REAPER 4.01 update
REAPER 4.01 更新。大多数的错误是輕微的 这主要是一个错误修正版。
The REAPER 4.01 update is already available. This is mostly a bugfix release. Most of the bugs are minor,
such as making sure the buttons in the Project Bay are labeled properly depending on what you have selected.
A couple are convenience fixes, such as correcting some issues where OS X audio devices may not be reset when starting REAPER,
or allowing a custom installation path on Windows x64. Also, the installer compression was improved,
so the download is even smaller and updating REAPER is more convenient.
They fixed an issue where when using bridged plug-ins/ReWire and resuming the system from sleep would result in plug-ins being unloaded.
v4.01 should prevent any discontinuity in this scenario.
There is also an important fix for a possible crash when undoing edits in the MIDI editor,
so if you are running REAPER 4.0, you should take 2 minutes to upgrade to 4.01.