哥们儿,apollo FW确实没有alt monitor,似乎只能上监听控制器。
老外有人建议cue output,但我这没法试。贴给你研究了
https://uadforum.com/apollo-inte ... -console-2-0-a.html
I think you just could send it to some of your extra speakers trough output 7/8 or others with the function you have in the console2 called "mirror to output"
You find that button over the monitor volume next to output "mono" and "mute". Here there is a button that is named "cue outputs", and it opens a menu "mirror to output"
It will mirror the output from monitor to every output channel you select also ADAT and spdif..
From what I see, you can direct 2 extra monitor pair, ex 5/6, 7/8 and monitor.
If you just wanna hear the extra monitor speakers (5/6 or 7/8 ) , you most be able to mute the main monitor channel over the volume knob..
And I think another possibility it is to direct the signal from your DAW.. to one of the stereo outputs. I use Logic and I can easily direct it to any output from my DAW.
Hope you find a solution..