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[新闻] Reaper 520五线谱要回归了~

( 33 )
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#31 16-3-8 09:50
v5.20pre16 - March 7 2016
  + Item colors: fix cross-platform color issues [t=173794]
  + JSFX: improve support for swapped mouse buttons
  + Project bay: auto-rename files to avoid collisions when copying to media path
  + ReaEQ: improve appearance of gain labels in graph
  + ReaScript: extend gfx.init/gfx.dock to support save/restore undocked window position
  + ReaScript: gfx.dock() returns last docked state when docked windows are closed by user
  + ReaScript: improve support for swapped mouse buttons in gfx
  + Video: add FFMPEG 3.0 support, remove support for FFMPEG 1.x
  # MIDI editor: restore loading note names by channel, governed by the option "note name actions apply to the active channel only"
  # MIDI: support import/export of key signature events
  # Notation: fixed inserting text notation
  # Notation: note transposition and displayed note head can be customized via note map dialog
  # pan law: fixed display of track 6.02 panlaw

v5.20pre15 - March 5 2016
  + Pan: support -6.02dB pan law [t=165955]
  + Project bay: detect junctions/symlinks/identical files when copying to project path
  + RF64: fixed slow parsing of large files
  + RF64: improve cue/region read/write
  + Sends/hardware outputs: fix non-boost pan laws for newer pan modes [p=1645781]
  + Wave64: cue read/write support
  + Wave: fix cue timing issues above 2 billion samples
  # MIDI editor: deprecated storing different note names for separate MIDI channels on the same track
  # Notation: add support for trill and mordent ornaments
  # Notation: allow notes shorter than the display quantization setting
  # Notation: change storage format (previously saved notation will not be displayed)
  # Notation: display notation text events in list view for information purposes
  # Notation: fix option to not display notes that are far off the staff when grand staff is used
  # Notation: improve beam/flag drawing for 1/32 and shorter notes
  # Notation: improved beaming with respect to meter
  # Notation: sensible default grouping for various time signatures
  # Notation: support editing phrases as a unit by clicking/dragging the phrase mark
  # Notation: support starting new beam on any note
  # Notation: support stretching crescendo/diminuendo marks

#32 16-3-11 07:21
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

#33 16-3-16 12:50


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#34 16-3-17 15:04
v5.20pre23 - March 16 2016
  + Video: extensions to allow VST plug-ins access to video
  # Accessibility: improve dock MSAA notifications
  # Accessibility: improved MSAA notifications
  # Notation: add context menu actions to hide specific pitches
  # Notation: better handling of key signature changes in media items with start offsets
  # Notation: context menu action to identify and notate basic chords
  # Notation: fix cut/copy/paste of phrases
  # Notation: fix inserting time signature changes immediately after another time signature change
  # Notation: support copy/cut/paste
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