Band-in-a-Box® Version 2017 Build 471 Update (60 MB)
This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2017 to Build 471 from any previous 2017 build.
Note: There is also a
RealTracks update patch available here.
Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 471 (Dec 6, 2017) - Fixed: In the Audio Edit window, "Mark this point as Bar 1 of the song" would mark the wrong point if song tempo did not match the audio master tempo.
- Fixed: Song with bar one offset, tempo changes, and base tempo that does not match song tempo - plays audio track out of sync.
- Fixed: Rendering chord sheet as video would fail.
- Fixed: If launching the Updates dialog from the About dialog, launching an installer would open an hidden and inaccessible window (accessible by Enter key, but not by mouse).
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 6, 2017
1.先安装Band in a Box 2017版本的主程序。
BB2017 KB)
2.再到官网下载最新版本的Band in a box Build 471 以及 RealBand 2017 Build 8更新升级版本安装。
3.最后再将附件中的bbw.exe 和 realband.exe 分别解压至相关的安装文件夹后覆盖即可。
Band in a Box 2017
Build 471 with RealBand 2017
Build 8 WIN X86 Patched Only (7.94MB)
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