specifically with Audio Mulch in mind, although whentreated as an insert effect will work in other VST hosts. Percolator isbased upon the obscure Boss PC2 Percussion Synthesiser. Feed it rhythmsand it will reward you with a variety of fascinating percussivetextures.
            Broken Gadget
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.brokengadget.co.uk/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (540,52 Ko)  

              Percolator Percussion Synth/Processor

#252 07-8-29 13:17


            AlgoMusic'sPhadiZ is a free phase distortion synth (think Casio CZ101) with lotsof stereo options including a very unique panning/filter swoosh soundfor great pads.
2 Oscillators, 6 Envelopes and 2 LFO's along witha built-in delay and ringmodulator make this a unique synth with asound all of it's own.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.algomusic.nl/freeware.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (666,32 Ko)  

            polyIblit is a VST 2.3 compatible software synthesizer for PC.
            The oscillator waveforms are generated using BLITs (Band Limited Impulse Train)
            which gives oscillators with very low aliasing.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Andreas Ersson
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bostreammail.net/ers/polyiblit.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE

            Loop sampler where you can alter the position over time for scratching type effects            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.concretefx.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (832,51 Ko)  

Quacker 2.0
            Fatbass. Phase distortion oscillator coupled with a low pass filter.Combination of 8 different waveforms to choose from. Thundering bass orscreaming lead, especially if coupled with a distortion. Version 2.0has a multi mode for pads and stabs and features full midiimplementation.
            D-Animator (W.M. van der Wal)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://d-animator.web1000.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (518,63 Ko)  

              Quacker 2.0
            Rebuilderis a VST plugin that regenerates its input audio using a large matrixof oscillators. All standard types wave shapes are available torecreate the sounds.
            Plogue Art & Technologie
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.plogue.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Window version (90,41 Ko)  or OSX version (212,72 Ko)  or Classic Mac Version (72,98 Ko)  

RezSynth 1.2
            RezSynth allows you to "play" bandpass resonant filter banks that processyour sound. In the right hosts, MIDI notes can trigger individualfilters or banks of filters (up to 30 per note) with controllablefrequency separation.
            Destroy FX
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://destroyfx.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows version (463,38 Ko)  or Classic Mac Version (763,27 Ko)  or OSX Version (718,04 Ko)  

              RezSynth 1.2
            Youcan do nicely nasty basses and leads, distorted pads and sequence andsome just basically weird sounds with it. Two oscillators and twofilters. Oscillators can be used in additive , ring mod , FM and syncmodes, filters in 12/24db low/high/bp/br mode with interfilterdistortion. Each oscillator can used sine,tri,sqr,saw,noise or 2 userwaves. Lots of shaping options for the oscillators , such as feedback(normal or inter-osc), symmetry , rectification, limit boosting, 4unison oscillators , each can be detuned to created richer sounds,chords etc. Works in poly,mono and legato modes with 2 portmento modes.Full documentation.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.concretefx.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1163,25 Ko)  

#253 07-8-29 13:17


            SE64is a monosynth that makes retro computer game noises. It has twooscilators - one can be set to saw, triangle, sine or a variety of PWMwaveforms. The other oscillator is a triangle wave which is ringmodulated with oscillator 1.There are EGs for pitch, pulse width,amplitude and filter cutoff. One important feature is a very fastarpeggiator which can recreate the "chord" parts from C64 SID tunes. 2Bit crusher effects also help to make sounds more retro.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
            Oli Larkin
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.oli.adbe.org/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1043,78 Ko)  

            Wombat Solina v. 2.0 is a free polyphonic VST-Instrument based on real ARP Solina samples.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://home.bman.ch/wombat/[/url] - Download the plug-in Solina Violin or Solina Horn or Solina Trumpet

            Continuously rising/falling tone generator. The file available for download includes 30 plugins including this one.            
            maxim digital audio (mda)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.mda-vst.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1242,02 Ko)  

SineSynth v1.01
            Asimple sine wave synthesizer with 128-note polyphony. Made to makefunny little bloopy sounds, the pitch envelope is the important part(well, and the cool anti-aliased ADSR widgets ;).
            NDC Plugs
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.niallmoody.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows (204,46 Ko)  or HERE (233,72 Ko)  

              SineSynth v1.01
            Sophiaexcels in creating intriguing ambiences and modulated sound effects.The initial sound generation results from the accumulation of 4oscillators and a sub-harmonic wave table. Multiple stages of delay andreverb combine with various low pass / band pass filtering controlledby an LFO network. In addition, two separate low pass filters are afterthe output stage of channels 1/3 2/4 respectively. All sound processing& signal generation is connected to the master LFO network(parameter blast-m). The LFO network makes it easy to modulate any keyparameter without using external MIDI controller modulation. However,all of ABV4 Sophia's parameters are controllable via MIDI controlchange messages.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.audiobulb.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in 5.75 Mb

            Emulation(no samples here!) of those string synthesizers of the late 70's madefamous by ARP and Solina. It features a full ADSR envelope generator, asmall effect section with a phaser, a delay and of course the'ensemble' effect.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.algomusic.nl/freeware.html[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (846,63 Ko)  

Sub-Bass Synthesizer
            Several low frequency enhancement methods. The file available for download includes 30 plugins including this one.            
            maxim digital audio (mda)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.mda-vst.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1242,02 Ko)  

              Sub-Bass Synthesizer
Sun RA
            Ambienttexture generator. It's based on a dual synthesis engine (1substractive oscillator + 2 wave players), completed with severalrandomization options and a battery of built-in effects. It alsofeatures a good set of 24 presets.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.uv.es/~ruizcan/p_vst.htm[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE

              Sun RA
            Signalgenerator with pink and white noise, impulses and sweeps. The fileavailable for download includes 30 plugins including this one.
            maxim digital audio (mda)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.mda-vst.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (1242,02 Ko)  


#254 07-8-29 13:18


The Devil Inside
            Distortion + Feedback Synth VSTi            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.uv.es/~ruizcan/p_vst.htm[/url] - Download the plug-in Standard Version or Keyboard Version

              The Devil Inside
The Kick
            TheKick is an instrument designed for one purpose only: bassdrum! Playwith this for a while and you'll discover it's flexibility. Rather thanworking with static bassdrum samples this plugin gives one thepossibility to alter the sound while playing
            D-Animator (W.M. van der Wal)
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://d-animator.web1000.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (516,2 Ko)  

              The Kick
Ticky Clav
            Thisplugin emulates the ultra-funky sound of the Hohner Clavinet, foreverassociated with Stevie Wonder's "Superstition". The synth engine isbased on a physical modeling algorithm, faithfully reproducing thestrings vibration and the 2 pickups of the Clavinet Model C. Specialattention has been given to reproduce the non-linear interferences instrings decay, for an even more realistic sound. The characteristic"click" sound on key release is also emulated. A built-in wah-waheffect with selectable manual/autowah mode is also included.
            Ticky Clav is a DonationWare. Go to the author's site to make a donation.            
            Big tick Audio Software
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://bigtick.pastnotecut.org/index.php?action=PROD&pcode=120[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (227,32 Ko)  or OSX Version (236,93 Ko)  

              Ticky Clav
Triangle I
            Our legendary Triangle I, the best world-known freeware VST software synthesizer.
Uncompromised sound quality, incredible flexibility, extensive MIDIimplementation and warm look make this instrument one of the bestfreeware synthesizers in the scene
            RGC audio
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.rgcaudio.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (2153,71 Ko)  

              Triangle I
Triangle II
            Thesequel of our world-known Triangle I monophonic synthesizer, with a new'engine' and a lot of new features, some of them taken from its"big-brother" Pentagon I, one of the best Virtual Instruments of alltimes.
            RGC audio
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.rgcaudio.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (2762,24 Ko)  

              Triangle II
Turntablist Pro
            TTPis a VSTi that can load a sample and perform turntable style effects onit. You can scratch, change pitch, and even spin the audio up and downjust like on a real turntable.
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.bioroid.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows version (406,75 Ko)  or Mac OS version (345,02 Ko)  or Mac OSX version (367,4 Ko)  

              Turntablist Pro

#255 07-8-29 13:18


Delay-Reverbs (51)
Choose your free VST plugin here!
Pleasego to authors sites to get the last version. If the site is down or thelink is dead, you can dowload them HERE if this mention is included inthe description. Please considere that thoses free VST plugins had needhard work to be developped. The least that you can do, to thank theauthors, is to visit their sites and learn a bit about them.
We don't want to offence or injurie anybody. If there is somethingwrong in our description or if you want us to take off your plug-infrom this list, please contact us. If you want to submit a new plug-into this list, please contact us (FREE VST plugins only)!
            Ambienceis a reverb that rivals the quality of the best commercial reverbs. Youare free to decide yourself how much you want to pay for it, and when.
            THIS IS A DONATIONWARE. Go to the author's site to make your donation.            
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (403,34 Ko)  or OSX Version (420,17 Ko)  

              Free VST plug-ins Ambience
Analog Delay
            Itconsist in a delay unit followed by a 2nd order lowpass filter withsaturation. The delay-time can evolve between 0 and max-delay whichlets you be very accurate. You can also synchronise the delay to thetempo with different resolutions from 1/128 to 1 bar and control theway the delay-time is interpolated with the kind of interpolation andthe time-constant.
            Copyright © 2004, Rémy Muller. All Rights Reserved            
            mdsp/Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://mdsp.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (775,13 Ko)  or OSX Version (617,01 Ko)  

              Free VST plug-in Analog Delay
Analogic Delay
            Old magnetic delay simulator.            
            Echo Chamber
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.echochamber.ch/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (722,4 Ko)  

              Free VST plugg-ins Analogic Delay
Anechoic Room Simulator
            Incredible Room Simulation Plugin...
            This plugin is so high fidelity you won´t believe your ears.
            DONATIONWARE - Please go to the author's site to make a donation            
            Bram/Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://bram.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (123,96 Ko)  

              Free VST plug in Anechoic Room Simulator
Bionic Delay
            Thisenhanced version of the Analogic Delay gives you separate control overthe delay times on left and right channel. suitable for ping pongdelays and drifting delays
            The Interruptor
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://www.interruptor.ch/vst_overview.shtml[/url] - Download the plug-in HERE (856,32 Ko)  

              Free VST plug_ins Bionic Delay
Bouncing Ball Delay
            NowYOU can bounce like an Aphex Twin ;-) (for those who didn't get it :this was a sarcastic comment ok? go innovate, not copy. there's azillion uses for this plugin and none of them sound like aphex twin.)
            DONATIONWARE - Please go to the author's site to make a donation            
            Bram/Smart Electronix
          See the author's/host site at[url]http://bram.smartelectronix.com/[/url] - Download the plug-in Windows Version (80,17 Ko)  or Mac Version (49,96 Ko)  
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