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[新闻] Cockos Reaper 5.0 (pre-x 版) 內測版 曝光了 ! ! !

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#106 15-3-16 11:20
v5.0pre18 - March 15 2015
# Actions: fixed switch toolbar actions [t=157294]
  # Envelopes: apply VCA actions
  # MIDI editor: mouse modifier to stretch notes behaves like a normal note edge edit when note is not selected
  # ReaInsert: allow negative delay offsets when using automatic device latency
  # ReaInsert: fixed more potential sync issues
  # ReaInsert: more accurate pinging (zero crossing check, use of DC offset filter, noise threshold
  # ReaScript: prompt to launch or terminate deferred instances, with option "Remember my answer for this script"
  # Tempo map: fixed changing tempo map point between square and linear transition, using context menu
  # Theming: added envcp_knob_small/large images
  # default 5.0 theme updates

#107 15-3-16 14:41

回复 卖血过年 在 #73 的 pid=4418624 的贴子


#108 15-3-16 16:43

回复 卖血过年 在 #73 的 pid=4418624 的贴子


#109 15-3-16 17:51

回复 卖血过年 在 #73 的 pid=4418624 的贴子

pre18 轨道图标不再错位

#110 15-3-17 12:37
v5.0pre18b - March 16 2015
# Envelopes: apply VCA actions respect selection, oops
# FX: reset PDC when offlining FX
# ReaInsert: more sync fixes/improvements especially when muting/bypassing

#111 15-3-18 10:51
v5.0pre19b - March 17 2015
# VST3: fixed osx UI support

[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre19 - March 17 2015
# MIDI: fixed rendering/etc to midi items
# VCA: Actions to apply VCAs respect envelope point curves
# VST3: fixed support for UIs that notify frame size changes
# VST3: improved config chunk support (fixes Arturia plug-ins among others)

#112 15-3-22 16:40
v5.0pre20 - March 21 2015
[size=13.3333330154419px]+ Project bay: new tab FX parameter envelopes, modulation, and MIDI learn
[size=13.3333330154419px]# API: export TimeMap_GetMetronomePattern
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Envelopes: add undo point when changing volume envelope scale
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Envelopes: fader-scaled volume envelopes snap to +0dB rather than an arbitrary point in the middle
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Envelopes: fader-scaling fix for take envelope toggling [p=1470951]
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Envelopes: fixed fader-scaling/amplitude-scaling conversions when copying items and their associated volume envelopes
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Envelopes: fixed fader-scaling/amplitude-scaling conversions when copying points to/from envelopes
[size=13.3333330154419px]# ReaScript/Lua: better handle extension API errors (e.g. nil parameters) [p=1499037]
[size=13.3333330154419px]# ReaScript/Lua: fixed reaper.atexit() not being called in certain instances
[size=13.3333330154419px]# Transport: fixed potential display corruption on win32 and when docked above ruler
[size=13.3333330154419px]# VCA combining: fixed output on fader-scaled envelopes

#113 15-3-22 19:03

回复 卖血过年 在 #76 的 pid=4423467 的贴子


#114 15-3-30 14:58
[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre21 - March 29 2015
# Envelope actions to increase/decrease envelope points by a small amount now uses 1dB for volume envelopes
# Envelopes: dB-centric editing of volume envelopes (0.2dB normal, 0.1dB on fine)
# Envelopes: moving points/segments shows relative adjustment tooltip
# Faders: allow +0dB as a maximum fader limit
# Media item properties: fixed undocked window position restoring
# Project Bay: improved JSFX title vs filename support
# ReaControlMIDI: UI fixes/optimizations
# ReaControlMIDI: fixed pitch automation
# Transport: doubleclicking time display opens jump-to-time window
# Volume envelopes: added +12dB, +24dB as options for envelope max display
# r5 theme support: fixed grid-through-inline-midi-editor for v5 themes [p=1502257]

#115 15-4-3 17:34
[size=13.3333330154419px]v5.0pre22 - April 2 2015
# Fixed volume envelopes sticking at 0dB
# Jump to time: better marker/region support
# ReaScript/EEL: extension APIs support optional parameters
# ReaScript/Lua: extension APIs support optional parameters
# ReaScript: extension APIs support null/nil project parameters (interpreted as 'current project')
# Video: VLC 2.2.x support
# Volume envelopes: better grid lines for fader-scaled envelopes
# Volume envelopes: fixed 24dB max setting

#116 15-4-19 00:42
v5.0pre24 - April 12 2015
  + MIDI previews: automatically disable anticipative FX in routed-to tracks for open MIDI editors
  # Tab to transient: fixed zero-crossing detection typo [p=1508055]
  # Theme updates

v5.0pre23 - April 10 2015
  + Default preference change: disabled 'Allow anticipative FX processing on tracks with open MIDI editors (will increase MIDI preview latency)'
  + VST: whitelist Voxengo plug-ins to use effSetSpeakerArrangement by default
  # Copy/paste: pasting tracks or importing track templates creates new item groups if necessary
  # Elastique: updated to v3.0.9
  # Envelope: fixed adjusted amount in tooltips
  # Envelope: fixed missing guidelines when moving certain segments
  # Envelopes: relative editing of non-volume envelopes, optional in preferences/envelopes
  # Playback: fixed auto-stop on end of project for multiprojects
  # Project tabs: fixed undo point being added for auto-close of fx chain windows
  # Theme updates
  # Video: fixed flipped RGB decodes of DirectShow videos


#117 15-4-19 01:12

#118 15-4-19 22:34

#119 15-4-21 10:40
v5.0pre26 - April 20 2015
+ Media Explorer: added option 'Play through selected track'
+ Media Explorer: search in subfolders too
# Media Explorer: improved play cursor position for MIDI files
# Undo: added separate configuration for adding points for item/track/envpt selection
v5.0pre25 - April 20 2015
+ Preferences: turned the option 'Create undo points for item/track selection' into 'Create undo points for item/track/envelope point selection'
# AU: when loading preset state, avoid param-change notification messages [p=1510487]
# Actions: fixed MIDI shortcuts improperly triggering alt-recording actions [p=1510114]
# Automation: fixed various issues vs the option 'Allow writing automation to hidden envelopes'
# Mouse modifiers: stretch marker context supports 'No action'
# Tooltips: keep tooltips for most item/envelope editings in the track being edited

#120 15-4-22 11:23
v5.0pre27 - April 21 2015
# Media Explorer: fixed backspace behavior on Windows OS
# Media Explorer: improved 'go to parent folder'
# Media explorer: added action to insert selected portion of media item with loop disabled
# Plugin pin connector: removed sidechain dropdown in favor of a more complete solution which will come at a future time
# Theme updates
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