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[新闻] Cockos Reaper 5.0 (pre-x 版) 內測版 曝光了 ! ! !

( 137 )
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#91 15-1-29 13:14
v5.0pre9 - January 28 2015
  + FX Browser: smart folders (filter-folders)
  + FX browser: options to view JSFX by description and/or filename
  + MIDI learn: fixed action binding corner-case in relatve modes 2 and 3
  + Ripple editing: fixed moving items with other locked items at same position [issueid=5490]
  + Ripple editing: removing time in one-track and all-track mode better respects QN preferences for markers, items, and envelopes
  # Automation: automatically create per-take envelopes when tweaking FX parameters in envelope write mode, if preference enabled
  # Automation: button to open per-take envelope dialog
  # Automation: support for copying per-take envelopes from one take to another by dragging the envelope button
  # Automation: take envelopes obey preference to only draw overlapping above a certain height
  # Fixed "modify MIDI CC/mousewheel" actions
  # VST: fixed some plugins refusing to accept the user setting an .RPL preset
  # Video: allow automation on take FX processors
  # Video: param button for accessing parameters
  # Video: processors support user presets

[ 本帖最后由 bobo198504 于 15-1-29 13:16 编辑 ]

#92 15-2-1 12:34
[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre10 - January 31 2015
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ JSFX: fixed potential crash from gfx_circle() with bad parameters [p=1467110]
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ ReaScript: toggle state support (script toolbar buttons can have on/off states)
[size=13.3333330154419px]# API: added GetToggleCommandStateEx()
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Automation: "render items as new take" copies take FX and envelopes
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Automation: option to add envelope points following writes when stopped
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Envelopes: fixed copying fader-scaled volume envelope points
[size=13.3333330154419px]# FX add: more configurable left pane, improved recall of view
[size=13.3333330154419px]# JSFX: better shortened names
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Plugin routing: don't show sidechain dropdown for input, take fx
[size=13.3333330154419px]# ReaScript: renamed get_context() to get_action_context()
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Take envelopes: fixed default display-envelopes button
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Take envelopes: fixed envelopes sometimes not being drawn
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Takes: reordered buttons
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Video processors: fixed loading of parameter values from presets
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Video: fixed take fx automation timing

#93 15-2-1 14:03

回复 卖血过年 在 #38 的 pid=4354965 的贴子


#94 15-2-1 14:22

回复 卖血过年 在 #38 的 pid=4354965 的贴子


#95 15-2-2 16:29
什么时候能支持 OMF/AAF 就好了........(虽然有扩展文件但是OSX not support)

#96 15-2-4 12:58
v5.0pre11 - February 3 2015
  + Stretch Markers: improved behavior when changing tempo map/moving items across tempo maps
  + Take FX: duplicating FX copies channel counts
  + Take envelopes: when stretch markers are used, transform via tempo map
  # Automation: do not clear latches when starting playback
  # Automation: fixed FX automation writing when starting playback in write mode [p=1471672]
  # JSFX: desc: line tweaks, many fx get secondary desc lines which include longer descriptions
  # JSFX: updated default FX library, win32 installers allow not installing effects/data
  # Take envelopes: fixed envelopes being both applied and copied when rendering items as new take

#97 15-2-10 08:01
v5.0pre12 - February 9 2015
  + Localization: all codecs (wav, video, mp3, etc) dialog boxes and related strings can be translated
  + Localization: new template LangPack
  + Metronome: improved count-in behavior/quality
  + Prefs: fixed track icon alignment setting [p=1473659]
  + WAV reading: support ambisonic WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE files
  # API: GetSetObjectState2 supports take FX envelopes
  # API: added CountTakeEnvelopes and GetTakeEnvelope
  # FX browser: fixed video processor appearing in all folders
  # Fixed various localtime() related crashes
  # MIDI editor: preserve triplet/dotted/swing type when changing grid division via action [t=136307]
  # ReaScript: support scripts with non-ASCII filenames
  # Stretch markers: auto-add markers at item edges when modifying due to timemap
  # Volume envelopes: fixed fader restoring when hiding fader-range volume envelopes [p=1470845]

[ 本帖最后由 bobo198504 于 15-2-10 08:07 编辑 ]
:new template LangPack!!
:new template LangPack!

#98 15-2-16 16:54
v5.0pre13 - February 15 2015
  + Language packs: packs can specify scale for dialog windows using 5CA1E00000000000=xsc ysc
  # API: replaced GetVolumeEnvelopeScaling with a more generic GetEnvelopeScalingMode
  # ColorTheme Tweaker: updating blend modes clears item prerender cache [p=1474182]
  # Mixer: fixed issues with incorrect display of extended mixer FX-add menu [p=1479533]
  # Replaced DEF_SLIDER2VAL/DEF_VAL2SLIDER with ScaleFromEnvelopeMode/ScaleToEnvelopeMode
  # Take colors: fixed colors for multiple takes in lanes with v5 theme [p=1476282]
  # Take envelopes: set new envelopes to current FX parameter value

#99 15-2-24 18:54
v5.0pre14b - February 23 2015
# API: GetProjExtState() api fixes for EEL/Lua (default to 4mb buffer)
# API: GetSetObjectState() better handles take envelopes
# Automation: fixed sample accurate VST/JS automation with non-1.0 project playrate
# Automation: fixed sample accurate automation with PDC
# ReaScript: clear extension config state when creating a new project
# Theme: fixes

v5.0pre14 - February 22 2015
+ Actions: added propagate take and propagate item actions
+ MIDI SPP: fixed SPP sending with project measure offsets at t=0, send SPP when stopped/seeking to t=0
+ MIDI SPP: improved position rounding
+ OSX: CoreAudio latency detection improvements
+ Tab to transient: improved behavior with multichannel media
+ Zero crossing navigation: improved behavior with multichannel media
# OSC: fixed incorrect FX parameter notifications
# Theme: fancy theme updates
# VST: fixed audioMasterAutomate(-1) not notifying undo system

#100 15-2-27 07:24
[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre15 - February 26 2015
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Actions: Take/item propagate actions for all tracks
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Propagate actions: prevent showing lots of take FX UI

#101 15-3-7 03:22
原帖卖血过年 于 15-2-27 07:24 发表
v5.0pre15 - February 26 2015
# Actions: Take/item propagate actions for all tracks
# Propagate actions: prevent showing lots of take FX UI


#102 15-3-10 18:56
[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre16 - March 9 2015
[size=13.3333330154419px]# AU: fixed automation
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Automation: fixed inserting envelope point when take playrate has been edited
[size=13.3333330154419px]# MIDI editor: display half note triplet grid properly
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Mixer: properly scale/clip background when minimum size is used
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Mouse modifiers: added modifer to adjust item contents and right edge
[size=13.3333330154419px]# ReaScript: do not prompt to launch a new deferred instance, terminate the script instead
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Send automation: fixed recording automation when send envelope is set to fader scaling
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Time map: when using project time timebase, always use beats timebase for normal midi items
[size=13.3333330154419px]# VST: fixed renaming plugins (broken in 948f3383c)
[size=13.3333330154419px]# WALTER: added trackcolor_valid, trackcolor_r/g/b values for use

#103 15-3-10 22:40

回复 卖血过年 在 #71 的 pid=4414265 的贴子


#104 15-3-13 08:44
[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre17 - March 12 2015
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ AU: fixed informing plugins of project repeat state
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ MIDI editor: added mouse modifiers to edit note edges ignoring selection
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ MIDI editor: changed default note edge mouse modifiers to match default media item edge modifiers
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ ReaInsert: improved behavior when using PDC, looping, etc
[size=13.3333330154419px]# API: added GetTrackStateChunk()/SetTrackStateChunk(), Item, Envelope versions, deprecated GetSetTrackState()/GetSetTrackState2() etc
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Actions window: show Scripts and Custom actions separately
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Docking/Windows OS: fixed MIDI editor and Media Explorer not obeying to MIDI/OSC bindings when docked [p=1494274]
[size=13.3333330154419px]# MIDI editor: ctrl+alt+click now by default selects note and all later notes
[size=13.3333330154419px]# OSC/Action binding: improved controller value accuracy
[size=13.3333330154419px]# WALTER: added division and subtraction support (/ and -)

#105 15-3-13 09:11

回复 卖血过年 在 #38 的 pid=4354965 的贴子

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