U2 U2's Vertigo Live Tour is powered by ADK, Steinberg and AMD. Using 2 (redundant) computers, Dual Opteron's with 2 RME Madi cards each, Nuendo and connected to a DigiCo console, U2 is recording 80 live tracks 44.1 at every show. When filming the show the track count exceeds 100. At the end of the show using one our laptops they do a quick master in Wavelab and post a few songs up on thier website. | |
Beastie Boys Beastie Boys' US Tour recorded nightly with ADK's Dual AMD Opterons, RME Madi, Nuendo, connected to a DigiCo Console. 56 tracks 44.1 each show. |
Barry Manilow Barrys recent Las Vegas Shows were recorded nightly on ADK Dual opterons with a pair of RME Madi cards, Nuendo 2 and a DigiCo Console. Up to 112 tracks 44.1 were used. | |
Mark Knopfler Marks European tour is powered by ADK, AMD and Steinberg. With (redundant)Dual Opterons, 2 RME Madi cards and Nuendo 3, Marks tour is recorded every night with 80-90 tracks 44.1. |
Grand Ole Opry The Opry is set up for 56 tracks of 96k or 112 of 48k, Dual opterons powers their Nuendo 3 rig, with a pair of RME Madi card connected to a Euphonics Console. The first recording on this rig |
Feld Entertainment: Disney on Ice Disney on Ice: Touring the US Disney uses an ADK system for live playback. Dual Opterons, Cubase 4, RME Madi. | |
Feld Entertainment: Barnum and Bailey Circus The Ringling Bros. "Greatest show on Earth" entire sound system is run by ADK. powered by AMD Dual Opterons, RME Madi and Nuendo 3. |
原帖由 macubex 于 07-8-31 01:32 发表
U2's Vertigo Live Tour is powered by ADK, Steinberg and AMD.
Using 2 (redundant) computers, Dual Opteron's with 2 RME Madi cards each, Nuendo and co ...
原帖由 dingju 于 07-8-31 01:53 发表
楼上的真的是有心人,我都不知道原来AMD居然会那么棒,以前还一直不敢用它,这次自己用后很是吃惊为什么它那么好那么便宜我还没敢用它,看到楼上的我忍不住"爱"死我的AMD了,扥那个什么"巴塞罗那 ...