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EastWest Opus Load Error

( 5 )


EastWest Opus Load Error

EastWest Opus Load Error,There is no license for this product.
Key file not found

Alright, if this error is occurring, please try the following below in order to proceed -

1. Start by closing up the DAW you're using, and re-downloading/reinstalling Opus in the latest version below as a fresh reinstall -

OPUS v.1.5.5:

2. From there, after installing Opus, close your DAW and if you already have Opus open, then reopen it in Standalone mode by going to Applications > East West > and click on the Opus icon there or on PC, this would be in C: \Program Files\East West. Then, when you open it, you will get a prompt to run updates. Confirm the updates, which should install the product licenses in Opus.

3. If you don't get this update prompt, close Opus, then go to this folder -
/Library/Application Support/East West or on Windows, C:\Program Data\East West ---> Where Program Data is a hidden folder, so you'll need to select 'View > Show hidden files and folders' for this to show up.

3b. Once you're inside that folder, delete the Catalog.txt and Downloads.log files and then empty the trash.

4. From there, reopen Opus and then it should activate the updates again for you to install.

Excellent! Happy to help!
Enjoy your day as well, all the best!



我的Program Data文件夹里并没有Downloads.log文件,因此这个方法还是不行

本帖最后由 GTM 于 24-12-8 07:28 编辑

音色库都下载安装好了,Opus里就是不识别,EastWest Opus Load Error,There is no license for this product.
Key file not found,永远跟我来这句话,这还咋用啊

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1N3BelOh37KrotqVEQM-7pw?pwd=m124 提取码: m124 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦

PC:在文件夹地址栏打开 C:\Program Data\East West,
Mac地址是: /Library/Application Support/East West 把这个文件解压缩放到上面目录下,这是因为升级文件部分被墙了,没下载下来,就是ProductS目录里缺文件,复制完重启电脑就应该可以了

PC C:\Program Data\East West\Opus,和MAC Mac地址是: /Library/Application Support/East West\Opus目录下也放一份, 然后重启电脑再看
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