I own many vintage instruments, from a Mellotron M-400, , Hammond organ, Prophet 5, OBX-a, Pianets, RMI Electra Pianos, Rhodes, Wurlies, Multimoog, Matrix-6 (and even a few digital synths like the D-10 and Juno alpha and many rank mounted modules like the Matrix 1000, Vintage keys, V3, etc. The vintage equipment is very tempermental, susceptible to constant break-downs, minor problems and sonic foibles, but when working (now there is a caveat!) sound amazing, whether just noodling through an amp or in a mix.
Nonetheless, I basically replaced all my hardware vintage synths with software versions (B4, Pro-52, M-Tron, Mike Pinder's Mellotron Sample Disc, Reaktor (with many vintage ensembles bought via Dashsynthesis), Mini-E, EVP-88, Sonic Synth and many vintage CD-ROMs via the EXS24. I condensed my whole studio garage into a computer and workstation in my den (via Logic Control and the Motu 82 . Relaibility is sometimes a problem with ASIO errors and flakely Logic Audio software. Nonetheless, [B]the soft synths sound reasonably good[/B]. I've A/B'd patches on the Pro-52 compared to the real Prophet and the real thing sound a bit more alive, i.e. less digital sounding. [B]But really, that may only be because it is going through a power amp and speakers[/B]. In a mix, who the heck would even know that it was software prophet.
I do find that all the softsynths, especially the typical 2 osc. synths, sounds highly similar. You can get pretty similar sounds via Reaktor and the Model E. [B]It may just be that they are going through the same hardware (828 or EMI 2/6)[/B], but still, there is sort of a sameness to all of these softsynths. In other words, they lack personality, which is something the vintage synths had loads of - you can isntantly hear the difference between a Prophet and a Mini.
Like any emulation or clone, it may get close to the real thing, but it is not the real thing. In practical terms though, my technician (Davidson Electronics) hates me because I don't send my keyboards into repair as often)