不单在外面这里,外国也一个热贴讨论rme为什么没有出现在顶级的录音棚的。其中有一段话很有趣:是的,这也是我思考过的事情。大多数高端录音棚都使用您提到的那些。Lynx、UAD、Burl、Avid 或 Apogee。这些确实是您常见的主要品牌。RME 接口的音质很棒,拥有它们的人都可以放心。不过大多数人对 RME 赞不绝口的是它们的驱动程序,这对我来说有点奇怪。这就有点像选择您最喜欢的餐厅,不是因为他们提供您最喜欢的食物,而是因为通往那里的道路铺设得非常好。在声音至上、不容有任何妥协的顶级录音棚里,可能会选择像 Apogee、Burl 或 Lynx 这样的产品。英语原文:Yea, this is something I have thought about as well. Most high-end tracking studios use what you mentioned. Lynx, UAD, Burl, Avid, or Apogee. Those are really the main ones you see. RME interfaces sound great, anyone who owns them can be rest assured. The thing most people rave about RME for though is their drivers, which is odd to me. Thats kinda like picking your favorite restaurant, not because they serve the food you like best, but because the road you use to drive there is paved really nicely. In top studios where sound is number one, where no compromise is made, something like Apogee, Burl, or Lynx will likely be the pick. 本帖最后由 圆舞水 于 24-7-8 20:41 编辑