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MARSHALL 所有电箱头的编年史
Sadly, Jim Marshall, the Guv'nor, passed away on april 5th 2012. R.I.P. Dr.Tube humbly salutes the Father of Loud.
Jim Marshall started building amps in 1962. He did this together with technical friend Ken Bran. Their first amps were very heavily "inspired" on the 1959 Fender Tweed 4x10" Bassman. Little did they know then that they were at the threshold of a rock 'n roll revolution...
1962 The very first Marshall amps that saw the light of day were called the JTM45 amps. These amps were more or less a copy of the Fender 1959 Tweed Bassman. These amps were built as heads (or tops) separated from the speaker cabinets. The speaker cabinets were closed 4x12" Celestion loaded cabinets.
1965 The first combo's (models 1961 & 1962) appeared halfway this year.
Desperate to build a factory large enough to meet demand, Jim Marshall made a deal with the Rose Morris company. In exchange for the necessary funding (to build this new factory) Rose Morris acquired the exclusive worldwide rights to distribute Marshall amps for the next 15 years. Due to this deal the Marshall amps were very expensive these following 15 years.
In this year the Plexi face plates were introduced.
The first 100W models were introduced this year.
1966 The JTM45 panels were changed to the JTM50 panels with the switch to the EL34 output tubes. The GZ34 rectifiers were phased out to be replaced by solid state rectifiers.
1967 The hand bent aluminium chassis was replaced by the steel machined chassis, making the amps much more robust and road proof.
The Marshall 200's were introduced this year.
The JTM panels were replaced by the JMP panels.
1968 The Marshall 200 was redesigned and renamed to the Marshall Major.
1969 The Plexi panels were replaced by gold brushed aluminium panels.
1975 The introduction of the Master Volume amps (2203 & 2204).
1981 The introduction of the JCM800 amps.
1982 The 20th anniversary of Marshall.
The introduction of the JCM800 Split Channel amps (2205 & 2210).
1985 The introduction of the Integrated Bass System (IBS) amps.
1987 The Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary amps.
1988 The first 1959 and 1987 reissue amps.
1989 The introduction of the Series 9000 19" rack system amps.
1990 The introduction of the JCM900 amps.
1991 The introduction of the first Valvestates.
1992 The 30th Anniversary amps.
1993 The introduction of the JCM900 SL-X amps.
1994 The introduction of the Dynamic Bass System (DBS) amps.
1995 The introduction of the JTM30 & JTM60 amps.
1996 The introduction of the second Valvestates.
1997 The 35th Anniversary amps.
The introduction of the DSL JCM2000 amps.
The introduction of the JCM600 amps.
2000 The introduction of the TSL JCM2000 amps.
2002 The 40th anniversary of Marshall Amps!
2007 The introduction of the JVM amps.
2012 The 50th anniversary of Marshall Amps!
The guv'nor, Jim Marshall, passes away.
Viewing this brief history of the Marshall amps, several era's can be distinguished:
The sixties (1962 - 1967) which is the "Jurassic" period of Marshall and is the time of the JTM's.
The seventies (1967 - 1981) was the era of the JMP's.
The eighties (1981 - 1989) was the era of the JCM800's and the first anniversary amps.
The nineties (1990 - 1999) was the era of the JCM900's and the reissues.
Year 2000+ is the realm of the JCM2000's and 40 years of Marshall Amps.
Although this division is not entirely accurate, it does give a good impression of the different era's. The first decade in the history of Marshall is regarded by some as the "Golden Years".
In the following overview, I try to place the amps in some kind of chronological ordering. Keep in mind that allthough I try to be complete, this is obviously not a complete list, though I hope it will be some day...
1962 - 1966 The JTM45's.
1966 - 1967 The JTM50's.
1965 - 1967 The JTM100's.
1967 - 1974 The Majors.
1965 - 1967 The 18W Marshalls.
1967 - 1974 The 20W Marshalls.
1967 - 1981 The JMP's.
1973 - 1980 The JMP Solid State Amps.
1971 - 1978 The Artiste's.
1981 - The 2000 Series.
1981 - 1989 The JCM800 amps.
1981 - 1985 The JCM800 Bass amps.
1981 - .... The Artist amps.
1981 - .... The Solid State amps.
1984 - .... The Mini Stack's.
1985 - .... The Integrated Bass System (IBS).
1987 - 1990 The 25th Anniversaries (Silver Jubilee).
1988 The 1988 Re-Issues.
1989 - .... The 9000 Series.
1990's The Other Re-Issues.
1990 - 1999 The JCM900's.
1992 - 1993 The 30th Anniversaries.
1992 - .... The JMP-1.
1991 - 1993 The Valvestates Mk1.
1993 - 1999 The Valvestates Mk2.
1993 - 1999 The JCM900 SL-X's.
1994 - 2000 The Dynamic Bass System (DBS).
1995 - 1998 The JTM30's.
1995 - 1997 The JTM60's.
1997 The 35th Anniversaries.
1997 - 1999 The JCM600's.
1997 - .... The JCM2000 DSL amps.
1998 - .... The VBA400.
2000 - .... The JCM2000 TSL amps.
Links to other Marshall sites.
Marshall 个人简介
Jim Marshall,于1923年7月21日出生,于2012年4月5日去世,享年88岁,死于癌症。
他本人创立的Marshall 品牌60以年来,在现代音乐历史上 都被好几代摇滚音乐人津津乐道 。
Marshall从1962年开始制造音箱,那是为了满足当时英国摇滚乐队需要更响、更有冲击力的声音的需求。他的音箱,也就是那些上面带着特色手写体的“Marshall”的音箱,造就了一代又一代的音乐传奇,包括Jimi Hendrix、Jimmy Page和Slash。这也使他得到了一个昵称:大音量之父。
James Charles Marshall,1923年出生在伦敦郊区的北肯辛顿一个普通家庭。他的家庭在大萧条时期只能挣扎度日,而这样的经历也给他灌输了强烈的就职欲望和职业道德。“我爸爸在成长过程中经常失业,所以我每次许愿都是希望自己能够早点工作。”他边回忆边说。在他创立自己的音箱公司之前,他做过许多卑微的工作:在餐厅端盘子、在木材厂当工人、在屠宰场当学徒,甚至还在英国战争时期组装过飞机。
Marshall的爸爸给他报了一个踢踏舞班训练他的腿部,作为一个在全是姑娘的班上上课的男生,老师把他定义为“我们的Fred Astaire(美国电影演员、舞者、舞台剧演员、编舞家与歌手)”。之后在家长晚会的演出时,老师让Marshall站上舞台,在一排跳踢踏舞的女孩中间唱歌。乐队头头Charlie Holms,当时作为观看自己女儿演出的一名家长,为Marshall的演唱折服,于是他雇了小Marshall给自己的大乐队唱歌。在14岁的时候,带着他那足以和Bing Crosby相媲美的风格,Marshall开始作为乐队主唱在伦敦的各个音乐厅演出。
在50年代早期,Marshall以他在乐队领域的声名吸引了不少学习打鼓的学生,他还建立了工作室,一时间人丁兴旺。一星期有60到70个学生来他那在伦敦西边的朗斯代尔街道上的小屋里上课。作为一个爵士鼓手,他对摇滚的出现表示尴尬。他的学生里有Keith Moon,也就是之后The Who乐队的鼓手;还有Mitch Mitchell,他之后和Jimi Hendrix同台演出。
1960年,Marshall用他自己的存款开了一家鼓店,位于汉利的欧克斯桥路76号。他在摇滚圈的声望使得他的鼓店变成了摇滚音乐人们的聚集地。根据小道消息,Keith Moon之所以成为The Who的鼓手是因为他看到了Marshall店里招鼓手的传单。而吉他手们因为需要招鼓手等原因开始拜访Marshall的店,这使得Marshall很想在吉他和音箱领域一展拳脚。一年之后,Fender和Gibson的吉他开始出现在Marshall店的橱窗里。
在1961或者1962年的某一天,在Marshall循例去店里转转的时候, Pete Townshend开始和Marshall商量制造一个更响、更有力量的音箱。在1993年的采访中,Pete回忆道:“我想要一支力量更强大的机关枪,而Jim Marshall说他能给我造一个,而这么一来我们就能震惊全天下的乐迷们了。”
既然对好音箱的需求越来越多,Marshall和他的首席工匠Ken Bran开始探索制作的可能性。在1962年的夏天,他们雇佣了Dudley Craven,他是EMI(电子乐器工业)的技术员,他们三人开始认真地研究开发。Jim负责制作金属底盘,Dudley参考了芬达低音炮设计然后画出了原理图,而Bran在陆军剩余物资店找各种能组装音箱的配件。第一个Marshall音箱的型号是JTM 45(J是James,T是Terry,M是Marshall,45是45瓦数,虽然其实它只有35瓦),这只音箱在1962年于Marshall开始售卖。Pete Townshend买了这款音箱第五或者第六个产品,而试用的时候随便弹奏几个和弦之后他说:“以后全世界的音乐都会出自Marshall的音箱。”
虽然音箱的订单每周都能来好几打,音箱制作依然只是一个副业。Jim Marshall只是在教鼓和管店的业余时间制作一些金属底盘,而转机发生在Jimi Hendrix出现之后。Hendrix刚在伦敦的朗尼史葛爵士乐俱乐部闪亮登场,他在那儿的舞台上堆满了Marshall的音箱。他说:“我想见见这个和我一样叫做James Marshall的人。”于是Mitchell在第二天安排了他们的会面。Marshall回忆的时候说:“这个美国人跑到我的店里来说他将会成为最伟大的吉他手,当时我就觉得‘老天,又是一个异想天开只吹牛不买东西的美国佬’。”而相反的,出乎Marshall的意料,Hendrix花全价买下了许多音箱,条件只是要求Marshall提供调适。
而Hendrix的再次登场则是在蒙特雷爵士音乐节和伍德斯托克音乐节上,这使得Marshall牌音箱名声大噪,音箱生意瞬间上升了好几个档次。在随后的几年里,Jim Marshall总说Hendrix是“Marshall”牌音箱的形象大使。1967年时,Marshall音箱的专用工厂在布莱切利的里昂路开张。两年后,又开了一家新工厂。1984年时,工厂搬到了现址,也就是布莱切利的工业园区。
在60年代,The Beatles乐队,British invasion乐队以及摇滚乐的诱惑吸引了大批野心勃勃的企业家进入音箱领域。然而大部分音箱品牌没几年就倒闭了。然而Marshall则一贯地凭良心做生意,不断扩张和发展也不断地投资音箱行业。在1988年的音乐贸易节目采访中,谈论到他的成功时,他说:“永远都别觉得自己是最好的,记住你不可能什么都懂。我制造第一个Marshall音箱是因为那个走进我的店的那小伙说他想要。就算是在今天,我依然会做同样的决定。任何人的意见我们都听——从社会底层人士到高级专业人士,任何人的建议我们都会考虑。只要他们有什么建议,我们就会跟进。”
在Marshall的一生中,他获得了无数荣誉。他被授予大英帝国勋章,多次出席皇后出口奖典礼,在纽约的五城大学获得荣誉博士学位,他是最早进入好莱坞摇滚殿堂的人之一。他也积极参与慈善事业,每年都向白金汉郡青年联盟、伦敦多个俱乐部和麦克米伦护士组织捐出数十万。他也加入了the Grand Order of Water Rats——一个独特的娱乐界慈善组织,其成员还包括Peter Sellers(著名喜剧演员), Charlie Chaplin(卓别林), and Sir George Martin(著名音乐人)。
本帖最后由 Salinx 于 21-1-8 15:44 编辑
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