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#466 15-8-8 12:01
本帖最后由 himhui 于 15-9-14 17:08 编辑

A note from giancarlo about the new homebrew line

Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, a little boy started working on a new audio tech. It was 2005.
When nebula was out, in 2007, he started posting on several forums about what the nebula engine was capable for. People was stunned about it. The engine was crashing all the day long, consuming the whole cpu for a single emulation, and using huge amounts of ram. The luckies guy was able to open 4-5 instances of the most basic emulation. But Acustica was born.

We described and released for the first time the first console, tape emulations, equalizers based on dynamic harmonic distortion. We introduced so many concepts, and everybody was laughing at that time.
I've spent literally thousands of hours on every forum, describing what we were doing. Hardware and software developers did not believe us, there was not a single book explaining that even unwanted harmonic distortion (not the one introduced by tubes) helps in the mix. In general you would limit it, harmonic distortion is exactly what an hardware guy tries to reduce togheter with noise and other hardware limitations. Go figure a dynamic harmonic distortion.
At that time most of plug-ins had no harmonic distortion at all, and the one which were implementing it were completely an aliasing mess.

We explained the concept of summing, telling everyone that a real S*L does not color a track too much, but if you mix the whole song with a small phase and harmonic distortion improvement on every track you get a "glued" song, it sounds more "3d", mixing is easier, exactly like on a real console. We SPOILED the reason why hardware was running better than the usual plugin.
We teached.

At that time nebula was a complete cpu hog, several thousands of users started using our tech for mixing, but in most of cases it was a sort of hassle. So other companies started doing what we were doing using a pratical approach, for example IIR filters instead of FIR filters. They copied what we said, they copied each single word. Yes nebula is even superior soundwise (you cannot beat a pure FIR approach like our one even today) but there is the practical aspect even today.
There are so many companies which copied us in every possible way, even repeated our words. Someone even advertised their plugins telling their customers their approach was exactly like our one, but with a minimal cpu load and zero latency.
People keeps forgetting who discovers things, I'm surprised today there are customers who hear things from other developers as they were "new" things.

Now I could say that our acqua plug-in line and nebula4 is approaching what we were missing in all these years:
- the gui: we have a gorgeous and usable gui on our products
- latency: it is reduced further at each new engine release, and we'll approach progressively zero latency. There will be no advantage in using an other software
- cpu load : it is reduced further at each new engine release, also computers are faster and in some case we are even ligher than competitors, especiall considering we emulate also preamps, dynamic harmonic distortion and so on
- load time: it is reduced at each new release

but keeping our stunning quality, which is considered superior by many users. And it is: we have a brute-force approach, we use the best, heavier and boring approach (fir) on the whole model.

But acustica would NOT be acustica just telling you that: hey, we invented the wheel, but other people implemented it properly and we are working hard in order to make our wheel better but several years later.

We invented the wheel in a moment the company was a bit a "concept" company. Audio programming was not even my daily job.

So we decided to invent a new wheel. Now that every possible company on the planet copied what we were introducing in early 2007, we are completely changing the game again.

Let me explain our homebrew concept.
We are creating hardware, real hardware, improving it in every way possible, than sampling it, than improving it also in the software domain in order to get something you would
- 1) not get in the software domain. Most of plug-ins are not even at "nebula level" even today, even if they are more practical and easy on latency and cpu. They "sound like a plugin", when you use many of them your mix is mud and confused compared to a real hardware mix
- 2) not get in the hardware domain. Hardware sounds more glued and 3d, but introduces several limitations we are reducing, sampling it properly, and improving the software results using tools created during these 10 years. When possible we even try to improve the original hardware model because at the moment we are the only company on the planet with an huge "know how" about every possible hardware unit around. During these years all our betatesters and 3rd party developers collected about 100 thousands hours of assessments, and we collected data about thousands of units, and decrypted the reason why and which hardware sounds good just reading our users comments about this or that library.
Than we analyzed that. There is no other company on the planet which could execute "data mining" an all existing hardware. We collected data, and now we have the know how.

So years later we are introducing a new concept: a plugin which sounds BETTER than other all software products but also BETTER than all other hardware products.
Everything is this time deliverd by a real company, with a working tech which is improved every incoming new day, and it is READY and practical.

Like in the previous case, we are years ahead and ALL other companies are LATE again to the party.

#467 15-8-9 00:27

#468 15-8-9 00:50

#469 15-8-11 16:11
himhui 发表于 15-8-8 00:21
這個才是 fa me re...

这是 Sontec 432c EQ ?

#470 15-8-11 21:14
世内仙 发表于 15-8-11 16:11
这是 Sontec 432c EQ ?

對, 這個是自製硬件版的採樣, 原廠的以後也會出來。

#471 15-8-12 00:13
himhui 发表于 15-8-11 21:14
對, 這個是自製硬件版的採樣, 原廠的以後也會出來。

自制硬件是不是 山寨的意思?

#472 15-8-12 09:55
世内仙 发表于 15-8-12 00:13
自制硬件是不是 山寨的意思?


#473 15-8-29 17:21
himhui 发表于 15-5-9 17:40
暫時壓縮只有兩款, TITTANIUM 和AQUAMARINE, 以實用來說應該選TITANIUM, 因為它包括了 分別是一、二和三 ...

AQUAMARINE 这个在 Acqua plugins shop 里没有看到有卖呀。。。

#474 15-8-29 18:22

#475 15-8-29 20:47

#476 15-8-29 21:04

#477 15-8-30 01:23
himhui 发表于 15-8-12 09:55


#478 15-8-30 11:21
wltzhang 发表于 15-8-29 21:04

是的,感谢 himhui 把我从数不清的插件中解救出来,不但学到了很多东西,还省去好大一笔钱。。。

#479 15-8-30 15:07
枯萎的生命 发表于 15-8-30 01:23

這個題目比較大, 其實用法也很自由, 主要是先了解硬件的特性、運作流程, 改變一些只從數字插件得回來的概念和習慣,。我覺得有大家有什麼問題可以發上來討論也較可行。

http://www.audiobar.net/forum.ph ... page%3D2&page=1

http://www.audiobar.net/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D2

#480 15-9-14 11:10
隨著 core 7 快將來臨,  acqua 插件可以進一步把延遲降至 66 samples (=1ms), Nebula 也同時能受惠...


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