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火辣抢鲜版 Bitwig Studio 1.0.5 版

( 128 )
-  第 9 页  -

#121 15-3-6 10:42

#122 15-4-2 07:13

#123 15-4-2 07:25
Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.1.7Released on 31.03.2015.
FIXEDController API: crash when calling CursorDeviceSlotSection.selectSlot while section is disconnecting.
FIXEDApplication quits on OSX without asking to save when activating it and quitting in one go via Cmd+Tab and Cmd+Q, without releasing the Cmd modifier.
FIXEDPrevent deleting of devices and packaged files in the browser.
FIXEDOccassional crash when working with time selections in the arranger.
FIXEDPDC didn't work correctly with delay-inducing plug-ins put inside Mid-Side Split and Multiband FX-2/3 containers.
FIXEDExport results in cutted audio because of PDC.
FIXEDModulation mappings lost to outer device macros when moving a nested device within the nested chain.
FIXEDRegression in 1.1.7: EQ-2/5 curve does not update when moving nodes.
FIXEDTrack input chooser popup button shows empty string when selecting certain controllers.
FIXEDCrash when dragging clip while overwriting it in recording.
FIXEDController API: crash when passing null for value parameter into RangedValueAtomIntention.set().
FIXEDError saving multisample when the same sample was used multiple times.
FIXEDDragging a clip to a drum pad that is occupied and slicing would add a new chain for that pad instead of using the existing one.
FIXEDDrag and drop not possible from certain OSX apps and from Finder on OSX 10.7/10.8.
FIXEDReversing looped audio clips may result in incorrect play start time.
FIXEDReversed raw audio does not play according to the shown waveform in certain cases.
FIXEDStep MOD was syncing wrong with PDC.
FIXEDNote Pitch Shifter: negative values are off by 1 note.
FIXEDRegression: EQ display didn't update properly in 1.1.7 RC3 when the freq/gain/q parameters were automated.
FIXEDReversing looped raw audio sometimes results in wrong clip masking offset.
IMPROVEDConsolidating many clips with raw audio events did not work correctly.

#124 15-5-12 10:59
是不是不好安装 哈哈

#125 15-5-13 21:59

#126 15-5-23 07:49
本帖最后由 狗公腰 于 15-5-23 07:51 编辑

BITWIG STUDIO 升级至 1.1.8 版


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#127 15-5-23 09:01
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

#128 15-5-23 09:14

1.1 版

#129 15-5-23 20:11
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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