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#121 05-9-8 17:32

#122 05-9-9 12:43
Midi WorkShop Version 1.6  好像在進化中......

* MWS now passes back Virtual Midi Port names to display in the host VST Midi Port assignment menu with SAWStudio Lite and Full version 3.9h and higher and SAWStudioBasic version 1.4h and higher.

* The Delete key is now active in Live Mode.

* Adjusting note boundaries with the mouse is now active in Live Mode.

* A new option has been added called Step Record Mode. There is a new switch on the MWS MultiTrack next to the Grid switch. Left-Clicking on this switch turns it red and activates Step Record Mode for the current HotTrack.

The track must have a port and midi channel assignment or this mode will not enter data. The cursor shape changes to denote that the mode is active. If using VST synth modules, make sure to activate Live Mode so you can hear the audio output as you move down the timeline. (You can Right-Click on the Play button).

When Step Record Mode is active, you can move the cursor freely with the mouse along the timeline, or use the Left and Right Arrow keys. Turning Grid Mode ON is a nice way to step precisely down the timeline according to the Grid Note duration using the Arrow keys.

You may now use the virtual Midi Keyboard display to enter notes with the mouse, while you use the Arrow keys to step forward. If you hold the note on and move the cursor, the note duration will be determined by where the cursor is when you release the note. If you press and release a note without stepping the cursor, the note duration will default to the Grid Note length, regardless of whether the Grid Mode is active or not. You can enter chords, one note at a time without moving the cursor… then step forward. You may also play notes on your midi keyboard controller and they will record.

Another exciting enhancement to this Step Mode is activated by Right-Clicking on the Step Record button, once it is already activated. This starts an auto step feature which will slowly advance down the timeline smoothly if the Grid Mode is Off or according to the Grid setting if On.

You can Left-Click in the Minus or Plus zones beside the switch to decrease or increase the auto step speed, allowing you to playback the sequence at a crawling pace or at a speed near realtime. The existing track data will be played across all tracks, except the current HotTrack that is recording the data.

You can also use the Select Track options to play only selected tracks, or select only the HotTrack to mute the sound completely. The auto step allows you to step complex music passages in at a very slow speed. If the Grid is On, the notes will auto-quantize as they are stepped in. Right-Click the switch again, to toggle Off the auto step mode, or Left-Click the switch to exit Step Record Mode while leaving the auto settings active for next time.

While Step Record Mode is active, you can still mark and delete entire sections, or select single notes and delete them with the delete key. You can jump the cursor forward and backward by Left-Clicking in the HotTrack. You must exit Step Record Mode to regain control of the rest of the MWS features and normal playback operation.

* A new option has been added called Step Draw Mode. There is a new switch on the MWS MultiTrack next to the Step Record Mode switch. Left-Clicking on this switch turns it red and activates Step Draw Mode for the current HotTrack. The cursor shape changes to denote that the mode is active.

If using VST synth modules, make sure to activate Live Mode so you can hear the audio output as you move the mouse up and down in the HotTrack. (You can Right-Click on the Play button).

When Step Draw Mode is active, you can move the cursor freely with the mouse along the timeline and up and down within the HotTrack. Turning Grid mode ON is a nice way to step precisely down the timeline according to the Grid Note duration.

The up and down movement of the mouse will select the note, and display the note value in the Note Zone Readout display and on the virtual Midi Keyboard display. The sideways movement of the mouse will set the note start position and display its value in the Note Start Position Zone Readout display.

Left-Clicking will create a new note at the current position with a duration of the current Grid Note length. If you hold the left mouse button down when you create the note, the cursor will automatically change to the Extend Cursor shape and jump to the end of the note, allowing you to drag the end position longer or shorter, thereby changing the duration. The duration value will be displayed in the Note Duration Zone Readout as you drag. Releasing the mouse button will redraw the note at the new duration. You must exit Step Draw Mode to regain control of the rest of the MWS features and normal playback operation.

* A new option has been added to the Options Menu called Midi Record Latency Adjust. This option can be used to adjust plus or minus samples for midi keyboard latency. In some cases, usb keyboards may actually cause recording positions to be early by x number of samples. Run some tests by recording against a click track and then noting if the recording is averaging early or late (obviously your timing ability comes into play here also). Use this option to force the recorded data to be adjusted forward or backward when it is dropped to the MT.

* A new option has been added to the Tempo Menu called Sweep To New Tempo Within Range. This option allows you to mark a range and enter a new destination tempo and the tempo will be smoothly swept from the current tempo to the new destination tempo across the marked range, changing at every beat boundary.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed the Click Conductor code to restore the saved Midi Channel when there is no assigned Instrument Device for the saved Port and Channel.

* Fixed main MWS starting workspace from coming up as a black screen when saving F-Key defaults from SAWStudio while the MWS is linked to SAWStudio F-Keys or Alt-F-Keys and not visible as the default.

* Fixed code to stop MWS from playing back data when the SAWStudio RecRdy and Record modes are activated with live inputs and no SRP playback engaged.

* Note Scrub mode now properly detects track mutes.

* Note durations now properly display notes that cross beat boundaries in non-quarter note time signatures.

* The Insert Measures function no longer extends notes that overhang into the insert measure area. The overhang remains the same into the new blank measures that are inserted.

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-9-9 at 12:44 ]

#123 05-9-13 17:46

#124 05-9-13 23:56

#125 05-9-13 23:59

#126 05-9-14 00:52
Originally posted by 小舟xiao at 2005-9-13 23:59


#127 05-9-16 11:57
這裡有一個由bob lentini建議的"如何調校 windows xp pro 提高 sawstudio 的表現, 有興趣可參考,其實就是如何穩定系統, 對別的軟件也同樣有效。


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#128 05-9-16 17:53
老兄,有一点不知道SAW能不能做到 像NUENDO 或者SAM2496 的实时监听呢?
我想SAW既然支持 ASIO 应该没有理由不支持湿听干录的吧


#129 05-9-16 18:28
還未試,不過已在saw的論壇找到答案, 最簡單的方法就是在input channel (錄音的那軌道)加上post 效果就可以了, 若要連效果一起錄,則在pre加效果。

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-9-16 at 19:08 ]

#130 05-9-17 04:03
这样啊  能不能稍微详细点呢 呵呵
我是刚刚接触这个软件 还没有弄清楚 东南西北呢

#131 05-9-17 12:28
一)saw自己開發, 也有第三方的, 如JMS, SONORIS, ANWIDA (響應自動化)
二) DX (不響應自動化)
三) VST (不響應自動化), 必須把vst.dll放到sawstudio下的vstplugins folder


選定軌道(可以是input channel, return channel, output channel), 菜單下打開View>Fx>FX choices, 會看到所有插件; 打開View>Fx>FX pre patches和View>Fx>FX post patches, 在FX choices點選所需插件, 然後在FX pre patches或FX post patches按"Add"便可。

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 06-12-12 15:24 编辑 ]


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#132 05-9-17 14:22
谢谢 您了 我试试 啊

#133 05-9-17 16:42
对了 还忘了问您两个事  
一个是  节拍器的开关再哪里?
还有就是 我的效果器怎么没有您的多啊


#134 05-9-17 16:43
我的只有两个  一个是 EQ  一个是ECHO/DELAY

#135 05-9-17 17:29
你下載的saw3.8a應該還有兩個執行檔, 分別是levelizer和studio reverb

[ Last edited by himhui on 2005-9-17 at 17:33 ]
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