不太了解这个品牌,目前仍然认为VSL D-274是最棒的钢琴,有机会或许会试试这个。
给感兴趣的用户推荐一个移动SSD,SAMSUNG X5,实测的确有2000+MB/S的读写,对于大体积音源非常合适。(顺便我不是三丧的拖,实际上我及其反感棒子,辣鸡棒子欠我7W元,然而同类产品你似乎的确找不到更优替代方案)
System RequirementsRequires NI Kontakt 5.7 or greater (not included).
- A computer that meets the minimum Kontakt requirements.
- 8 GB RAM or more.
- 576 GB (77 GB for minimum install) of free hard drive space (SSD required, partial installation possible)
Solid State Drive or Raid Drive recommended for more than 2 microphone perspectives at one time.
Note: Compatible with the full version of Kontakt only (not included). Not for use with Kontakt Player.
本帖最后由 红茶君 于 19-3-20 08:51 编辑