本帖最后由 jackjack999 于 16-2-28 03:30 编辑
Waves Complete 9.6.44 NO INSTALL
[[[What and where to copy?]]]
This version does not require installation.
Uninstall the previously installed version.
Attention! In the pack there are hidden files, so before unpacking turn the system the option "Show hidden files and folders".
Show hidden files and folders in Windows 7 cm .: 你吐吧.com/watch?v=P1lMHNHKJpc
Unzip the content by running the file "Waves Complete 9.6.44.exe" (* .exe that you can open the archiver 7zip).
If you have problems unpacking, place the file closer to the root drive.
Attention! Content folder "Addition" is optional.
In order to understand, explore content folder .. \ Waves Complete 9.6.44 \ C \ - this folder - key.
[[[What and where to copy?]]]
Note, if you use the system drive letter other than the letters "C: \",
then you need to take this into account - up should take place exactly on the system drive.
Copy the contents of
.. \ C \ Program Files \ Waves \
in a folder
c: \ Program Files \ Waves \
Copy the contents of
.. \ ProgramData \ Waves Audio \
in a folder
c: \ ProgramData \ Waves Audio \
Copy the contents of
.. \ C \ Users \ (Your Username) \ AppData \ Roaming \ Waves Audio \
in a folder
c: \ Users \ (Your Username) \ AppData \ Roaming \ Waves Audio \,
where "(Your Username)" - means the current user name.
If necessary, install:
Visual C ++ Redistributable 2005 and 2012 of:
C: \ Program Files \ Waves \ Utilities
Head plugin files (shell, WaveShell) are
C: \ Program Files \ Waves \ WaveShells V9, from which they can be copied as follows:
- WaveShell-VST3 9.6_x64.vst3
in C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3
- WaveShell-VST3 9.6.vst3 copy
in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ VST3
- WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll
in C: \ Program Files \ Vstplugins
- WaveShell-VST 9.6.dll
in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Vstplugins
- Folder WaveShell-AAX 9.6.aaxplugin
in C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Avid \ Audio \ Plug-Ins
Installation completed.
Open DAW and plug-ins perform updates the scan.
As a rule, WaveShell - VST2, are located:
- For 32-bit Windows - c: \ Program Files \ VstPlugins \;
- For 64-bit Windows - c: \ Program Files (x86) \ VstPlugins \.
As a rule, WaveShell - VST3, are located:
- For 32-bit Windows - c: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3 \
- For 32-bit Windows - c: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ VST3 \; c: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3 \
Typically, WaveShell - AAX, there are:
c: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Avid \ Audio \ Plug-Ins \ WaveShell-AAX 9.3.aaxplugin \
c: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Avid \ Audio \ Plug-Ins \ WaveShell-AAX 9.61.aaxplugin \
ReWire driver (if you need it) is:
C: \ Program Files \ Waves \ ReWire \ WavesReWireDevice.dll
Text file registration WavesReWireDevice.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Propellerhead Software\ReWire\WavesReWireDevice]
"Device Path" = "C:\\Program Files\\Waves\\ReWire\\WavesReWireDevice.dll"
} The end of the log file of the text (the braces are not included).
In shell2vst folder are: shell2vst.exe, shell2vst64.exe,
- This converter allows you to convert the file VST2 WaveShell * format * in many individual VST2,.
excess of which can be removed. It works from the command line, for example, you can run the command (keyboard shortcut Windows + R (support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/126449)):
c: \ Program Files \ Waves \ WaveShells V9 \ shell2vst.exe "WaveShell-VST 9.6.dll"
c: \ Program Files \ Waves \ WaveShells V9 \ shell2vst64.exe "WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll"
In this case, the files are: shell2vst.exe, WaveShell-VST 9.6.dll and shell2vst64.exe, WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll should be in the folder:
c: \ Program Files (x86) \ VstPlugins \ Waves \
As a result of this utility in the folder WaveShell *. * Formed subfolder "Waves" with lessons VST, you want to rename in "Waves x86" or "Waves x64" according to.
Attention! These commands should be performed by an administrator.
Note created in this utility VST2, prescribed absolute paths to WaveShell-VST 9.6.dll and WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll.