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[新闻] REAPER迎来5.0正式版!

( 136 )
-  第 9 页  -

#121 15-9-11 16:04
v5.011 - September 10 2015
  + Fades: fixed S curve issues from 5.01 [p=1570258]

#122 15-9-12 07:25
v5.02pre4 - September 11 2015
  + Envelopes: added action to manually edit envelope point at cursor
  + Fades: fixed S curve issues from 5.01 [p=1570258]
  + JSFX IDE: detect/prompt to reload JSFX that have been modified externally
  + ReaScript IDE: detect/prompt to reload scripts that have been modified externally
  + ReaScript: allow editing scripts with external editors
  + VST3: possible fix for numpad keyboard issues on certain Windows VST3 [t=165729]
  + VST: improved keyboard support
  # Actions: fixed 'Track: Select track under mouse' for the master track
  # Actions: fixed 'Track: Select track under mouse' vs custom actions [t=88656]
  # ReaComp: support manually editing envelope points with proper formatting [p=1570607]

v5.02pre3 - September 4 2015
  + API: added OpenColorThemeFile(), GetLastColorThemeFile()
  + API: added OpenMediaExplorer()
  + FX: optimized/hardened parameter automation notification code
  + Time display: fixed measures/beats time display when in preroll before t=0
  # Selection: fixed marquee item/envelope point selection not obeying some locking options
  # Selection: fixed select all tracks/envelope points vs some locking options [p=1538248]
  # Snap offset: fixed rounding in action to snap to nearest grid
  # VST: re-enabled disabled notetrackers

v5.02pre2 - September 1 2015
  + VST2: support for note off velocities
  + VST3: REAPER Extension API made available to VST3 plug-ins
  # SoundTouch: support up to 64 channels
  # Track manager: fixed rows drag-drop (reorder tracks)
  # VST: temporarily disabled notetrackers for diagnostic purposes

v5.02pre1 - August 31 2015
  + API: GetSetMediaTrackInfo() and related functions support P_MCP_LAYOUT and P_TCP_LAYOUT (get/set track layout names)
  + API: added GetMediaSourceParent()
  + API: added IsProjectDirty()
  + Audio Units: better handling of plug-ins with variable channel counts, reinitialize when track channel counts change
  + Preferences: fixed option 'Show splash screen on startup' being ignored in certain instances
  + ReaScript: sanity checks for Undo_BeginBlock/Undo_EndBlock and PreventUIRefresh
  + SoundTouch: allow stretch rates up to 1000x
  + SoundTouch: updated to 1.9.0
  + Track manager: better selection state tracking when reordering tracks
  + Track manager: fixed auto-scroll when adding tracks on Windows [p=1533564]
  + Track manager: fixed scroll issues with reordered columns on OSX [p=1564036]
  + Track manager: prevent flashing selection state when reordering tracks
  + Track manager: support sorting by custom track color
  + VCA: fixed reset of master envelope when applying single-point volume envelopes to slaves
  + VST3: convert MIDI channel pressure messages to VST3 aftertouch
  # API: PreventUIRefresh() supports track layout updates
  # MIDI editor: prevent truncating events when using list view and the enclosing media item does not include all midi source data (reverts 61cd09c0)

#123 15-9-19 07:55
本帖最后由 zev1993 于 15-9-19 07:59 编辑


#124 15-9-19 07:55
本帖最后由 zev1993 于 15-9-19 08:00 编辑

入手REAPER discounted license

#125 15-9-19 07:56
本帖最后由 zev1993 于 15-9-19 08:02 编辑


#126 15-9-19 07:56
v5.02pre5 - September 14 2015
  + Actions: solo/unsolo, mute/unmute actions obey grouping
  + Control surfaces: mute/solo obey grouping
  + Items: fixed weird volume knob appearance on very small media items
  + VLC: fixed native decoding to RGB/YUY2
  + VoiceOver support: always allow voiceover slider changes even with new 5.0 default ignore-mousewheel setting
  # VST: more keyboard fixes, should fix Bidule issues

#127 15-9-19 07:57
v5.02pre6 - September 16 2015
  + HMSF: correctly handle negative HMSF project offsets when parsing HMSF strings
  + MIDI export: detect and convert legacy Latin-1 encoded text events
  + MIDI export: export text events using UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII
  + MIDI export: fix Latin-1 string filtering bugs with UTF-8 codepoints U+100-U+7FF
  + MIDI: convert latin-1 text events to UTF-8 on .mid import [t=166423]
  + Project settings: rename "use cursor" to "set 0:00 to cursor", make behavior closer to that of REAPER 4.x
  + VST3: support plugins that implicitly detect sidechains [p=1572212]
  + Windows: support more UTF-8 characters in various combo/edit boxes

#128 15-9-22 14:17
v5.02rc1 - September 19 2015
  + API: add EnumerateFiles and EnumerateSubdirectories [t=165856]
  + API: add GetProjectTimeOffset()
  + ReaScript console: avoid latin-1 vs UTF-8 character set issues
  + ReaScript: encode HTML entities when generating ReaScript documentation
  + Lua: support popen on OSX

#129 15-9-22 14:18
v5.02rc2 - September 21 2015
  + API: enable MIDI_SetEvt for channel messages [t=166494]
  + JSFX IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
  + ReaScript EEL IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
  + ReaScript/JSFX IDE: update selection/cursor when indenting block text
  # API: fixed GetProjectTimeOffset export to ReaScript

#130 15-9-23 00:03
v5.02 - September 22 2015
+ Actions: make solo and mute actions obey grouping
+ API: add EnumerateFiles and EnumerateSubdirectories [t=165856]
+ API: add GetProjectTimeOffset, GetMediaSourceParent, IsProjectDirty
+ API: add OpenColorThemeFile, GetLastColorThemeFile, OpenMediaExplorer
+ API: enable MIDI_SetEvt for channel messages [t=166494]
+ API: enable GetSetMediaTrackInfo and related function support for P_MCP_LAYOUT and P_TCP_LAYOUT (get/set track layout names)
+ Audio Units: improve handling of plug-ins with variable channel counts
+ Control surfaces: make mute and solo obey grouping
+ Control surfaces: add MCU surface option to ignore global surface offset
+ Envelopes: add action to manually edit envelope point at cursor
+ FX: optimize/harden parameter automation notification code
+ HMSF: correctly handle negative HMSF project offsets when parsing HMSF strings
+ Items: fix weird volume knob appearance on very small media items
+ JSFX IDE: detect/prompt to reload JSFX that have been modified externally
+ JSFX IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
+ JSFX IDE: update selection/cursor when indenting block text
+ Lua: support popen on OSX [t=166043]
+ MIDI: detect and convert legacy Latin-1 encoded text events on export
+ MIDI: export text events using UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII
+ MIDI: fix Latin-1 string filtering bugs with UTF-8 codepoints U+100-U+7FF
+ MIDI: convert Latin-1 text events to UTF-8 on .mid file import [t=166423]
+ MIDI: fix truncated events in list view editor when source MIDI extends beyond enclosing media item bounds
+ Preferences: fix option 'Show splash screen on startup' being ignored in certain instances
+ Project settings: rename "use cursor" to "set 0:00 to cursor", make behavior closer to that of REAPER 4.x
+ ReaComp: support manually editing envelope points with proper formatting [p=1570607]
+ ReaScript: fix Latin-1 vs UTF-8 character set issues in console
+ ReaScript: use Ctrl+R in IDE for open EEL import lines
+ ReaScript: fix tab insertion for EEL editor
+ ReaScript: detect/prompt from IDE to reload scripts that have been modified externally
+ ReaScript: update selection/cursor when indenting block text in IDE
+ ReaScript: allow editing scripts with external editors
+ ReaScript: encode HTML entities when generating ReaScript documentation
+ ReaScript: sanity check Undo_BeginBlock/Undo_EndBlock and PreventUIRefresh
+ Selection: fix marquee item/envelope point selection not obeying some locking options
+ Selection: fix actions to select all tracks/envelope points not obeying some locking options [p=1538248]
+ SoundTouch: update to 1.9.0, allow stretch rates up to 1000x, up to 64 channels
+ Time display: fix measures/beats time display when in preroll before time 0.0
+ Track manager: improve selection state tracking when reordering tracks
+ Track manager: fix auto-scroll when adding tracks on Windows [p=1533564]
+ Track manager: fix scroll issues with reordered columns on OSX [p=1564036]
+ Track manager: prevent flashing selection state when reordering tracks
+ Track manager: support sorting by custom track color
+ VCA: fix reset of master envelope when applying single-point volume envelopes to slaves
+ VLC: fix native decoding to RGB/YUY2
+ VoiceOver: always allow VoiceOver fader/knob changes even with new 5.0 default ignore-mousewheel setting
+ VST: improve keyboard support
+ VST: send VST2 note-off velocities
+ VST: convert MIDI channel pressure messages to VST3 aftertouch
+ VST: fix numpad keyboard issues for certain Windows VST3 [t=165729]
+ VST: REAPER Extension API made available to VST3 plug-ins
+ VST: support VST3 plugins that implicitly detect sidechains [p=1572212]
+ Windows: support more UTF-8 characters in various combo/edit boxes

#131 15-9-25 09:32
v5.03 - September 24 2015
  + AU: fix crash with certain plug-ins introduced in 5.02
  + JSFX IDE: preserve indentation when pasting
  + Performance: prevent increasing memory use when stopping under certain circumstances [t=166728]
  + ReaScript IDE: preserve indentation when pasting
  + ReaScript: add preference to not clear console on ShowConsoleMsg("")

#132 15-9-25 12:41

#133 15-9-27 00:06

#134 15-10-2 14:45
v5.04 - October 1 2015
  + API: add ClearConsole()
  + Audio Units: fix compatibility with various plug-ins
  + JSFX: fix double-click selection in IDE [p=1576193]
  + JSFX: improve handling of tabs, indentation, and line endings in IDE
  + MIDI editor: prevent invalid position/length values in note/event properties
  + OSX: fixed combo-box related issues in 10.10+
  + ReaScript: fix double-click selection in IDE [p=1576193]
  + ReaScript: improve handling of tabs, indentation, and line endings in IDE
  + ReaScript: add preference to clear console before running script
  + Render: add $timelinecount wild card, to number rendered items in timeline order [t=166675]
  + Render: correctly support limiting rendering to realtime when rendering subsequent regions
  + Render: show overall realtime/estimated time statistics when rendering regions

#135 15-10-3 09:23
v5.05pre1 - October 2 2015
  + API: add GetTakeStretchMarkerSlope, SetTakeStretchMarkerSlope
  + Custom actions: prevent truncated action names in the editor [t=166802]
  + MIDI editor: fix event corruption when handling MIDI with mixed note-on/note-off messages for the same note at the same time
  + ReaScript: use deterministic command ID string when adding scripts as actions
  + OSX: workaround El Capitan refresh-during-mouse-edit issues (experimental)
  + VST: fix UI threading issues with certain VST3 plugins
  + Stretch markers: add mouse modifier context for marker rate, various rate-envelope-like behaviors
  + Stretch markers: adjust media item length automatically when editing stretch markers
  + Stretch markers: support for linear rate transitions between markers
  # Stretch markers: adjust media item right edge when editing rate
  # Stretch markers: mouse modifier to adjust marker rate while allowing marker to move left/right
  + Cursors: added arrange_stretchmarker and arrange_stretchmarker_rate
  + Media Explorer: fix stuck MIDI notes vs Sustain Pedal events (CC64)
  + Media Explorer: fix zoom issues [t=166739]
  + Media Explorer/Native Browser: fix .lnk files selection/auto-play
  + Media Explorer/Win: fixed various issues vs international characters in 'Windows Explorer' mode [issueid=5271][issueid=5062]
  + Media Explorer: .lnk files support default commands (double-click/ENTER key)
  + Media Explorer: fix actions "rewind/fast forward a little" with tempo match ON
  + Media Explorer: fix auto-advance stopped unexpectedly vs certain media files
  + Media Explorer: fix auto-advance/auto-play stopped unexpectedly vs non-media files
  + Media Explorer: fix playback potentially stopped unexpectedly when navigating folders
  + Media Explorer: fix playback stopped unexpectedly with "auto-play" option OFF
  + Media Explorer: fix seeking in paused state with tempo match ON
  + Media Explorer: fix sync loss when unpausing with tempo match ON
  + Media Explorer: fix the action "play/pause from last seek position" with tempo match ON
  + Media Explorer: resize/hide/rename/reorder/sort shortcuts
  + Media Explorer: small width layout
  + Media Explorer: start playing from cursor position when relevant
  # Media Explorer: fixed seeking with (imported) MIDI files [p=1522111]
  # Media Explorer: internal improvements
  # Media Explorer: prevent frozen video preview through selected tracks [p=1524275]
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