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[新闻] Reaper v5.31pre1 新功能

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#16 17-1-5 13:30

#17 17-1-5 16:16
本帖最后由 yjl123 于 17-1-5 16:32 编辑

目前版本为Reaper v5.32 Pre 7
articulation map 以前在FX窗口加载,必须加载虚拟乐器才能使用,
以下是最新版的REAPER articulation map 示例。

  1. # REAPER articulation map
  2. #
  3. # This file contains mappings that cause REAPER notation events
  4. # to trigger keyswitches, expressions, CC events, and channel changes.
  5. #
  6. # After the file is loaded into the REAPER MIDI editor, notation
  7. # entered in the notation editor or the piano roll notation event lane
  8. # will trigger the mapped events.
  9. #
  10. # Mappings convert notation (n) to trigger (t) and look like this:
  11. # n_category n_type n_name : t_type t_channel t_parameter t_value
  12. #
  13. # n_category can be note or track.
  14. #
  15. # n_type can be articulation, ornament, dynamic, text, slur, technique.
  16. #
  17. # n_name can be any REAPER notation event. To see the names of existing
  18. # REAPER notation events, see the REAPER event list or piano roll
  19. # notation event lane.  For text types, n_name can be any text.
  20. #
  21. # All matching is case sensitive; n_types and built-in n_names are
  22. # all lower case.
  23. #
  24. # For n_type text, enclose n_names that are multiple
  25. # words in quotes.  Any note text notation defined in this mapfile
  26. # will then appear in the note context menu in the REAPER MIDI editor;
  27. # any track text notation will then appear in the track notation
  28. # context menu.
  29. #
  30. # t_type can be keyswitch, cc, channel, or expression.
  31. # channel and expression t_types are only valid for note notation,
  32. # not track notation.
  33. #
  34. # t_channel can be 0-15 or *.
  35. #
  36. # t_parameter can be 0-127 or *, or the name of a VST3 keyswitch or
  37. # expression. VST3 keyswitch and expression names can be copied from
  38. # the Param dropdown on the VST3 window.
  39. #
  40. # t_value can be 0-127 or *.
  41. #
  42. #
  43. # Mapping examples:
  44. #
  45. # Staccato articulation triggers keyswitch,
  46. # same channel as the note, pitch 2, velocity 127:
  47. # note articulation staccato : keyswitch * 2 127
  48. #
  49. # Tremolo ornament triggers CC92, same channel as the note, value 64:
  50. # note ornament tremolo : cc * 92 64
  51. #
  52. # The first note in any slur is converted to channel 7
  53. # (remember channel is 0-15 in this file):
  54. # note slur begin : channel 6 * *
  55. #
  56. # Track notation "pizz" triggers VST3 named keyswitch,
  57. # channel 3, velocity 127:
  58. # track text pizz : keyswitch 2 pizzicato 127
  59. #
  60. # Note ornament "con vib" triggers VST3 expression with value 64:
  61. # (Because of this entry, "con vib" will also appear in the note
  62. # context menu in the REAPER MIDI editor.)
  63. # note text "con vib" : expression * vibrato 64

#18 17-1-16 15:24
yjl123 发表于 17-1-5 16:16
目前版本为Reaper v5.32 Pre 7
articulation map 以前在FX窗口加载,必须加载虚拟乐器才能使用,
现在修改 ...

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