Please Read This Before Posting!
Be careful what you post, the Internet has sites that store everything that happens which makes getting rid of something you wish you hadn't posted not so easy.
If you decide you want to quit the forums and have your account deactivated we will mark it as Permanently Banned at request of the member.
We will NOT go back and delete your posts, we don't have time for that. Your account will also not be deleted but will be deactivated. We may or may not help you alter an individual post if you've realized you made a mistake that can cause someone trouble, but this is up to the moderators. With over 100,000 members and over 3 Million Posts we can't spend all our time fixing things so...
Rules, Policies, and Disclaimers
NOTE: Our Terms Of Service are now included in this thread
Considering the real-time nature of this message board, it is impossible for us to review messages or confirm the validity of information posted. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the contents of posted messages and are not responsible for any messages posted.
We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this BB or any entity associated with this BB. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email.
We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
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Please also read Comments Concerning Defamatory Postings.
Comments Concerning Defamatory Postings:
The pianoworld.com web site has developed into a popular, communications medium for those who have an interest in pianos. It has become a place where interested parties may communicate on a variety of related subjects.
The proprietors have neither the time nor the inclination to monitor the large number of daily postings, nor to attempt to determine the truth or falsity of any posting. The proprietors have no legal obligation to do so.
The web site is akin to a community clubhouse, a street corner, a bar, a pool room, a college campus, etc., where people congregate to exchange views on various or particular subjects relating to pianos. The owner of the bar or the poolroom, who provides the forum, cannot be held liable for any defamation views expressed by any patron, nor is the owner obligated to determine the truth or falsity of any stated view.
Piano World strongly suggests that postings be factually true. Individuals who enter false, defamatory postings could be held legally responsible. Individuals who believe they have a legitimate complaint against a business are encouraged to take that complaint directly to the business.
Businesses which receive complaints or observe derogatory postings are encouraged to work them out with the individuals involved. Such businesses are certainly permitted to post opposing views.
Piano World has absolutely no legal responsibility for any posting, unless actually written by Piano World. The law is very clear in this area. The Communications Decency Act of 1996 and an ever increasing body of case law have with consistency held Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and bulletin board (BB) operators immune to defamation suits.
Typically the ISPs and BB operators have been released at the pleading stage, sometimes with attorney fees paid by the plaintiff.
In general ISPs and BB operators and in particular pianoworld.com have no legal obligation to try to determine the truth or falsity of any posting. Besides having no desire, they have no means or specific skills to do so. ISPs or BB operators would indeed be a poor vehicle for fact finding.
In essence Congress has chosen to treat ISPs and BB operators the same way the law treats libraries, news stands, book stores, and others with regard to defamation. They are not liable for defamation which is contained in their books, newspapers, or other publications.
Behavior on the Forum
Although we lively discussions and strong opinions are welcome, here are some guidelines:
Don't hijack threads. If you read something in a thread that makes you want to explore a different tangent, start another thread.
Stay on topic. Piano World is the place to discuss pianos, pianists, piano playing, piano music, ... - All Things Piano! The occasional off topic thread gives the forum a bit of spice but please conform to the following:
Mark your thread as off topic e.g., OT - what's the best device for listening to music
Do not start off topic threads on topics that are potentially controversial or inflammatory. Examples include: politics, religion, etc.
Be aware that forum moderators may choose to limit the number of off topic threads in a particular forum.
Repeatedly hijacking threads either to start a new topic or carry on a "side" (but public) conversation is not permitted and will result in a warning and possible suspension of access to the forum.
Discuss what has been said, not the person who said it. Feel free to disagree, even strongly, with something someone has said but note that they're as entitled to their opinion as you are and just because they don't share your opinion doesn't mean they're wrong or deserving of abuse.
If you feel someone is attacking you or a fellow forum member, resist the urge to wade in and do battle. Use the Notify button. It's the icon labeled "Notify" at the bottom of each post. This will give you the opportunity to say how you think the post is "out of bounds" and will send a notice to forum administrators. Note that if you choose to ignore this and respond on the forum, your posts and subsequent responses may be deleted. Repeated infractions will draw a warning and possible ban.
If you feel someone is using the forum improperly e.g., to post spam, advertising, etc., use the Notify button to report it.
Suspension from the forum
While it is our strong desire to allow conversations on the forum to continue freely, violation of the rules discussed here or any other behavior deemed by the moderating staff to be inconsistent with our desire to make Piano World a welcoming, friendly place may result in suspension or termination of your ability to access the forum.
In general, we try hard to be fair and not overly heavy handed. If you step out of bounds, you will more than likely receive a message from a moderator alerting you to that fact and warning you against future infractions. You should take that warning seriously. Subsequent misbehavior on your part will result in a suspension of your ability to access the forum. The duration of that suspension depends on the nature of the infraction. Note that although you will receive notice of suspension or termination from a single moderator, all suspensions or terminations of access are reviewed by the entire moderating team. 本帖最后由 allentsei 于 23-5-10 10:56 编辑