本帖最后由 bjluchao 于 17-1-13 21:34 编辑
我有这个正版,其实是买了好多年了,最近用这个不多了。因为有了WAVES的 H-Reverb.
不过SIR2 这个采样混响还是好,它是0延时的,相比WAVES的IR 其实是有运算延时的呢,虽然这个混响的一点点延时无所谓啦,但SIR2确实0延时很厉害。
(The IR-series does not declare any inherent latency. The reason for this is that the Dry path goes to the output without any actual latency. The process, however, does have some latency: 11.6 ms at 44.1 to 48kHz and 5.3 ms at 88.2 to 96kHz.
Since reverbs are commonly used in an aux send configuration and since most host applications cannot compensate for the delay for plug-in latency on auxiliary sends/returns, the Wet path latency is shown within the plug-in and regarded as a nominal predelay。)
顺便说一下,我看了个这个破解版本的,MAC底下(最新的MAC 10.12.2)破解没问题。
好久不研究盗版插件,但是看在是SIR2,还是回复一个啦 :)
还有就是,关于采样混响,我个人很多年来一直特别喜欢一套免费的Bricasti M7的采样(说是免费,其实人家是希望你能自愿捐助的),声音品质非常的好,大家可以挪步下载:
还有一个原因用SIR2少了,是因为它至今还不支持AAX呢 。。。