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[转贴] 介紹一篇好貼給大家 - 對數字音頻有興趣的不容錯過!

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#46 09-11-28 11:58
該貼長達60多頁, 基本我們想到或沒想到的的問題應該都會包含了,  把它弄過來其實也就趁機做點紀錄, 逼自己認真看一次同時跟大家一起學習和思考。
說到 ppm,  Skip Burriows 也提議用類似 vu meter 的做法

Skip Burrows :
Hey Paul, It’s an real honor, In my pervious Post I was attempting (Perhaps not very well) to describe a meter that would help stop young people from screwing up digital audio. I 1000% agree with you that your meter must show when you run out of headroom. As you better than any human on the planet know, people seem to have this ill conceived notion that you must use up every bit of headroom right from the first stage of AD conversion. My meter I have been trying to work with digidesign on, would be a default mode(changeable by a preference) that would have the -20/ 1.23/+4 reference at about ¾ the scale of the meter, then the remaining 20 db of headroom would still work and show a clip. I have done extensive research with students and my research has shown that this type of design would “Help” stop them from slamming the level to the top all the time. .

Paul :
I agree that the quest to use up all dynamic range is definitely the main problem. And you know the same thing was starting to happen with analogue in the end too, as people started aligning tape machines for higher level on tape in the latter years. And of course the first digital recorders (that needed 5 consecutive clipped samples to put on the red light) used to kick out +20dBV and above straight into analogue consoles which often strained to cope. Many people were using pads in XLR connectors to tame it even then.

I agree that changing meter scales 'could' help, provided people actually conformed to what is presented. But my worry would be that this doesn't actually change the conditions and of course it would not change the 'culture' of thrashing things in the belief that more 'resolution' would be at their disposal. This very basic but highly compelling myth of 'resolution' - which is happily perpetuated by the industry - is at the root of almost
all misunderstanding about digital audio..

In a world where at every level of human existence people have been brainwashed with the almost religious mantra 'that more is always equated to better' - there is little chance of undoing the damage simply by the gentle persuasion of meter scales?

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 09-11-28 12:54 编辑 ]

#47 09-11-28 12:11

回复 compusic 在 #40 的 pid=2449306 的贴子

我引用的那句话里面毫无疑问地没把锋值和平均值区别开. 或者如果说是很明确的峰值0DB设定为-20DBFS,目的为了不至于录入过大电平,那么就有点因哏废食的味道.

另模拟与数字电平匹配的话,VU表的0肯定是与数字的RMS值匹配, 不是与录入信号的峰值匹配,匹配的同时需考虑到HEADROOM,这就与峰值相关了.

[ 本帖最后由 compusic 于 09-11-28 12:20 编辑 ]

#48 09-11-28 12:48

回复 himhui 在 #43 的 pid=2449386 的贴子

非常的提議, 感謝 ddykk-hello!! 我們可以分工去翻

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 09-11-28 12:55 编辑 ]

#49 09-11-28 17:33
這令我想起另一件事,那些時刻也把 Mastering 的插件/硬件掛在總輸出,
才進行 Mixing的朋友,應值得參考一下這貼。

#50 09-11-28 19:45

回复 himhui 在 #34 的 pid=2448835 的贴子

    尤其是你想要你的混音听起来具有纵深的话,你不能让摆在后面的乐器听起来明亮又有光泽。如果所有的高频都没有损失的话,你就要手动的去除他们。If all that high end is captured and it never gets lost, no many how many times you 'run the bits over the record head', they have to be removed manually sometimes.(这句不明白,请高人指点)

    在混音的时候,为了要混出深度的感觉,必须把近距离拾音或者直接line in录下来的声音用EQ来调整,才能使人觉得远近不同。EQ这个词就是最早在电影行业称呼一种设备的,这种设备就是调整高频让人感觉到声音的远近不同的。所以EQ最早就是拿来调整远近的。
    一个观点认为,(now much less important as W/S get more powerful processing这句不明白)你要用EQ的高频来控制远近的纵深你就必须在听全部乐器一起放的时候来调节EQ,这样远近的相互比例才会准确。

#51 09-11-29 14:20


If all that high end is captured and it never gets lost, no many how many times you 'run the bits over the record head', they have to be removed manually sometimes.(这句不明白,请高人指点)

  (now much less important as W/S get more powerful processing这句不明白)你要用EQ的高频来控制远近的纵深你就必须在听全部乐器一起放的时候来调节EQ,这样远近的相互比例才会准确。

1) 每軌所錄下來的高頻都有時須要手動去減少

2) W/S 是 WORKSTATION (工作站) 也是說電腦的意思, PAUL 說以前 電腦效能不足, 不容易每軌都加上 EQ, 現在就沒這問題了。
    you can tweak them against each other to get the correct depth impression   他的意思是調整至正確和合適的深度(距離)感覺..., 至於是不是係都加上要看情況, 不過使用的機會是頗高的....

他說 EQ  原來是為了電影聲音的遠近而設計....這個有趣

#52 09-11-29 14:22
原帖dabeat 于 09-11-28 17:33 发表
這令我想起另一件事,那些時刻也把 Mastering 的插件/硬件掛在總輸出,
才進行 Mixing的朋友,應值得參考一下這貼。

對的,  看過不少工程文件, 電平表面沒破, 而實際上在插件中的訊號都是破的.......

#53 09-11-29 19:22
原帖himhui 于 09-11-29 14:22 发表

對的,  看過不少工程文件, 電平表面沒破, 而實際上在插件中的訊號都是破的.......


#54 09-11-30 14:34

原帖 由 himhui 于 09-11-28 11:58 发表
I agree that the quest to use up all dynamic range is definitely the main problem. And you know the same thing was starting to happen with analogue in the end too, as people started aligning tape machines for higher level on tape in the latter years. And of course the first digital recorders (that needed 5 consecutive clipped samples to put on the red light) used to kick out +20dBV and above straight into analogue consoles which often strained to cope. Many people were using pads in XLR connectors to tame it even then.

I agree that changing meter scales 'could' help, provided people actually conformed to what is presented. But my worry would be that this doesn't actually change the conditions and of course it would not change the 'culture' of thrashing things in the belief that more 'resolution' would be at their disposal. This very basic but highly compelling myth of 'resolution' - which is happily perpetuated by the industry - is at the root of almost
all misunderstanding about digital audio..

In a world where at every level of human existence people have been brainwashed with the almost religious mantra 'that more is always equated to better' - there is little chance of undoing the damage simply by the gentle persuasion of meter scales?

Skip B ...

PAUL 認同人們用盡所有動態的問題是非常嚴重, 更指出這重風氣更吹回到模擬世界, 近年人們以串連數台磁帶機來摧谷音量。 Paul 也同意給予峰值表一些指引的比例確可以幫助大家適應如何表達聲音, 但卻擔心已被洗腦的人們能否改變對數字度越大就越好的心態 , 工業界一向樂意使之成為不朽的真理, 亦是造就了所有數字音頻錯誤概念的根源,   Paul 質疑單是改變峰值表是否真的有效.....

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 09-11-30 14:52 编辑 ]

#55 09-11-30 14:49

回复 himhui 在 #43 的 pid=2449386 的贴子

第一段,Skip Burrows



#56 09-11-30 14:52

回复 himhui 在 #48 的 pid=2451247 的贴子


#57 09-11-30 16:40

回复 himhui 在 #48 的 pid=2451247 的贴子



[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 09-11-30 16:42 编辑 ]

#58 09-12-1 14:12

[ 本帖最后由 大头梦 于 09-12-2 15:17 编辑 ]

#59 09-12-2 14:45



#60 09-12-2 14:57
1、失真并不一定就是坏事,有的时候需要的恰恰是略有失真甚至大程度失真的那种声音——特别体现在吉他方面——当然还是要看自己需要什么样的声音 了
2、是不是失真就会导致动态的减小,比如说吉他的overdrive gain越大,动态越小——电子管的失真已经带有压缩特征了。
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