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[新闻] Halion Sonic SE 3 免费了,HyperSonic 可以下课了?


#1 17-4-6 09:48
本帖最后由 Rayven 于 17-4-6 13:06 编辑

Set yourself free with HALion Sonic SE

HALion Sonic SE 3 is a stripped-down version of HALion Sonic 3 without giving up on sound quality and accessibility. The streamlined VST workstation lets you load and play a plethora of sound content: the SE libraries shipping with Steinberg’s digital audio workstations, VST Sound Instrument Sets for HALion and the custom user libraries created within the HALion 6 sampler and sound creation system.

HALion Sonic SE 3 is available for free as a plug-in for any VST3, VST2, AU and AAX compatible host and as a stand-alone application for macOS and Windows.

The free HALion Sonic SE download version does not contain any content.

用HALion Sonic SE释放您的创想

HALion Sonic SE 3是HALion Sonic 3的简化版本,但没有放弃原有的音质和可用性。您可以使用这个高效的VST工作站加载无数的内容:Steinberg的DAW附赠的SE libraries、HALion的VST Sound Instrument Sets以及使用HALion 6创建的用户声库。

HALion Sonic SE 3现作为免费插件,可在任何支持VST3, VST2, AU以及AAX的宿主内使用,并提供独立运行版本,同时支持macOS和Windows系统。

请注意:免费下载版的HALion Sonic SE不包含任何声库内容。

请问诸位,不想买狗,是不是可以下个HALion6免狗全功能试用,保存所有库,然后用免费的HALion Sonic SE 3加载

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