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Dotec-Audio 公司全家桶插件套餐 v2017.05 版
DeeMax is a VST & AU plugin with following features: You can easily add loudness without disturbing the taste. Only one slider will control everything. Can get fat saturation when you increase the slider. Can be used in LIVE situation since DeeMax runs fast and works gracefully.
DeeComp. Not by tubes, nor by transistors, DeeComp realizes an ideal dynamics solution from software calculations. DeeComp brings you a wide variety of sound-making, including some specific sound that famous simulated/emulated comp VSTs or even hardware comps can never create. You can process any kind of sound sources to best result.
DeeEQ is a VST & AU plugin with following features: You can get the best equalizing with only two sliders. "More(less) bass(treble)"etc.You can use it by your sensuous.DeeEQ is semi-automatic EQ. Cut(boost) by a vertical slider. Emphasize Bass (treble) by a horizontal slider.
DeeFat is a VST & AU plugin with following features: Only one slider will control compressor to get FAT sounds. Can be used in LIVE situation since DeeFat runs fast and works gracefully.
DeeGain is a simple plugin which controls the volume from -20db to +20db. Insert DeeGain between the other effect plugins, then it will work like the gain/trim control of a mixer console.
DeeGate. This is a very simple noise gate that mutes sounds smaller than the volume you set. The threshold can be set from -60 to 0 dB. Muting of noise in mic & line recording, cut the decay as an effector, Extraction of sound beyond a certain volume, etc., the application range is so many and convenient.
DeePanpot. Controls "pan" of the stereo source, not the "balance". Adds "Haas Effect" to reproduce more realistic pan.
DeeSpeaker. DeeSpeaker is a plugin which simulates near-field speaker that are placed at an angle of 45 degrees to 1m destination with a headphone. DeeSpeaker synthesizes the sound as it is generated from real monitor speaker in a good settings, as well as the reflections sounds in studio, by advanced filter processing and phase processing.
DeeTrim. DeeTrim is a simple plugin which controls the volume from -12dB to +3dB. It can keep the output level constant from any input level.
* DeeComp v2.1.1
* DeeEQ v1.0.3
* DeeFat v2.0.0
* DeeFX v1.0.2
* DeeGain v1.1.0
* DeeGate v1.1.0
* DeeMax v2.2.0
* DeePanpot v2.1.1
* DeeSpeaker v1.0.5
* DeeTrim v2.1.0
DATE : 2017.05.28
PC R2R 版
Dotec-Audio Plugins Bundle v2017.05 Incl Keygen-R2R (13.68 MB)
Our homecalling blocking is now based on DLL emulation.
Read included text carefully or die.
Even though our keygen is true one, we included the patched binaries to avoid
annoying system scans that detects hosts patch. We also included their
freeware too because they do scan and calling like paid one.
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